2020.07-至今 副教授 南京航空航天大学
2017.12-2020.06 讲师 南京航空航天大学
2017.06-2017.12 博士后 新加坡制造技术研究院
2015.10-2016.04 访问学者 美国南加利福尼亚大学
2011.09—2017.12 博士 南京航空航天大学
2007.09—2011.06 学士 南京航空航天大学
[1] Dawei Ding, Zhengcai Zhao*, Yao Li, Yucan Fu. Calibration and capability assessment of on-machine measurement by integrating a laser displacement sensor. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2021) Accept.
[2] Junming Hou, Zhengcai Zhao*, Yucan Fu, Ning Qian. Machining stability enhancement in multi-axis milling of titanium hollow blade by introducing multiple damping and rigid supporters. Journal of Manufacturing Processes. (2021) Accept.
[3] Zhengcai Zhao*, Taorui Xu. A Novel Approach for Process Shape Construction in Adaptive Machining of Curved Thin-walled Part. Precision Engineering, 2021, 67: 282-292.
[4] Zhengcai Zhao*, Dawei Ding, Yucan Fu. Error identification and compensation for a laser displacement sensor based on on-machine measurement. OPTIK, (2021) 225:165902.
[5] Zhengcai Zhao*, Junming Hou, Yucan Fu. Measurement-based modal analysis and stability prediction on turn-milling of hollow turbine blade. Shock and Vibration, 2020.
[6] Zhengcai Zhao*, Taorui Xu, Yao Li, Yucan Fu. Profile and thickness constrained adaptive localization for manufacturing curved thin-walled parts based on on-machine measurement. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2020, 110: 113-123.
[7] Zhengcai Zhao*, Ning Qian, Wenfeng Ding, Yang Wang, Yucan Fu. Profile grinding of DZ125 nickel-based superalloy: Grinding heat, temperature field, and surface quality. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2020, 57: 10-22.
[8] Zhengcai Zhao*, Yang Wang, Ning Qian, Honghua Su, Yucan Fu. A framework for accuracy enhancement in milling thin-walled narrow-vane turbine impeller of NiAl-based superalloy. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2020, 108:3925-3938.
[9] Dawei Ding, Zhengcai Zhao*, Xinquan Zhang, Yucan Fu, Jiuhua Xu. Evaluation and compensation of laser-based on-machine measurement for inclined and curved profiles. Measurement, 2020, 151: 207136 1-9.
[10] Zhengcai Zhao*, Dawei Ding, Yucan Fu, Jiuhua Xu. Measured data-driven shape-adaptive machining via spatial deformation of tool cutter positions. Measurement, 2019, 135: 244-251.
[11] Zhengcai Zhao*, Dawei Ding, Yucan Fu, Jiuhua Xu, Jielong Han. A hybrid approach for measurement thickness of complex structural parts using ultrasonic inspection and on-machine probing. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019, 103:4777-4785.
[12] Zhao Zhengcai, Xu Jiuhua, Fu Yucan*, Li Zhiqiang. An investigation on adaptive machining leading and tailing edges of SPF/DB titanium hollow blade using free-form deformation. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2018, 31:178-186.
[13] Gaoqun Liu, Zhengcai Zhao, Yucan Fu*, Jiuhua Xu, Zhiqiang Li. Deformation analysis and error prediction in machining of thin-walled honeycomb-core sandwich structural parts. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2018, 95:3875-3886.
[14] Zhengcai Zhao, Yucan Fu*, Xuan Liu, Jiuhua Xu, Jun Wang, Shujie Mao. Measurement-based geometric reconstruction for milling turbine blade using free-form deformation. Measurement, 2017, 101:19-27.