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薛敏,副研究员,2011年获南京航空航天大学电子信息科学与技术学士学位,2016年获南京航空航天大学通信与信息系统专业博士学位。2019-2020年获“香江学者”计划项目(Hong Kong Scholar Program)(全学科60人/年)资助赴香港理工大学交流学习。长期从事超高分辨率光矢量分析技术研究工作,已在国际著名期刊与学术会议上发表学术论文50余篇,在国际会议作特邀报告6次;申请发明专利40余项(含3项美国发明专利,2项PCT专利),已授权37项(含3项美国发明专利)。仪器已应用于包含三家上市公司在内的15家单位47种高端光器件的研发和生产,其中31种实现了量产。担任微波光子学领域顶级会议MWP 2017的Publication Co-chair,ICOCN 2015本地组委会成员。 获奖情况: 1. 2021年5月,第二十二届中国专利优秀奖(排名2)。 2. 2020年3月,2019年江苏省科学技术一等奖(排名2)。 3. 2021年7月,2021年度“中国航空学会科学技术奖”,科技进步三等奖。 4. 2019年3月,2018年香江学者奖(Hong Kong Scholars Award)【全学科60人/年】。 5. 2017年3月,第45届日内瓦国际发明展特别金奖(Gold Medal with the congratulations of the jury in the 45th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva)【大会最高奖】。 6. 2017年11月,第十九届中国国际工业博览会大会银奖(43项大会奖项之一,产品类唯一来自高校的获奖项目)。 7. 2018年2月,南京市第十二届自然科学优秀学术论文奖。 8. 2017年12月,2017年度南京航空航天大学优秀博士学位论文。 入选人才计划: 1. 2020年1月,第五届中国科协青年人才托举工程(2019-2021年),国家级【全学科300人/年】。 2. 2019年7月,2019年度江苏省科协青年科技人才托举工程,省部级。 3. 2018年7月,“香江学者”计划项目(Hong Kong Scholar Program),省部级【全学科60人/年】。 4. 2019年7月,2019年度江苏省博士后科研资助计划(A类),省部级。 5. 2020年8月,南京航空航天大学“长空之星”,校级。 项目情况: 主持了国家重点研发计划重大科学仪器设备开发专项、国家自然科学基金面上基金、国家自然科学基金青年基金等项目10余项。 发明专利: 1. Min Xue, Shilong Pan, Ting Qing, Shupeng Li, and Yuqing Heng. Method and System for Optical Vector Analysis, US Patent, Authorization No.: US10205518B1, Date: 12-FEB-2019. 2. Min Xue, Yuqing Heng, and Shilong Pan. Method and System for Optical Vector Analysis Based on Double-Sideband Modulation, US Patent, Authorization No.: US10348412B1, Date: 9-JUL-2019. 3. Shilong Pan, Min Xue, Shupeng Li, Jianbin Fu, and Wansheng Pan. Method and System for Optical Vector Analysis, US Patent, Authorization No.: US10171174B1, Data: 01-JAN-2018. 4. 薛敏,吕明辉,潘时龙. 一种基于混频的光电探测器频响测量方法及装置. 中国发明专利,授权号:ZL201910933271.5,授权日期:2020-10-02。 5. 薛敏,吕明辉,潘时龙. 相干光接收机的频谱响应测量方法及装置. 中国发明专利;授权号:ZL201910923782.9,授权日期:2020-07-31。 6. 薛敏,朱贝贝,陈维,潘时龙,“基于镜频抑制的快速光谱测量方法及装置”,中国发明专利,授权专利号:ZL201810318650.9,授权日期:2020-06-19。 7. 薛敏,吕明辉,潘时龙.基于双频调制的相干光接收机参数测量方法、装置,中国发明专利,授权号:ZL201910166150.2,授权日期:2020-04-07。 8. 薛敏,陈维,衡雨清,潘时龙,徐忠扬. 一种基于载频抑制的光器件频谱响应测量方法及装置.中国发明专利,授权号:ZL201810744158.8,授权日期:2019-08-16。 9. 薛敏,潘时龙,衡雨清. 光电探测器频率响应测量方法及装置. 中国发明专利,授权号:ZL201710950882.1,授权日期:2019-06-14。 10. 薛敏,衡雨清,潘时龙. 基于双边带与移频的光器件测量方法、装置. 中国发明专利,授权号:ZL201711361767.7,授权日期:2019-05-10。 11. 薛敏,潘时龙,衡雨清. 一种电光调制器频率响应测量方法及测量系统. 中国发明专利,授权号:ZL201610958264.7,授权日期:2019-04-05。 12. 薛敏,潘时龙,衡雨清,王祥传. 一种光电探测器频率响应测量方法及测量系统. 中国发明专利,授权号:ZL201610958263.2,授权日期:2019-01-04。 13. 薛敏,卿婷,潘时龙,李树鹏,衡雨清. 光器件频响测量方法及测量装置. 中国发明专利,授权号:ZL201710591672.8,授权日期:2019-01-29。 14. 薛敏,朱贝贝,潘时龙,曹源. 光谱测量方法、装置,中国发明专利. 授权号:ZL201710467430.8,授权日:2018-07-20。 15. 薛敏,潘时龙,李树鹏,卿婷,衡雨清. 超高分辨率光矢量分析方法及装置,中国发明专利,授权号:ZL201710048394.1,授权日期:2019-01-08。 16. 薛敏,潘时龙,李树鹏,卿婷,衡雨清. 超高分辨率光矢量分析方法及装置,中国发明专利,授权号:ZL201710048394.1,授权日期:2019-01-08。 17. 潘时龙,薛敏,李树鹏. 一种大动态范围光器件测量方法及测量系统. 