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教育经历 1984.9 - 1987.7 东台市安丰中学 普通高中毕业 1984.9 - 1987.7 普通高中毕业 1994.3 - 1997.3 浙江大学 金属材料及热处理 博士研究生毕业 工学博士学位 1991.9 - 1994.4 东南大学 铸造 硕士研究生毕业 工学硕士学位 1987.9 - 1991.7 东南大学 铸造 大学本科毕业 工学学士学位 工作经历 2005.4 - 至今 南京航空航天大学 2005.4 - 2012.4 南京航空航天大学 2002.8 - 2005.4 格拉斯哥大学 2000.5 - 2002.6 牛津大学 1999.5 - 2000.5 于利希研究中心 1997.4 - 1999.4 东南大学 科研项目 [1] 低功耗变压器用软磁合金性能研究 [2] 低功耗变压器用非晶合金性能研究 [3] 电力变压器用铁基非晶合金性能研究 [4] 永磁铁氧体材料研究 [5] 压磁薄膜材料的直接磁性耦合设计 [6] 非晶电热合金研发 [7] 高性能软磁铁氧体材料研发 [8] 高性能非晶软磁薄带的研制 [9] 一二次融合环网柜相关材料技术 [10] 非晶合金带材及应用技术 [11] 高性能电子功能材料及其制备技术 [12] 高导宽频软磁铁氧体材料研发 [13] 一种提高XX自旋阀结构多层膜结构中偏置场稳定性方法 [14] Fe基非晶软磁合金性能与微结构的关联性研究 [15] 纳米磁电子器件无掩模制备的材料科学问题 [16] 层状磁电复合材料的化学镀制备与磁电耦合效应 [17] 材料的热处理方法设计及制备过程研究 [18] 磁电复合材料的化学镀法制备与磁电耦合性能 [19] 精密电子器件用低磁滞伸缩铁基纳米晶软磁薄带研究 [20] 第十一批“六大人才高峰”资助经费 授课信息 金属腐蚀与防护Ⅰ /2020-2021 /秋学期 /28课时 /0.0学分 /06103570 电子功能材料学 /2020-2021 /秋学期 /40课时 /0.0学分 /06103540




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[1] 王寅岗,王寅岗,王寅岗等.Modulating the crystallization process of Fe82B12C6 amorphous alloy via rapid annealing.Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2019 [2] 王寅岗,王寅岗,王寅岗等.Optimization of room temperature multiferroic properties and magnetoelectric coupling effect in MnO2 doped BiFeO3?Bi0.5K0.5TiO3 ceramics.Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,2019 [3] 王寅岗,王寅岗,王寅岗等.Temperature dependences of strain and charge effects modulated by electric fields in a STO/Fe3O4/Au/PZT multiferroic heterostructure.Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics,2019 [4] 王寅岗,王寅岗,王寅岗等.Structure origin of abnormal magnetic behavior of Fe-P-C amorphous alloys.Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,2019 [5] 王寅岗,,等.Influence of individual phases on the magnetoelectric coupling and electromechanical response in (1???x)Ba0.83Ca0.10Sr0.07TiO3-xBiFeO3 (x?=?0–0.30) multiferroic composites.J Magn Magn Mater,2020 [6] 王寅岗,,等.Influence of individual phases on the magnetoelectric coupling and electromechanical response in (1-x)Ba(0.83)Ca(0.10)Sr(0.07)TiO(3-)xBiFeO(3) (x=0-0.30) multiferroic composites.JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS,2020 [7] 王寅岗,王寅岗,王寅岗等.Existence of heterogeneous phases with significant improvement in electrical and magnetoelectric properties of BaFe12O19/BiFeO3 multiferroic ceramic composites.Ceramic International,2019 [8] 王寅岗,王寅岗,王寅岗等.Strain and charge modulated magnetization in a BTO/Fe3O4/Au/BTO multilayered heterostructure.Applied Physics Letters,2019 [9] 王寅岗,王寅岗,王寅岗等.Enhanced magnetic, ferroelectric and optical properties of Sr and Co co-doped BiFeO3 powders.Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2019 [10] 王寅岗,王寅岗,王寅岗等.Effect of synthesis conditions on microstructure and multiferroic properties of magnetoelectric Ca2Bi4Ti3.5Mn1.5O18 solid solutions.Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2019 [11] 王寅岗,王寅岗,王寅岗等.Structural evolution in 0.67(SmxBi1?x)FeO3-0.33BaTiO3 solid solution and its effect on multiferroic properties at room temperature [12] 王寅岗,王寅岗,王寅岗等.Recovering the bending ductility of the stress-relieved Fe-based amorphous alloy ribbons by cryogenic thermal cycling.Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2019 [13] 王寅岗,王寅岗,王寅岗等.Structure, magnetic and ferroelectric properties of Sm and Sc? doped BiFeO3 polycrystalline ceramics.Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2019 [14] 王寅岗,王寅岗,王寅岗等.Temperature dependent magnetism modulated by electric fields at the NiFe/PZT interface [15] 王寅岗,王寅岗,李扬等.Structural evolution and its effect on multiferroic properties in magnetoelectric 0.67Sm0.12Bi0.88FeO3–0.33BaTiO3 ceramics by tuning the cooling rate [16] 王寅岗,王寅岗,翟晓炳等.Influence of Ni substitution for B on crystallization behavior, microstructure and magnetic properties of FeBCu alloys [17] 王寅岗,王寅岗,王寅岗等.Structure and multiferroic properties of ternary (1?x)(0.8BiFeO3-0.2BaTiO3)-xK0.5Na0.5NbO3 (0≤x≤0.5) solid solutions.Ceramic International,2019 [18] 王寅岗,陆羽伦,王寅岗等.Enhanced modulation of magnetization in the Fe3O4/MgO/SrTiO3 heterostructure by electric field [19] 王寅岗,王寅岗,王寅岗等.Influence of Ni substitution for B on crystallization behavior, microstructure and magnetic properties of FeBCu alloys.JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS,2019 [20] 王寅岗,,等.Structural mechanisms of the high glass-forming ability in CuZrTiPd metallic glass.J Mater Sci,2019
