1979.9 - 1982.5 黑龙江省甘南县查哈阳二中 普通高中毕业
1971.3 - 1976.6 黑龙江省甘南县查哈阳小学 小学毕业
1976.9 - 1979.6 黑龙江省甘南县查哈阳一中 初中毕业
2006.3 - 2008.3 东北大学 计算机软件与理论 博士研究生毕业 工学博士学位
1982.9 - 1986.6 大连轻工学院 纺织工程 大学本科毕业 工学学士学位
2014.1 - 2015.3 东北大学
2004.11 - 2013.12 东北大学
1999.6 - 2004.10 辽宁工运学院
1994.9 - 1999.5 辽宁工运学院
1993.1 - 1994.8 黑龙江富拉尔基纺织印染厂
1986.7 - 1992.12 黑龙江富拉尔基纺织印染厂
[1] 知识图谱中时态信息建模及其查询关键技术研究
[2] 模糊时空本体及其管理若干关键技术研究
[1] 严丽,,等.Towards Hybrid Uncertain Data Modeling in Databases.Adv. Intell. Sys. Comput.,2019
[2] 严丽,马宗民,马宗民等.Indexing temporal RDF graph.COMPUTING,2019
[3] 严丽,,等.A formal approach for graphically building fuzzy XML model.Int J Intell Syst,2019
[4] 严丽,,等.Temporal RDF(S) Data Storage and Query with HBase.Journal of Computing and Information Technology,2019
[5] 严丽,马宗民,严丽等.Indexing temporal RDF graph.Computing,2019
[6] 严丽,严丽,严丽等.A methodology for indexing temporal RDF data
[7] 严丽,,等.Transforming XML to RDF(S) with temporal information.J. Compt. Inf. Technol.,2018
[8] 严丽,Zheng, Diwei,Zheng, Diwei等.Spatial index for uncertain time series.J. Compt. Inf. Technol.,2018
[9] 严丽,Zuo, Liangli,Zuo, Liangli等.A weighted DTW approach for similarity matching over uncertain time series.J. Compt. Inf. Technol.,2018
[10] 严丽,马宗民,马宗民等.A formal approach for graphically building fuzzy XML model.International Journal of Intelligent Systems,2019
[11] 严丽,严丽,严丽等.Schema-based JSON data stores in relational databases
[12] 严丽,严丽,严丽等.Modeling Probabilistic Data with Fuzzy Measures in UML Class Diagrams.Proceedings of the Joint 2019 IFSA World Congress and NAFIPS Annual Conference,2019
[13] 严丽,,等.Towards Hybrid Uncertain Data Modeling in Databases.Proceedings of the Joint 2019 IFSA World Congress and NAFIPS Annual Conference,2019
[14] 严丽,,等.时态RDF扩展及其SPARQL查询语言.计算机应用研究,2017
[15] 严丽,Guo, Songyun,Guo, Songyun等.Select query translation from temporal SPARQL to TSQL2.ACM Int. Conf. Proc. Ser.,2018
[16] 严丽,,等.RDF approximate queries based on semantic similarity.COMPUTING,2017