[54] Xing Tan, Guoping Chen, Weiting Chen, Zhenyu Wang, Huan He†, Jincheng He, Tao Wang. Analytical approach to the stepped multi-span rotor-bearing system with isotropic elastic boundary conditions. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2021, 91: 280- 296. (SCI, EI)
[53] Xing Tan, Guoping Chen, Weiting Chen, Zhenyu Wang, Huan He†, Jincheng He, Tao Wang. Theoretical analysis of a parametrically excited rotor system with electromechanically coupled boundary condition. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2021, 512, 116378. (SCI, EI)
[52] Hanbo Shao, Guoping Chen, Huan He†. Elastic wave localization and energy harvesting defined by piezoelectric patches on phononic crystal waveguide. Physics Letters A, 2021, 127366.(SCI, EI)
[51] Cheng He, Zhonghua Li, Huan He†, Jizhen Wang. Stochastic dynamic model updating of aerospace thermal structure with a hierarchical framework. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2021, 160, 107892. (SCI, EI)
[50] Xing Tan, Guoping Chen, Huan He†, Weiting Chen, Zhenyu Wang, Jincheng He, Tao Wang. Stability analysis of a rotor system with electromechanically coupled boundary conditions under periodic axial load. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2021, 104:1157–1174.(SCI, EI)
[49] Tengfei Chen, Guoping Chen, Weiting Chen, Shuo Hou, Yuxuan Zheng, Huan He†. Application of decoupled ARMA model to modal identification of linear time-varying system based on the ICA and assumption of “short-time linearly varying”. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2021, 499, 115997. (SCI, EI)
[48] Tao Wang, Junhan An, Huan He†, Xin Wen, Xulong Xi. A novel 3D impact energy absorption structure with negative Poisson’s ratio and its application in aircraft crashworthiness. Composite Structures, 2021, 262, 113663. (SCI, EI)
[47] Tengfei Chen, Weiting Chen, Guoping Chen, Huan He†. Recursive formulation of the WKB solution for linear time-varying dynamic systems. Acta Mechanica, 2021, s00707-020-02875-5. (SCI, EI)
[46] Xing Tan, Jincheng He, Chen Xi, Xi Deng, Xulong Xi, Weiting Chen, Huan He†. Dynamic modeling for rotor-bearing system with electromechanically coupled boundary conditions. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2021, 91: 280- 296. (SCI, EI)
[45] He Jincheng, Tan Xing, Tao Wang, Wu Xinhai, Huan He†, Chen Guoping. Reduction of structural vibrations with the piezoelectric stacks ring. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 2020, 64: 729 – 736. (SCI, EI)
[44] Hou Shuo, Tan Xing, He Jincheng, Deng Xi, Xi Chen, Lu Guangyao, Huan He†. Dynamic similarity analysis for a piezo-electromechanical system. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 2020, 64: 103 – 110. (SCI, EI)
[43] 王杰, 朱江, 黄文博, 何欢†. 二维非线性单原子正方晶格色散摄动分析. 振动与冲击, 2020, 39(9): 88 – 96.
[42] 裴晨晖, 何欢†, 陈国平. 基于临界面的多轴振动疲劳寿命预测. 装备环境工程, 2020, 17(9): 95 – 99.
[41] Hanbo Shao, Huan He†, Cheng He, Guoping Chen. Study on the band gap optimization and defect state of two-dimensional honeycomb phononic crystals. Journal of Materials Research, 2020, 35(21): 3021-3030
[40] H. Shao, G. Ying, S. A. Lennon, F. S. F. Brossard, J. P. Griffiths, L. P. Nuttall, V. Osokin, E. Clarke, H. He†, R. A. Taylor. Purcell enhancement of a deterministically coupled quantum dot in an SU-8 laser patterned photonic crystal heterostructure. Applied Physics Letters, 2020, 117, 043103.
[39] Shao Hanbo, Huan He†, Chen Guoping, Chen Yan. Two new designs of lamp-type piezoelectric metamaterials for active wave propagation control. Chinese Journal of Physics, 2020, 65: 1-13.
[38] Huan He†, Xing Tan, Jincheng He, Fang Zhang, Guoping Chen. A novel ring-shaped vibration damper based on piezoelectric shunt damping: Theoretical analysis and experiments. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2020, 468: 115125.
[37] Tao Wang, Jincheng He, Shuo Hou, Xi Deng, ChenXi, Huan He†. Complex Component Mode Synthesis Method Using Hybrid Coordinates For Generally Damped Systems with Local Nonlinearities. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2020, 476, 23, 115299. (SCI, EI).
[36] Tengfei Chen, Huan He†, Guoping Chen, etc. Parameter identification for nonlinear time-varying dynamic system based on the assumption of "short time linearly varying" and global constraint optimization. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2020, 139, 106620. (SCI, EI)
[34] Hanbo Shao, Huan He†, Yan Chen, Xiao Tan, Guoping Chen. A tunable metamaterial muffler with a membrane structure based on Helmholtz cavities. Applied Acoustics, 2020, 157: 107022.(SCI, EI).
[33] Xinhai Wu, Huan He†, Guo-Ping Chen. A new state-space method for exponentially damped linear systems. Computers & Structures, 2019, 212: 137–144.(SCI, EI).
[32] Han-Bo Shao, Huan He†, Yan Chen, Guo-Ping Chen. A novel multi-cavity Helmholtz muffler. Chin. Phys. B, 2019, 28(5): 054303.(SCI, EI).
[31] He Cheng, Wu Xinhai, Wang Tao, He Huan. Geometrically Nonlinear Analysis for Elastic Beam Using Point Interpolation Meshless Method. Shock and Vibration, 2019, 9065365.(SCI, EI).
