主要研究新型振动测量及主动振动控制技术,计算机视觉技术等。主持国家自然科学基金,江苏省自然科学基金,南京航空航天大学科研启动基金项目及横向课题,参与民用航天预研项目、国家863项目等重大科研项目,并参与多项国家自然科学基金重点项目和面上项目等研究工作。已发表学术论文60余篇,申请/授权发明专利30余项,其中在IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics、IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics、 IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics、IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics、IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement等重要期刊发表SCI论文45篇。先后获得中国自动化学会优秀博士学位论文奖、北京航空航天大学优秀博士学位论文奖、北京市优秀毕业生等荣誉。目前为自动化学院优秀骨干青年教师,入选南京航空航天大学第二批“长空学者”人才计划。
2010.9 - 2016.7 北京航空航天大学 精密仪器及机械 博士研究生毕业 工学博士学位
2006.9 - 2010.7 东南大学 精密仪器及机械 大学本科毕业 工学学士学位
[1] 磁悬浮飞轮振动控制技术
[1] 彭聪,,等.Optimal synchronous vibration control for magnetically suspended centrifugal compressor.Mech Syst Signal Process,2019
[2] 彭聪,,彭聪等.自动化专业创新实践课程建设和改革探究.教育教学论坛,2019
[3] 彭聪,,等.A Two-Stage Synchronous Vibration Control for Magnetically Suspended Rotor System in Full Speed Range.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS,2020
[4] 彭聪,,等.High precision synchronous vibration suppression for a MSFW subject to phase lag influence.Mech Syst Signal Process,2019
[5] 彭聪,,等.Vibration Torque Suppression for Magnetically Suspended Flywheel Using Improved Synchronous Rotating Frame Transformation.Shock Vib,2019
[6] 彭聪,,等.Direct Vibration Force Suppression for Magnetically Suspended Motor Based on Synchronous Rotating Frame Transformation.IEEE ACCESS,2019
[7] 彭聪,,等.Synchronous vibration control for a class of cross-coupled antisymmetric MSR systems.IET Electr Power Appl,2019
[8] 彭聪,,等.A Novel Vibration Control for Magnetically Suspended Rotor System with Two-stage Notch Filters.Chinese Control Conf., CCC,2018
[9] 彭聪,,等.Vibration suppression control for MSFW with gyroscopic effects using synchronous rotate frame.Chinese Control Conf., CCC,2018
[10] 彭聪,Sun, Jinji,Sun, Jinji等.A Novel Cross-Feedback Notch Filter for Synchronous Vibration Suppression of an MSFW With Significant Gyroscopic Effects.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS,2017