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教育经历 1981.9 -- 1984.6齐齐哈尔市第六中学 普通高中毕业 1997.5 -- 2001.3香港城市大学 系统科学与工程 博士研究生毕业 工学博士学位 1990.9 -- 1992.12东北重型机械学院 计算机应用 硕士研究生毕业 工学硕士学位 1984.9 -- 1988.6东北重型机械学院 电子计算机及其应用 大学本科毕业 工学学士学位 工作经历 2004.11 -- 2015.3东北大学 2003.9 -- 2004.8加拿大University of Sherbrooke 2003.6 -- 2003.8美国Wayne State University 2002.1 -- 2003.5美国Oakland University 2001.4 -- 2001.12加拿大University of Saskatchewan 1993.8 -- 1997.4中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所 1988.7 -- 1990.8东北重型机械学院 著作成果 [1]马宗民.Emerging Technologies and Applications in Data Processing and Management.美国 IGI Global.2019




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[1] 马宗民,,等.RDF keyword search by query computation.J. Database Manage.,2018 [2] 马宗民,,等.Parameter Estimation of Software Reliability Growth Models by A Modified Whale Optimization Algorithm.Proc. - Int. Symp. Distrib. Comput. Appl. Bus. Eng. Sci., DCABES,2018 [3] 马宗民,,等.Automatic construction of OWL ontologies from petri nets.Int. J. Semant. Web Inf. Syst.,2019 [4] 马宗民,马宗民,马宗民等.Parameter Estimation of Software Reliability Growth Models by A Modified Whale Optimization Algorithm.Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Applications for Business Engineering and Science,2018 [5] 马宗民,马宗民,马宗民等.Fuzzy data modeling and algebraic operations in RDF [6] 马宗民,马宗民,马宗民等.Modeling fuzzy data with RDF and fuzzy relational database models [7] 马宗民,,等.RDF keyword search by query computation.Journal of Database Management,2018 [8] 马宗民,马宗民,马宗民等.Automatic construction of OWL ontologies from Petri nets [9] 马宗民,马宗民,马宗民等.Mapping fuzzy RDF(S) into fuzzy object-oriented databases.International Journal of Intelligent Systems,2019 [10] 马宗民,,等.基于改进FPA算法的重油热解模型参数估计.第30届中国过程控制会议(CPCC 2019)摘要集,2019 [11] 马宗民,马宗民,马宗民等.Consistencies of fuzzy spatiotemporal data in XML documents.FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS,2018 [12] 马宗民,马宗民,马宗民等.Fuzzy data modeling and algebraic operations in RDF.FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS,2018 [13] 马宗民,马宗民,马宗民等.Heterogeneous fuzzy XML data integration based on structural and semantic similarities.FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS,2018 [14] 马宗民,马宗民,马宗民等.Modeling fuzzy data with RDF and fuzzy relational database models.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS,2018 [15] 马宗民,马宗民,马宗民等.An approach of top-k keyword querying for fuzzy XML.COMPUTING,2018 [16] 马宗民,,等.Reengineering Probabilistic Relational Databases with Fuzzy Probability Measures into XML Model.Journal of Database Management,2017 [17] 马宗民,,等.UK - Means Clustering for Uncertain Time Series Based on ULDTW Distance.INTELLIGENT DATA ENGINEERING AND AUTOMATED LEARNING - IDEAL 2017,2017
