1996.9 -- 2001.8香港理工大学 电子资讯工程 博士研究生毕业 哲学博士学位
1989.9 -- 1991.2武汉大学 硕士研究生毕业 工学硕士学位
1978.2 -- 1982.2安徽理工大学(淮南矿业学院) 大学本科毕业 工学学士学位
2005.11 -- 至今南京航空航天大学
2005.1 -- 2005.11美国明尼苏达大学陆军高性能计算中心(AHPCRC)
2001.7 -- 2004.12美国明尼苏达大学陆军高性能计算中心(AHPCRC)
2000.11 -- 2001.7美国伊利偌依大学香槟校区(UIUC)
1995.8 -- 2000.8香港理工大学
1994.9 -- 1995.8武汉科技大学
1987.7 -- 1994.8武汉科技大学(武汉钢铁学院)
1986.8 -- 1986.7武汉科技大学(武汉钢铁学院)
1982.2 -- 1986.8西安科技大学(西安矿业学院)
1978.2 -- 1982.1安徽理工大学(淮南矿业学院)
1976.2 -- 1978.2马中公社
微波技术与天线 /2020-2021 /秋学期 /56课时 /0.0学分 /04103350
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[3] 曹群生,,等.Accuracy Improvement for Antenna Measurement in a Noisy Anechoic Chamber Using an Artificial Way.IEEE Int. Conf. Comput. Electromagn., ICCEM - Proc.,2019
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[5] 曹群生,Rahman, Saeed Ur,Rahman, Saeed Ur等.Compact design of trapezoid shape monopole antenna for SWB application.Microwave Opt Technol Lett,2019
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[7] 曹群生,,等.Study of Novel Optically Controlled Active Freuuency Selective Surface.Int. Conf. Microw. Millim. Wave Technol., ICMMT - Proc.,2018
[8] 曹群生,Ur Rahman, Saeed,Ur Rahman, Saeed等.Design of wideband antenna with band notch characteristics based on single notching element.Int J RF Microwave Comput Aided Eng,2019
[9] 曹群生,Fang, Xiaoxing,Fang, Xiaoxing等.Multiscale Compressed Block Decomposition Method with Characteristic Basis Function Method and Fast Adaptive Cross Approximation.IEEE Trans Electromagn Compat,2019
[10] 曹群生,,等.曲面频选天线罩电性能设计研究.微波学报,2019
[11] 曹群生,曹群生,曹群生等.A novel miniaturized frequency selective surface with very stable performance.Prog. Electromagn. Res. C,2017
[12] 曹群生,曹群生,曹群生等.Multiscale Structure Simulation Using Adaptive Mesh in DGTD Method.IEEE J. Multiscale Multiphys. Comp. Tech.,2017
[13] 曹群生,曹群生,曹群生等.Analysis of linear antenna array for minimum side lobe level, half power beamwidth, and nulls control using PSO.J. Microwaves Optoelectron. Electromag. Appl.,2017
[14] 曹群生,曹群生,曹群生等.Miniaturization of Frequency Selective Surfaces Using 2.5-D Knitted Structures: Design and Synthesis.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION,2017
[15] 曹群生,曹群生,曹群生等.An Ultrathin Bandpass Frequency Selective Surface With Miniaturized Element.IEEE ANTENNAS AND WIRELESS PROPAGATION LETTERS,2017
[16] 曹群生,曹群生,曹群生等.A Novel 2-B Multifunctional Active Frequency Selective Surface for LTE-2.1 GHz.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION,2017
[17] 曹群生,曹群生,曹群生等.Study of an Optically Controlled Active Frequency Selective Surface.IEEE ANTENNAS AND WIRELESS PROPAGATION LETTERS,2018
[18] 曹群生,曹群生,曹群生等.An Improved Multifunctional Active Frequency Selective Surface.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION,2018
[19] 曹群生,曹群生,曹群生等.Design of Rectangular Patch Antenna Array for 5G Wireless Communication.2017 PROGRESS IN ELECTROMAGNETICS RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM - SPRING (PIERS),2017
[20] 曹群生,曹群生,曹群生等.Multiscale Compressed and Spliced Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury Algorithm With Characteristic Basis Function Method.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY,2018