1. Qinghua Zeng, Jingxian Wang, Qian Meng, Xiaoxue Zhang, and Shijie Zeng. Seamless Pedestrian Navigation Methodology Optimized for Indoor/Outdoor Detection[J]. IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 2018, 18(1),363-374. (SCI)
2. Qinghua Zeng, Weina Chen, Jianye Liu, Huizhe Wang. An Improved Multi-Sensor Fusion Navigation Algorithm Based on the Factor Graph[J]. Sensors 2017, 17(3), 641-656. (SCI)
3. Qinghua Zeng, Yunshu Wang, Jianye Liu, et al. A matching algorithm for large viewpoint changes images[J]. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2017, 137: 268-278. (SCI)
4. Qinghua Zeng, Shanshan Gu, Jianye Liu, Sheng Liu, Weina Chen, A Gyro Signal Characteristics Analysis Method Based on Empirical Mode Decomposition, Journal of Sensors,2016(6): 1-7. (SCI)
5. Qinghua Zeng, Qian Meng, Jianye Liu, Shaojun Feng, Huanhao Wang, Acquisition and loop control of ultra-tight INS/BeiDou integration system, Optik 127(2016) 8082-8089. (SCI)
6. Zeng Qinghua, Zeng Shijie, Liu Jianye, Meng Qian, Chen Ruizhi, Huang Heze. Smartphone Heading Correction Based on Gravity Assisted and Middle Time Simulated-Zero Velocity Update Method. SENSORS 18(10), 3349;1-14
7. Weina Chen, Qinghua Zeng, Jianye Liu, Huizhe Wang. Seamless Autonomous Navigation based on the Motion Constraint of the Mobile Robot[J]. Industrial Robot: An International Journal, 2017, 44(2): 178-188.(SCI)
8. Weina Chen, Qinghua Zeng, Jianye Liu, Huizhe Wang. Research on shipborne transfer alignment under the influence of the uncertain disturbance based on the extended state observer[J]. Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2017, 130: 777-785. (SCI)
9. Meng Q, Liu J, Zeng Q, et al. Neumann-Hoffman Code Evasion and Stripping Method For BeiDou Software-defined Receiver[J]. The Journal of Navigation, 2017, 70(1): 101-119. (SCI)
10. Lei Huang, Jianye Liu, Qinghua Zeng, and Zhi Xiong. New high-precision strapdown navigation attitude algorithm under angular-rate input condition in highly dynamic environments[J]. Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences. Appl. Math. Inf. Sci. 9, No. 2L, 283-290 (2015)
1. 曾庆化,潘鹏举,刘建业,王云舒,刘昇. 惯性信息辅助的大视角目标快速精确定位[J]. 航空学报,2017,38(08):193-205.
2. 曾庆化;曾世杰;刘建业;陈锐志;孟骞;王敬贤,重力辅助和模拟零速修正的手机航向修正方法. 中国惯性技术学报,2018,26(3):289-294.
3. 曾庆化,陈艳,王云舒,刘建业,刘昇. 一种基于ORB的快速大视角图像匹配算法[J]. 控制与决策,:1-6(2017-09-27).
4. 曾庆化,王敬贤,孟骞,熊智,钱伟行. 基于UWB优化配置的室内行人导航方法[J]. 中国惯性技术学报,2017,25(02):186-191.
5. 曾庆化, 黄磊, 刘建业, 陈磊江, 顾姗姗. 基于ARMA模型的光纤陀螺随机噪声滤波方法[J]. 中国惯性技术学报,2015/1. 23(1) EI:20153201107343
6. 曾庆化, 万骏炜, 刘建业, 黄凯, 顾姗姗. 基于蜂窝网格粒子滤波的行人导航航向估计方法[J]. 中国惯性技术学报, 2014, 05:576-579.
7. 曾庆化,刘建业,赵伟. 激光捷联惯导系统角增量输入姿态算法[J], 南京航空航天大学学报,2007, 39(2):143~148.
8. 曾庆化,刘建业,祝燕华,赖际舟. 一种滤波角速率输入的圆锥误差补偿算法研究[J],应用科学学报, 2007, 25(5):505~509.
9. 曾庆化,刘建业,熊智,赵伟. 一种角速率激光陀螺惯导系统高精度姿态算法[J],上海交通大学学报, 2006, 40(12):2159~2163.
