2001年6月毕业于南京航空航天大学自动化学院电气工程系,获学士学位;2004年3月和2007年12月分别获南京航空航天大学电力电子与电力传动专业硕士和博士学位,2007年12月留任南京航空航天大学,2019年6月晋升为教授。2017年9月至2018年9月在德国慕尼黑工业大学任访问学者,获得慕尼黑工业大学2018年“August-Wilhelm Scheer Visiting Professor”计划资助,并受聘为慕尼黑工业大学客座教授、高等研究院(TUM Institute for Advanced Study)"Honorary Fellow"、2018年“TUM Ambassador”。
2004.4 -- 2007.12南京航空航天大学 电力电子与电力传动 博士研究生毕业 工学博士学位
2001.9 -- 2004.3南京航空航天大学 电力电子与电力传动 硕士研究生毕业 工学硕士学位
1997.9 -- 2001.6南京航空航天大学 电气工程与自动化 大学本科毕业 工学学士学位
2007.12 -- 至今南京航空航天大学自动化学院
[1] 六大人才高峰资助
[2] 六大人才高峰资助
[3] 48V/50A DC/DC电源模块研制
[4] 变空间尺度磁谐振式无线电能传输最大功率/效率跟踪控制研究
[5] 关于“新能源车驱动技术”项目的合作协议
[6] 数字式高频智能充电机研制
[7] 用于电动汽车直流充电系统的新型高压高效三相变流器研究
[8] 强鲁棒性多负载磁谐振式无线电能传输系统感知与功率分配研究
[9] 高压高效宽适应性三相型直流变换技术研究
[10] 风光氢联合供电系统
[11] 零电压零电流开关PWM组合型直流变换器
[12] 应用于电动汽车的多端口直流变换器及其控制方法研究
[13] 兼具强鲁棒性和感知特征的磁谐振式无线能量路由基础理论研究
[14] 多输入直流变换器拓扑及其控制策略研究
[15] 多相/多维磁谐振式无线电能传输关键技术研究
[1] 无线电能传输
[2] 变换器拓扑与控制
[3] 电能互联系统
[1] Xin Zhang,Fuxin Liu,Tianming Mei.Multifrequency Phase-Shifted Control for Multiphase Multiload MCR WPT System to Achieve Targeted Power Distribution and High Misalignment Tolerance[J].IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,2021,36(1):991 - 1003
[2] Fuxin Liu,Ze Ding.Cross interference suppression methodology by printed circuit board type metamaterial in multi‐frequency multi‐load magnetically coupled resonant wireless power transfer system[J].IET Power Electronics,2021,24(1):169-182
[3] Fuxin Liu,Ze Ding,Xiewei Fu等.Parametric Optimization of a Three-Phase MCR WPT System with Cylinder-Shaped Coils Oriented by Soft-Switching Range and Stable Output Power[J].IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,2020,53(1):1036-1044
[4] Xuling Chen,Zhengquan Han,Fuxin Liu.Selected harmonic elimination-derived multi-frequency pulse width modulation control strategy for multi-load MCR WPT system with single transmitting coil[J].IET Power Electronics,2020,13(17):3871-3879
[5] Fuxin Liu,Yong Yang,Ze Ding等.A multi-frequency superposition methodology to achieve high efficiency and targeted power distribution for multi-load MCR WPT system[J].IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,2018,3(10):9005-9016
[6] Fuxin Liu,Yong Yang,Ze Ding等.Eliminating cross interference between multiple receivers to achieve targeted power distribution for a multi-frequency multi-load MCR WPT system[J].IET Power Electronics,2018,11(8):1321-1328
[7] Fuxin Liu,Wuyang Zhang,Ralph Kennel.Dual-frequency-controlled C-TPTL DC−DC converter for high and wide input voltage applications[J].IET Power Electronics,2018,11(15):2531-2537
[8] Fuxin Liu,Yong Yang,Dan Jiang等.Modeling and optimization of magnetically coupled resonant wireless power transfer system with varying spatial scales[J].IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,2017,32(4):3240-3250
[9] Fuxin Liu,Yue Chen,Xuling Chen.Comprehensive analysis for three-phase three-level LC-type resonant dc/dc converter with variable frequency control-series resonant converter[J].IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,2017,32(7):5122 - 5131
[10] Fuxin Liu,Zhicheng Wang,Yunyu Mao等.Asymmetrical half-bridge double-input DC-DC converters adopting pulsating voltage source cells for low power applications[J].IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,2014,29(9):4741-4751
[11] Fuxin Liu,Yue Chen,Gaoping Hu等.Modified three-phase three-level DC/DC converter with zero-voltage-switching characteristic-adopting asymmetrical duty cycle control[J].IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,2014,29(12):6307 - 6318
[12] Fuxin Liu,Gaoping Hu,Xinbo Ruan.Three-phase three-level DC/DC converter for high input voltage and high power applications-adopting symmetrical duty cycle control[J].IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,2014,29(1):56-65
[13] Fuxin Liu,Jiajia Yan,Xinbo Ruan.Zero-voltage and zero-current-switching PWM combined three-level DC/DC converter[J].IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,2010,57(5):1644-1654
[14] Fuxin Liu,Xinbo Ruan.ZVS combined three-level converter-a topology suitable for high input voltage with wide range applications[J].IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,2007,54(2):1061-1072
[15] Ze Ding,Fuxin Liu.A Metamaterial Design for Suppression of Cross Interference in Multi-Frequency Multi-Load MCR WPT System[C].2020 IEEE 9th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IPEMC2020-ECCE Asia),2020
IEEE Senior Member
Journal of Power Electronics (SCIE期刊)副主编;