[1] Shuqun WU (吴淑群) 1 , Yuxiu CHEN (陈玉秀) 1 , Minge LIU (刘敏格) 1 , Lu YANG (杨璐) 1 , Chaohai ZHANG (张潮海) 1 and Shaobin LIU (刘少斌), Numerical study on the modulation of THz wave propagation by collisional microplasma photonic crystal, Plasma Sci. Technol. 22 (2020) 115402 (10pp)
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[3] Chen T Y, Rousso A C, Wu S, et al. Time-resolved characterization of plasma properties in a CH4/He nanosecond-pulsed dielectric barrier discharge[J]. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2019, 52(18): 18LT02.
[4] Wu, S., Wu, F., Liu, C., Liu, X., Chen, Y., Shao, T., & Zhang, C. The effects of the tube diameter on the discharge ignition and the plasma properties of atmospheric‐pressure microplasma confined inside capillary. Plasma Processes and Polymers,16, e1800176, 2019
[5] Wu, S., Liu, X., Huang, G., Liu, C., Bian, W., & Zhang, C. (2019). Influence of high-voltage pulse parameters on the propagation of a plasma synthetic jet. Plasma Science and Technology 2019 Plasma Sci. Technol. 21 074007.
[6] Shuqun Wu, Xueyuan Liu, Wenhao Mao, Wen Chen, Chang Liu, and Chaohai Zhang, Non-thermal air plasma jets at atmospheric pressure: The flow-dependent propagation in the afterglow, Journal of Applied Physics 124, 243302 (2018);
[7] Wu, S., Cheng, W., Huang, G., Wu, F., Liu, C., Liu, X., ... & Lu, X. (2018). Positive streamer corona, single filament, transient glow, dc glow, spark, and their transitions in atmospheric air. Physics of Plasmas, 25(12), 123507.
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[9] Wu, S., Wu, F., Liu, X., Chen, W., Liu, C., & Zhang, C. (2018). Investigation on the characteristics of an atmospheric-pressure microplasma plume confined inside a long capillary tube. Plasma Science and Technology. 2018, 20(10): 105402..
[10] Yue, Y., Pei, X., Gidon, D., Wu, F., Wu, S., & Lu, X. (2018). Investigation of plasma dynamics and spatially varying O and OH concentrations in atmospheric pressure plasma jets impinging on glass, water and metal substrates. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 27(6), 064001.
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[12] Shuqun Wu, Xi Dong, Wenhao Mao, Jun Jiang, Yuanfu Yue,Xinpei Lu and Chaohai Zhang, Observation of the stratified glow mode inhelium/argon gas-confined barrier dischargeat atmospheric pressure, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 26 (2017) 09LT01.
[13] Shuqun Wu, Guowang Huang, Wenxin Cheng, Wen Chen, Bing Hai, Tao Shao, Chaohai Zhang. The influences of the electrode dimension andthe dielectric material on the breakdowncharacteristics of coplanar dielectric barrierdischarge in ambient air. Plasma Process Polym.2017;e1700112,DOI: 10.1002/ppap.201700112
[14] Shuqun Wu, Xi Dong, Wenhao Mao, Yuanfu Yue, Jun Jiang, Chaohai Zhang, and Xinpei Lu, Observations of a helium-air gas-confined barrier discharge operated in diffuse mode, Physics of Plasmas 24, 083512 (2017);
[15]Yan Lu, Shuqun Wu*, Wenxin Cheng, Xinpei Lu, Electric field measurements in atmospheric-pressure microplasma jet using Stark polarization emission spectroscopy of helium atom, Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics, 226, 2979–2989 (2017).
[1] 吴淑群,,等.A bipolar DC-driven touchable helium plasma jet operated in self-pulsed mode.IEEE Trans Plasma Sci,2018
[2] 吴淑群,,等.Positive streamer corona, single filament, transient glow, dc glow, spark, and their transitions in atmospheric air.Phys. Plasmas,2018
[3] 吴淑群,,等.Non-thermal air plasma jets at atmospheric pressure: The flow-dependent propagation in the afterglow.J Appl Phys,2018
[4] 吴淑群,吴淑群,吴淑群等.The effects of the tube diameter on the discharge ignition and the plasma properties of atmospheric-pressure microplasma confined inside capillary.Plasma Processes Polym.,2019
[5] 吴淑群,,等.Influence of high-voltage pulse parameters on the propagation of a plasma synthetic jet.Plasma Sci. Technol.,2019
[6] 吴淑群,吴淑群,吴淑群等.The influences of the electrode dimension and the dielectric material on the breakdown characteristics of coplanar dielectric barrier discharge in ambient air.PLASMA PROCESSES AND POLYMERS,2017
[7] 吴淑群,吴淑群,吴淑群等.Investigation on the characteristics of an atmospheric-pressure microplasma plume confined inside a long capillary tube.PLASMA SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2018
[8] 吴淑群,吴淑群,吴淑群等.Laser Induced Fluorescence Diagnostics of the Temporal and Spatial Distribution of OH Radicals and O Atom in a Low Temperature Plasma Jet at Atmospheric Pressure.Diangong Jishu Xuebao,2017
[9] 吴淑群,吴淑群,吴淑群等.Observations of a helium-air gas-confined barrier discharge operated in diffuse mode.PHYSICS OF PLASMAS,2017
[10] 吴淑群,吴淑群,吴淑群等.Observation of the stratified glow mode in helium/argon gas-confined barrier discharge at atmospheric pressure.PLASMA SOURCES SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2017
[11] 吴淑群,,等.Electric field measurements in atmospheric-pressure microplasma jet using Stark polarization emission spectroscopy of helium atom.Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics,2017
[12] 吴淑群,,等.基于激光诱导荧光法诊断大气压低温等离子体射流中OH自由基和O原子的时空分布.电工技术学报,2017
[13] 吴淑群,,等.大气压极微等离子体射流研究进展.中国电工技术学会学术年会,2017
[14] 吴淑群,,等.An atmospheric pressure plasma transferring through a dielectric tube array,plasma and electrostatics technologies for environmental application.EAPETEA-5,2017
[15] 吴淑群,,等.大气压氦气与氩气μm量级等离子体射流长度对比研究.2017年中国电机工程学会高电压专业委员会学术年会,2017
[16] 吴淑群,,等.三电极沿面介质阻挡放电气动激励器.中国力学大会,2017
[17] 吴淑群,,等.一种 4cm长大气压低温空气等离子体射流放电特性研究.2017年中国电机工程学会高电压专业委员会学术年会,2017
[18] 吴淑群,,等.以空气为介质的介质阻挡放电的电特性研究.2017年中国电机工程学会高电压专业委员会学术年会,2017
[19] 吴淑群,,等.大气压空气共面介质阻挡放电研究.第十八届全国等离子体科学技术会议摘要集,2017
[20] 吴淑群,,等.大气压直流针板空气放电模式研究.第十八届全国等离子体科学技术会议摘要集,2017