中国发明专利,授权号:ZL201610059299.7,授权日期:2018-07-24。 18. 潘时龙,薛敏,李树鹏,赵永久. 一种基于光双边带调制的光器件测量方法及测量系统. 中国发明专利, 授权号:ZL201610059270.9,授权日期:2018-07-24。 19. 潘时龙,薛敏,唐震宙,赵永久,朱丹,张方正. 一种光器件光谱响应测量方法、测量系统. 中国发明专利,授权号:ZL201410145131.9,授权日期:2016-02-17。 20. 潘时龙,薛敏,赵永久. 一种光器件测量方法. 中国发明专利,授权号:ZL201310308780.1,授权日期:2016-01-06。 21. 潘时龙,薛敏,唐震宙,顾晓文,赵永久,朱丹,郭荣辉. 基于光单边带调制的光器件测量方法、测量装置. 中国发明专利,授权号:ZL201210570157.9,授权日期:2015-09-09。 22. 潘时龙,薛敏,唐震宙,赵永久,朱丹,郭荣辉,何超. 一种光器件测量方法及测量装置. 中国发明专利,授权号:ZL201210566580.1,授权日期:2015-07-01。 23. 潘时龙,薛敏,赵永久,朱丹,郭荣辉. 一种光单边带调制方法及装置. 中国发明专利,授权号:ZL201210583523.4,授权日期:2015-01-14。 24. 潘时龙,薛敏,唐震宙,祝宁华,刘建国,顾晓文,梁洪刚,韩威,赵永久,王超. 一种光纤传感方法、光纤传感装置及其使用方法. 中国发明专利,授权号:ZL201210039186.2,授权日期:2014-12-10。 25. 潘时龙,薛敏,赵永久,顾晓文,唐震宙,郭荣辉,朱丹. 一种基于光单边带调制的光器件测量方法、测量装置. 中国发明专利. 授权号:ZL201210086930.4,授权日期:2014-10-15。 26. 潘时龙,张亚梅,薛敏,李肇昱,张方正. 低相噪的微波光子倍频装置及方法. 中国发明专利,授权号:ZL201711292230.X,授权日期:2019-08-23。 27. 潘时龙,卿婷,薛敏,张蒙. 一种光器件频率响应测量方法与系统. 中国发明专利,授权号:ZL201510323818.1,授权日期:2018-04-17。 28. 潘时龙,唐震宙,薛敏. 一种微波光子接收方法及装置. 中国发明专利,授权号:ZL201310583404.3,授权日期:2017-02-22。 29. 潘时龙,唐震宙,薛敏,薄磊,闫旭. 一种微波光子混频方法及多功能微波光子混频器. 中国发明专利,授权号:ZL201410502131.X,授权日期:2016-10-19。 30. 潘时龙,卿婷,薛敏,黄梦昊. 基于双边带调制的光器件测量方法及测量装置. 中国发明专利,授权号:ZL201410291393.6,授权日期:2016-08-17。 31. 潘时龙,唐震宙,薛敏,朱丹,郭荣辉. 光器件测量装置、测量方法. 中国发明专利,授权号:ZL201210557111.3,授权日期:2016-01-06。 32. 潘时龙,唐震宙,薛敏,郭荣辉,朱丹,赵永久. 一种基于偏振偏转干涉法的光器件测量方法及装置. 中国发明专利,授权号:ZL201310036449.9,授权日期:2015-06-03。 33. 潘时龙,卿婷,李树鹏,薛敏. 多通道并行的光器件频谱响应测量方法及装置. 中国发明专利,授权号:ZL 201810357361.X,授权日期:2019-12-17。 34. 潘时龙,李树鹏,傅剑斌,卿婷,薛敏,基于双边带调制与受激布里渊散射效应的光器件光谱响应测量方法及测量装置,中国发明专利,授权号:ZL201610214251.9,授权日期:2019-04-05。 35. 潘时龙,徐威远,朱丹,张方正,薛敏. 光纤传感器阵列及天线方向图测量装置、测量方法. 中国发明专利,授权号:ZL201410126526.4,授权日期:2016-08-17。 36. 张方正,魏娟,潘时龙,宋希希,薛敏,周永刚. 一种射频信号光纤稳相传输方法及系统. 中国发明专利,授权号:ZL201310728277.1,授权日期:2016-04-06。 37.王祥传,胡金涛,潘时龙,薛敏. 一种全分布式光纤振动传感方法及装置. 中国发明专利,授权号:ZL201810389171.6,授权日:2019-10-29。 38.薛敏,吕明辉,潘时龙. 一种基于混频的光电探测器频响测量方法及装置(Method and system for optoelectronic frequency response measurement based on photonics-based frequency mixing). PCT专利,申请号:PCT/CN2020/087449,申请日期:2020年4月28日。 39.张亚梅,潘时龙,刘策,邵琨麟,李肇昱,杨悦,马丛,薛敏. 基于频谱拼接的射频线性调频信号生成方法及装置(Method and system for linearly frequency modulated microwave signal generation based on spectrum stitching). PCT专利,申请号:PCT/CN2020/087450,申请日期:2020年4月28日。 40.薛敏,王琦,潘时龙,吕明辉,王祥传,“光器件频率响应测量方法及装置”,中国发明专利;申请号:202011011085.5,申请日期:2020-09-23。 41. 薛敏,朱贝贝,陈维,潘时龙. 一种基于受激布里渊散射的高动态范围光谱测量方法及装置.中国发明专利,申请号:201811016992.1,申请日期:2018-09-03。 42. 薛敏,潘时龙,衡雨清,王祥传. 相位调制器的频响测量方法及装置. 中国发明专利,申请号:201710467507.1,申请日:2017-06-20。 43. 潘时龙,唐震宙,薛敏. 一种光子微波混频方法及装置. 中国发明专利,申请号:201310590452.5,申请日期:2013-11-20。 44.王祥传,蒋鑫,潘时龙,薛敏. 光载多天线GNSS测量方法及测量装置. 中国发明专利,申请号:201810341474.0,申请日期:2018-04-17。 软件著作权 1.南京航空航天大学,“高速光网络参数综合测试仪系统V1.0”,计算机软件著作权,登记号:2020SR1105586,日期:2020年9月16日。 2. 南京航空航天大学,“光矢量分析系统V1.0”,计算机软件著作权,登记号:2022SR0183460,批准时间:2022.01.28。 教育经历 2011.9 -- 2016.6南京航空航天大学 通信与信息系统 博士研究生毕业 工学博士学位 2007.9 -- 2011.6南京航空航天大学 信息科学与技术 大学本科毕业 工学学士学位 工作经历 2019.1 -- 至今香港理工大学 电子及资讯工程学系 香江学者 2016.7 -- 2019.6南京航空航天大学 电子信息工程学院 讲师 2016.7 -- 至今南京航空航天大学 电子信息工程学院 副研究员




