研究方向有复合材料的设计、制备与摩擦学性能研究,材料表面改性,分子动力学模拟等,担任航天联合基金集成项目课题负责人,互联网+创新创业大赛金奖项目第一指导教师,主持国家自然科学基金面上基金/青年基金、固体润滑国家重点实验室开放课题、校创新基金等十多项课题,参与科技部973项目子课题1项,目前发表学术论文60余篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者在Friction,Wear, Tribology International, Journal of Material Science, Applied Surface Science等SCI期刊上发表论文50余篇,申请专利20余项,目前授权9项。
2008.9 - 2013.7 中国科学院大学 物理化学 博士研究生毕业 理学博士学位
2004.9 - 2008.6 兰州理工大学 应用化学 大学本科毕业 工学学士学位
2013.11 - 至今 南京航空航天大学
团队名称:空间超声电机 团队介绍:在中国科学院院士赵淳生院士团队从事超声电机理论与技术研究。
团队名称:聚合物摩擦学 团队介绍:该研究组隶属于航空学院精密驱动与控制研究所,主要围绕超声电动技术,在赵淳生院士领导下,设计新型摩擦材料。团队主要成员有丁庆军副教授,余元豪、雷浩、李新宇、尹宇航等研究生。
[1] 一种实现超声电机轻量化的方法:
[2] 一种聚酰亚胺基绝缘摩擦材料及其制备方法:
[3] 一种高耐磨聚四氟乙烯复合材料及制备方法:
[4] 一种压电驱动的精密注射系统:
[5] 一种稀土和氧化石墨烯协同改性的聚酰亚胺纳米复合材料、应用及制备方法:
[6] 一种超声电机转子表面织构的制备方法:ZL 2016 1 0238832.6[p].2017-12-19
[7] 一种石墨烯改性聚酰亚胺复合材料及其应用:CN 105820567 B[p].2018-07-17
[1] 空间环境超声电机摩擦界面能量高效传递与磨损机理研究
[2] 聚酰亚胺纳米复合材料摩擦学性能的分子动力学研究
[3] 特殊环境下高性能聚合物复合材料的摩擦学行为与机理研究
[4] 超声电机摩擦副表面积构化设计及性能研究
[5] 行波型超声电机用新型摩擦材料的制备及其性能研究
[6] 高频微振动下聚合物复合材料的摩擦学性能研究
[7] 特殊环境下聚合物自润滑复合材料的损伤机理及摩擦学行为研究
[8] 行波型超声电机用聚合物基摩擦材料特性研究
奇妙的摩擦学 /2020-2021 /春学期 /32课时 /0.0学分 /013K0190.02
[1] 第七届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛金奖
[1] Tough, Long-Term, Water-Resistant, and Underwater Adhesion of Low-Molecular-Weight Supramolecular Adhesives[J].Journal of the American Chemical Society
[2] 赵盖.Supramolecular Adhesion at Extremely Low Temperatures: A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Investigation[J].Journal of the American Chemical Society
[3] Performance of polyimide and PTFE based composites under sliding, erosive and high stress abrasive conditions[J].Tribology International
[4] Improving the Performance of Ultrasonic Motors in Low-Pressure, Variable-Temperature Environments[J].Tribology International
[5] Effect of velocity and interference depth on the tribological properties of alumina sliding with Cu: A molecular dynamics simulation[J].Chemical Physics Letters
[6] Exploration on the tribological mechanisms of polyimide with different molecular structures in different temperatures[J].Applied Surface Science
[7] Molecular dynamics study on the mechanical and tribological properties of polyimide reinforced by lanthana[J].Industrial Lubrication and Tribology
[8] Proton Irradiation-Induced Changes in the Tribological Performance of Polyimide Composites[J].Tribology International
[9] Theoretical and experimental analyses of a legged piezoelectric bending actuator with shoe soles made of polyimide composites[J].The Review of scientific instruments
[10] 赵盖.Study on the tribological properties of copper coated by graphene and h-BN from the atomic scale[J].Applied Surface Science
[11] 赵盖.Improving the high temperature tribology of polyimide by molecular structure design and grafting POSS[J].Polymers for Advanced Technologies
[12] 赵盖.Molecular dynamics study on the thermal, mechanical and tribological properties of PBI/PI composites[J].Materials Today Communications
[13] 赵盖,.Comparative study of tribological properties of insulated and conductive polyimide composites.Friction,2020
[14] 赵盖,.Mechanical and tribological properties of polyimide composites for reducing weight of ultrasonic motors.Key Engineering Materials,2019
[15] 赵盖,,等.Ultraviolet or atomic oxygen effects on tribological properties of the carbon fibers/polyimide composites.Journal of macromolecular science,2015
[16] 赵盖,,等.Comparative Study on the Tribological Properties of the Polyimide Composites Reinforced With Different Fibers.Polymer Composites,2016
[17] 赵盖.Mechanical and Tribological Properties of Polyimide Composites for Reducing Weight of Ultrasonic Motors
[18] 赵盖,,等.Ultraviolet or atomic oxygen effects on polyimide composite lubricating coating.Journal of polymer engineering,2014
[19] 赵盖,,等.Effect of surface roughness and reciprocating time on the tribological properties of the polyimide composites.POLYMER ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE,2019
[20] 赵盖,赵盖,赵盖等.Improved tribological properties of polyimide composites by micro-nano reinforcement