Information on Dr Apperley's work can be found in the Solid-State NMR Research Service web pages
C. E Anderson, D. C. Apperley, A. S. Batsanov, P. W. Dyer & J. A. K. Howard (2006). Concise syntheses of tridentate PNE ligands and their coordination chemistry with palladium(II): a solution- and solid-state study. Dalton Transactions 34: 4134-4145.
Altaner, C., Apperley, D.C. & Jarvis, M.C. (2006). Spatial relationships between polymers in Sitka spruce: Proton spin-diffusion studies. Holzforschung 60(6): 665-673.
Rickard, D., Griffith, A., Oldroyd, A., Butler, I.B., Lopez-Capel, E., Manning, D.A.C. & Apperley, D.C. (2006). The composition of nanoparticulate mackinawite, tetragonal iron(II) monosulfide. Chemical geology 235(3-4): 286-298.