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[1] M. Xue, S. L. Pan, X. W. Gu and Y. J. Zhao, “Performance analysis of optical vector analyzer based on optical single-sideband modulation,” Journal of the Optical Society of America B, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 928-933, Apr. 2013. [2] M. Xue, S. L. Pan, C. He, R. H. Guo and Y. J. Zhao, “Wideband optical vector network analyzer based on optical single-sideband modulation and optical frequency comb,” Optics Letters, vol. 38, no. 22, pp. 4900-4902, Nov. 2013. [3] M. Xue, S. L. Pan, and Y. J. Zhao, “Accuracy improvement of optical vector network analyzer based on single-sideband modulation,” Optics Letters, vol. 39, no. 12, pp. 3595-3598, Jun. 2014. [4] M. Xue, S. L. Pan, and Y. J. Zhao, “Optical single-sideband modulation based on a dual-drive MZM and a 120-degree hybrid coupler,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 32, no. 19, pp. 3317-3323, Oct. 2014. [5] M. Xue, S. L. Pan and Y. J. Zhao, “Accurate optical vector network analyzer based on optical single-sideband modulation and balanced photodetection,” Optics Letters, vol. 40. no. 4, pp. 569-572, Feb. 2015. [6] M. Xue, S. L. Pan and Y. J. Zhao, “Optical spectral response measurement based on optical single-sideband modulation with doubled measurement range,” Electronics Letters, vol. 52, no. 10, pp. 852-853, May 2016. [7] M. Xue, S. L. Pan and Y. J. Zhao, “Large dynamic range optical vector analyzer based on optical single-sideband modulation and Hilbert transform,” Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, vol. 122, no. 7, p. 197, June 2016. [8] M. Xue and S. Pan, “Influence of unwanted first-order sideband on optical vector analysis based on optical single-sideband modulation,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 35, no. 13, pp. 2580 - 2586, Jul. 2017. [9] M. Xue, Y. Q. Heng, and S. L. Pan, “Ultrahigh-resolution electro-optic vector analysis for characterization of high-speed electro-optic phase modulators,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol.36, no. 9, pp. 1644 - 1649, May 2018. [10] M. Xue, S. F. Liu, and S. L. Pan, “High-resolution optical vector analysis based on symmetric double-sideband modulation,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 30, no. 5, pp. 491-494, Mar. 2018. [11] M. Xue, W. Chen, Y. Q. Heng, T. Qing, and S. L. Pan, “Ultrahigh-resolution optical vector analysis using fixed low-frequency electrical phase-magnitude detection,” Optics Letters, vol. 43, no. 13, pp. 3041-3044, Jul. 2018. [12] M. Xue, W. Chen, B. B. Zhu, and