10. 曾庆化,刘建业,赵伟,熊智. 激光陀螺惯导系统硬件增强角速率输入圆锥算法[J],东南大学学报, 2006, 36(5):746~750.
1. Zeng Qinghua (曾庆化), Liu Jianye, Wang Yunshu. MAV Pose Measurement algorithm Based on Visual Systems, AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, pp1-7, Dallas, TX, USA, 2015.6.22-26.
2. Qinghua Zeng (曾庆化), Jianye Liu, Xiaoyi Deng, Integrating Monocular Vision and Laser point for Indoor UAV SLAM, 2014 Ubiquitous Positioning Indoor Navigation and Location Based Service (UPINLBS) , pp170-179, Corpus Christ, TX, USA, 2014.11.20-21.
3. Zeng Qinghua (曾庆化), Liu Jianye, Andrew. H. Kemp, He Yufeng. Node Localization Algorithm Based on UKF Filtering with TOF [C], IEEE 2013 25th Chinese Control and Decision, Conference (CCDC), pp582-585, Guilin, China, 2013.5.25-27.
4. Zeng Qinghua (曾庆化), Liu Jianye. Research on BEIDOU and Modernized GNSS Multi-constellation Integrated Navigation, IGNSS Symposium 2011, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 2011.11.15-17.
5. Zeng Qinghua (曾庆化), Liu Jianye, Sha Lei. Inertial instrument error identification algorithm based on reverse navigation data [C], 2010 IEEE/ION Position Location and Navigation Symposium (PLANS) , pp613-616, Renaissance Esmeralda Resort & Spa, Indian Wells, California, USA, 2010. 5. 4-6.
6. Zeng Qinghua (曾庆化), Liu Jianye, Andrew. H. Kemp, Zhao Wei. A Coning Compensation Algorithm with Pure Filtered Angle Rate Input[C], NAV08/ILA37, The Navigation Conference & Exhibition, London, UK, 2008,10.
7. Qinghua Zeng (曾庆化), Jianye Liu, Andrew. H. Kemp, Li Qiao. A New Calibration Method Of The Ring Laser Gyro Strapdown Inertial Navigation System[C], NAV07, The Navigation Conference & Exhibition, London, UK, 2017,10.
8. Qinghua Zeng (曾庆化), Andrew. H. Kemp, Jianye Liu, Real-time Independent Positioning System for retrieving freight containers, CIAC 2009,Nanjing,China, 2009.9.27-30.
9. Zeng Qinghua (曾庆化), Liu Jianye, Ya Di, Wan Junwei. The improved TCAR by adding small search spaces [C]. 2012 International Conference on Localization and GNSS, pp1-5, Starnberg, Germany, 2012.6.25-27.
10. Zeng Qinghua (曾庆化), Liu Jianye, Zhao Wei, Sun Yongrong. Non-GPS distributed intelligent transportation system[C]. 22nd International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation 2009, ION GNSS 2009, pp3439-3443, Savannah, GA, United states. 2009.9.22-25.
[1] 曾庆化,,等.基于Canny的改进图像边缘检测算法.导航与控制,2019
[2] 曾庆化,,等.强气流扰动下无人直升机自主导航技术发展与展望.空间控制技术与应用,2019
[3] 曾庆化,,等.An Improved Multi-Sensor Fusion Navigation Algorithm Based on the Factor Graph.sensors,2017
[4] 曾庆化,,等.A matching algorithm for large viewpoint changes images.Optik,2017
[5] 曾庆化,,等.惯性信息辅助的大视角目标快速精确定位.航空学报,2017
[6] 曾庆化,,等.基于MCS的四旋翼飞行器航迹追踪控制研究.电子设计工程,2017
[7] 曾庆化,,等.一种基于ORB的快速大视角图像匹配算法.控制与决策,2017
[8] 曾庆化,,等.晃动环境下组合导航系统精度事后评估算法研究.导航与控制,2017
[9] 曾庆化,,等.基于因子图的无人机全源导航关键技术研究.导航与控制,2017
[10] 曾庆化,,等.重力辅助和模拟零速修正的手机航向修正方法.中国惯性技术学报,2018
[11] 曾庆化,,等.基于智能手机信息的行人无缝定位实现研究.导航定位与授时,2018
[12] 曾庆化,,等.基于UWB优化配置的室内行人导航方法.中国惯性技术学报,2017