本硕博毕业于南京大学计算机系。获得江苏省优秀青年基金、入选南京航空航天大学“长空学者”人才奖励计划。目前的主要研究方向包括,边缘计算、智能物联网数据融合及处理、无线感知及优化。在相关领域发表论文40余篇,其中包括多篇在IEEE TMC, IEEE INFOCOM,IJHCS, TKDE,TOSN, IoTJ等网络领域的CCF A类会议及1区期刊。目前主持包括国家重点研发计划课题、国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年项目、江苏省优秀青年基金、江苏省自然科学基金、国家博士后基金特别资助,装发预研等9项科研项目,国防重点研发计划等基金项目,华为、国家电网企业合作项目。。
发表包括多篇CCF A类推荐的高水平国际期刊及会议论文40余篇, 包括 IEEE Transaction on Mobile Computing,IEEE INFOCOM,IEEE IoTJ, IEEE TKDE, ICPP, ACM Trans. on Sensor Network, Interact with Computer等等。
[1] 轨道交通无线**环境可视化检测项目系统
[2] 基于主动压缩感知的高效高鲁棒无线状态信息测量机制
[3] 基于鲁棒压缩感知的无线网络信道状态信息测量机制研究
[4] 无线网络信道状态信息高效测量机制研究
[5] 面向无线定位与感知的信道状态信息测量机制研究
[6] 无线网络信道状态信息高效测量机制研究
[7] 面向无线网络吞吐量优化的新型干扰模型研究
[1] 江苏省科技奖
[1] 徐惊雷,,等.Accurate moving distance estimation via multi-modal fusion from IMU sensors and wifi signal.Lect. Notes Comput. Sci.,2018
[2] 朱小军,,等.Inapproximability results and suboptimal algorithms for minimum delay cache placement in campus networks with content-centric network routers.JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING,2019
[3] 顾晶晶,,等.Online Drone-Based Moving Target Detection System in Dense-Obstructer Environment.Proc Int Conf Parallel Distrib Syst ICPADS,2018
[4] 张加乐,张加乐,张加乐等.Survey on data security and privacy-preserving for the research of edge computing.Tongxin Xuebao,2018
[5] 陈兵,,等.Data Security and Privacy-Preserving in Edge Computing Paradigm: Survey and Open Issues.IEEE ACCESS,2018
[6] 赵彦超,,等.An Efficient Federated Learning Scheme with Differential Privacy in Mobile Edge Computing.International Conference on Machine Learning and Intelligent Communications,2019
[7] 赵彦超,,赵彦超等.DeepCount: Crowd Counting with Wi-Fi using Deep Learning.Journal of Communications and Information Networks,2019
[8] 赵彦超,赵彦超,赵彦超等.Cost-effective Signal Map Crowdsourcing with Auto-Encoder based Active Matrix Completion.IEEE 25th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS),2019
[9] 赵彦超,赵彦超,赵彦超等.Ultragloves: Lowcost Finger-Level Interaction System for VR-Applications Based on Ultrasonic Movement Tracking.International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing,2019
[10] 赵彦超,赵彦超,赵彦超等.LPDA-EC: A lightweight privacy-preserving data aggregation scheme for edge computing.Proc. - IEEE Int. Conf. Mob. Ad Hoc Sens. Syst., MASS,2018
[11] 赵彦超,,赵彦超等.Enhancing smartphone-based multi-modal indoor localization with camera and WiFi signal.Proc. - IEEE Int. Conf. Mob. Ad Hoc Sens. Syst., MASS,2018
[12] 赵彦超,赵彦超,赵彦超等.Efficient Interference Estimation with Accuracy Control for Data-Driven Resource Allocation in Cloud-RAN.SENSORS,2018
[13] 赵彦超,Zheng, Ruiyu,Zheng, Ruiyu等.Device-free and robust user identification in smart environment using wifi signal.Proc. - IEEE Int. Symp. Parallel Distrib. Process. Appl. IEEE Int. Conf. Ubiquitous Comput. Commun., ISPA/IUCC,2018
[14] 赵彦超,Liu, Shangqing,Liu, Shangqing等.WiCount: A deep learning approach for crowd counting using wifi signals.Proc. - IEEE Int. Symp. Parallel Distrib. Process. Appl. IEEE Int. Conf. Ubiquitous Comput. Commun., ISPA/IUCC,2018
[15] 赵彦超,赵彦超,赵彦超等.Compressed RSS Measurement for Communication and Sensing in the Internet of Things.WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS & MOBILE COMPUTING,2017
担任中国计算机学会普适计算专委会、分布式系统专委会的专家委员;江苏省计算机学会网络与云计算专委会、物联网与嵌入式系统专委会专家委员; 担任IEEE INFOCOM, ICCCN, ICPADS,MASS等多个CCF推荐的ABC类会议的程序委员会委员,目前应邀担任IEEE Trans. on Mobile Computing、IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed System,IEEE Network Magazine, IEEE Communication Magazine, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology等国际顶级期刊的审稿人