S. L. Pan, “Ultrahigh-resolution optical vector analysis for arbitrary responses using low-frequency detection,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 30, no. 17, pp. 1523-1526, Sep. 2018. [13] M. Xue, W. Chen, B. B. Zhu, and S. L. Pan, “High-resolution optical vector network analyser employing optical double-sideband modulation and optical Hilbert transform,” Electronics Letters, vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 337-339, March 2019. [14] M. Xue, S. Liu, Q. Ling, Y. Heng, J. Fu, and S. Pan, “Ultrahigh-resolution optoelectronic vector analysis for characterization of high-speed integrated coherent receivers,” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 69, no. 6, pp. 3812-3817, June 2020. [15] M. Xue, M. Lv, Q. Wang, C. Yu, and S. Pan, “Ultrahigh-resolution optoelectronic vector analysis utilizing photonics-based frequency up- and down-conversions,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 38, no. 15, pp. 3859-3865, Aug. 2020. [16] M. Xue, M. Lv, Q. Wang, C. Yu, and S. Pan, “Broadband optoelectronic frequency response measurement utilizing frequency conversion,” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 70, pp. 7004205, May 2021. [17] S. Pan, and M. Xue, “Ultrahigh-resolution optical vector analysis based on optical single-sideband modulation,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 836-845, Feb. 2017. [Invited Paper] (SCI, IF: 4.162, JCR Q1) [18] B. B. Zhu, M. Xue*, C. Y. Yu, and S. L. Pan, “Broadband instantaneous multi-frequency measurement based on chirped pulse compression,” Chinese Optics Letters, vol. 19, no. 10, pp. 101202, 2021. [19] W. Chen, M. Xue*, D. Zhu, C. Yu, and S. Pan, “Optical vector analysis with improved accuracy and enhanced dynamic range,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 31, no. 19, pp. 1565-1568, Oct. 2019. [20] Y. Q. Heng, M. Xue*, W. Chen, S. L. Han, J. Q. Liu, and S. L. Pan, “Large-dynamic frequency response measurement for broadband electro-optic phase modulators,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 291-294, Feb. 2019. [21] S. P. Li, M. Xue*, T. Qing, C. Y. Yu, L. G. Wu, and S. Pan, “Ultrafast and ultrahigh-resolution optical vector analysis using linearly frequency-modulated waveform and dechirp processing,” Optics Letters, vol. 44, no. 13, pp. 3322-3325, July 2019. [22] S. F. Liu, M. Xue*, J. B. Fu, L. G. Wu and S. L. Pan, “Ultrahigh-resolution and wideband optical vector analysis for arbitrary responses,” Optics Letters, vol. 43, no. 4, pp. 727-730, Feb. 2018. [23] T. Qing, S. P. Li, M. Xue*, W. Li, N. H. Zhu, and S. L. Pan, “Optical vector analysis based on asymmetrical optical double-sideband modulation using a dual-drive dual-parallel Mach-Zehnder modulator,” Optics Express, vol. 25, no. 5, pp. 4665-4671, Mar. 2017. [24] T. Qing, M. Xue, M. H. Huang and S. L. Pan, “Measurement of optical magnitude response based on double-sideband modulation,” Optics Letters, vol. 39, no. 21, pp. 6174-6176, Nov. 2014. [25] T. Qing, S. P. Li, M. Xue and S. L. Pan, “Optical vector analysis based on double-sideband modulation and stimulated Brillouin scattering,” Optics Letters, vol. 41, no. 15, pp. 3671-3674, Aug. 2016. [26] B. B. Zhu, M. Xue, and S. L. Pan, “Ultrahigh-resolution coherent optical spectrum analysis based on electrical frequency sweeping with a doubled measurement range,” Electronics Letters, vol. 54, no. 13, pp. 842-844, Jun. 2018. [27] X. C. Wang, J. T. Hu, Y. Q. Yong, Y. X. Zhang, M. Xue, X. P. Zhang, and S. L. Pan, “Multi-vibration detection by probe pulses with ergodic SOPs in POTDR system,” Optics Express, vol. 26, no. 22, pp. 28349-28362, Oct. 2018. [28] M. H. Huang, S. M. Li, M. Xue, L. Zhao, and S. L. Pan, "Flat-top optical resonance in a single-ring resonator based on manipulation of fast- and slow-light effects," Optics Express, vol. 26, no. 18, pp. 23215-23220, Sep. 2018. [29] X. Wang, S. Li, X. Jiang, J. Hu, M. Xue, S. Xu, and S. Pan, “High-accuracy optical time delay measurement in fiber link [Invited],” Chinese Optics Letters, vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 060601, 2019/06/10, 2019. [Invited Paper] [30] S. Li, X. Wang, T. Qing, S. Liu, J. Fu, M. Xue, and S. Pan, “Optical fiber transfer delay measurement based on phase-derived ranging,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 31, no. 16, pp. 1351-1354, 2019. 会议论文: [1] M. Xue, C. Y. Yu and S. L. Pan, “Ultrahigh-resolution optoelectronic vector analysis utilizing photonics-based frequency conversion,” in SPIE/COS Photonics Asia 2020 International Society for Optics and Photonics, Online, 11-16 Oct. 2020. [Invited Talk] [2] M. Xue and S. L. Pan, “Characterization of integrated photonic circuits with ultrahigh resolution,” in Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium, Toyama, Japan, 1st-4th Aug. 2018. [Invited Talk] [3] M. Xue and S. L. Pan, “Measurement, analysis and calibration of analog response for photonic integrated chips,” in 2018 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP), Hangzhou, China, Oct. 26-29, 2018. [Invited Talk] [4] S. L. Pan and M. Xue, “General optical component analyzer for characterizing key devices in Tbit/s data center network,” in 2018 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP), Hangzhou, China, Oct. 26-29, 2018. [Invited Talk] [5] M. Xue and S. L. Pan, “Ultrahigh-resolution optical vector analysis based on single-sideband modulation,” in the 2016 URSI Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference, Seoul, South Korea, 21-25 Aug. 2016. [Invited Talk] [6] M. Xue and S. L. Pan, “High-accurate optical vector analysis based on optical single-sideband modulation,” in SPIE/COS Photonics Asia 2016 International Society for Optics and Photonics, Beijing, China, 12-14 Oct. 2016. [Invited Talk] [7] M. Xue and S. L. Pan, “High-resolution optical vector analysis based on microwave photonics,” in the 12th Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR 2017), Singapore, 31 Jul. -4 Aug. 2017. [Invited Talk] [8] M. Xue, S. L. Pan, D. Zhu and Y. J. Zhao, “A study on the measurement error of the optical vector network analyzer based on single-sideband modulation,” in the 12th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN), Chengdu, China, July 26-28, 2013, paper SC3Or4. [9] M. Xue, X. W. Ye, Y. J. Zhao and S. L. Pan, “A high-resolution demodulation scheme for FBG sensors,” in 2013 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP 2013), Beijing, China, Nov.12-15, 2013, paper AF2I.4. [10] Q. Wang, M. Xue*, T. Liu, X. B. Zhang, L. J. Sun, P. F. Qu and S. L. Pan, “Optical transfer delay measurement based on stimulated Brillouin scattering,” the 26th Optoelectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2021), pp. 1-2, Hong Kong, July 3-7, 2021. [11] B. B. Zhu, M. Xue* and S. L. Pan, “Optical spectrum analysis with a resolution of 6 fm based on a frequency-swept microwave-photonic source,” in 2017 Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC 2017), Los Angeles, USA, 19 -23 Mar. 2017, paper M3J.5. [12] W. Chen, M. Xue*, D. Zhu and S. L. Pan, “High-precision optical time delay measurement based on carrier-suppressed optical double-sideband modulation,” the 24th Optoelectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2019), pp. 1-2, Fukuoka, Japan, July 7-11, 2019, paper ThG1-1. [13] B. B. Zhu, M. Xue*, C. Y. Yu and S. L. Pan, “Broadband and high-precision instantaneous frequency measurement using linearly frequency-modulated waveform and pulse compression processing," in 2019 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP2019), 2-5 Nov. 2019, Chengdu, China. [14] S. L. Pan and M. Xue, “Optical vector analysis with ultra-high resolution,” in the Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC 2016), Anaheim, USA, 20-24 March 2016. [Invited talk] [15] S. L. Pan and M. Xue, “Optical vector network analyzer based on optical single-sideband modulation,” in the 12th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN), Chengdu, China, July 26-28, 2013, paper SC3In7. [Invited talk] [16] S. L. Pan and M. Xue, “Characterization of integrated photonic circuits with ultrahigh resolution using swept optical single sideband modulation,” the 8th International Photonics and OptoElectronics Meetings (POEM 2015), Wuhan China, Jun. 16-19, 2015. [Invited talk]


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