[30] Tengfei Chen, Huan He†, Cheng He, Guoping Chen. A New Parameter Identification Method Based on QR Decomposition for Nonlinear Time-Varying Systems. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 2019, 145: 04018118.(SCI, EI).
[29] 何晋丞, 陈国平, 何欢. 基于压电分流阻尼技术的新型减振环的参数优化分析. 振动与冲击, 2019, 38(9):260-265.(EI).
[28] Jiadong Shen, Shu Guo, Xianglei Liu, Baoan Liu, Weitao Wu, Huan He. Super-Planckian thermal radiation enabled by coupled quasi-elliptic 2D black phosphorus plasmons. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 144:403–410.(SCI, EI).
[27] T. Wang, Huan He†, W. Yan, et al. A model-updating approach based on the component mode synthesis method and perturbation analysis. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2018, 433:349–365.(SCI, EI).
[26] Shen Jiadong, Liu Xianglei, He Huan, Wu Weitao, Liu Baoan. High-performance noncontact thermal diode via asymmetric nanostructures. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 2018, 211: 1–8.(SCI, EI).
[25] 陈喆, 何欢, 陈国平. 基于增广SVM的结构动力学模型修正方法研究. 振动与冲击, 2017, 36(15): 194–202.(EI).
[24] 何欢†, 王陶, 刘庞轮, 陈国平. 基于本征梁理论的非线性大挠度柔性梁无网格动力学计算. 振动工程学报, 2017, 30(4): 535–541.(EI).
[23] 王陶, 何欢†, 闫伟, 陈国平. 一种利用子结构综合技术的模型修正方法. 振动与冲击, 2017, 36(2): 147–152,164.(EI).
[22] He Huan†, Wang Tao, Chen Wei-min. An improved component mode synthesis method for interval uncertainty analysis. Journal of Vibroengeering, 2017, 19(4): 2844–2856.(SCI, EI).
[21] 何欢†, 王陶, 陈国平. 一般粘性阻尼振动系统的实空间解耦与自由界面模态综合法. 振动工程学报, 2016, 29(1), pp 8 - 16. (EI).
[20] Huan He†, Tao Wang, Guoping Chen. A Hybrid Coordinates Component Mode Synthesis Method for Dynamic Analysis of Structures with Localised Nonlinearities. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics-Transactions of the ASME, 2016, 138, pp 031002-1 - 031002-10. (SCI, EI).
[19] Huan He†, Zhe Chen, Cheng He, Lei Ni, Guoping Chen. A hierarchical updating method for finite element model of airbag buffer system under landing impact. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2015, 28(6), pp 1643-1653. (SCI, EI)
[18] Huan He†, Cheng He, Guoping Chen. Inverse determination of temperature-dependent thermophysical parameters using multiobjective optimization methods. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015, 85, pp 694-702.(SCI, EI)
[17] 何成, 何欢†, 裴锦华, 陈国平. 考虑温变效应的热物性参数RBF辨识方法. 工程力学, 2015, 32(1), pp 205-212.(EI)
[16] Huan He†, Tao Wang, Guoping Chen. A real decoupled method and free interface component mode synthesis methods for generally damped systems. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2014, 333(2), pp 584-603.(SCI, EI).
[15] 何欢†, 倪磊, 何成, 陈国平. 气囊着陆缓冲系统冲击动力学模型修正方法. 振动工程学报, 2014, 27(3), pp 311-317.(EI).
[14] 何欢†, 朱广荣, 何成, 陈国平. 基于Kriging模型的结构耐撞性优化, 南京航空航天大学学报, 2014, 46(2), pp 297-303.
[13] Rujie Sun, Guoping Chen, Huan He. The impact force identification of composite stiffened panels under material uncertainty. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 2014, 81, pp 38-47. (SCI, EI)
[12] 何欢†, 何成, 陈国平. 深空探测气囊着陆缓冲系统的原理样机冲击动力学相似问题研究. 振动工程学报, 2013, 26(4), pp 554-560.(EI)
[11] Chen He, Guoping Chen, Huan He†, Rujie Sun. Model updating of dynamic system in high-temperature environment based on hierarchical method. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 2013, 77, pp 59-68.(SCI, EI)
[10] 何欢†, 孙东阳, 马常亮. 多腔体气囊式回收系统的着陆冲击动力学建模与分析. 南京航空航天大学学报, 2013, 45(1), pp 8-13.
[9] 何成, 陈国平, 何欢. 径向基模型的不确定性模型区间修正与确认. 机械工程学报, 2013, 49(11), pp 128-134.(EI)
[8] 何成, 陈国平, 何欢. 基于全局近似函数的薄壁结构耐撞性多目标优化. 南京航空航天大学学报, 2012, 44(4), pp 472-477.(EI)
[7] 何成, 何欢, 陈国平. 基于分级思想的高温环境结构动力学模型修正. 振动与冲击, 2012, 31(9), pp 145-150.(EI)
[6] 何欢†, 何成, 陈国平. 坠撞环境下的乘员动态响应仿真. 南京航空航天大学学报, 2009, 41(4), pp 486 – 490.(EI)
[5] 何欢†, 陈国平, 陆颖华. 有阻尼振动系统的自由界面子结构综合法. 计算力学学报, 2009, 26(6), pp 951 – 955.(EI)
[4] 何欢†, 陈国平, 张家滨. 带油箱结构的机身框段坠撞仿真分析. 航空学报, 2008, 39(3), pp 627 – 633.(EI)
[3] 韦勇, 陈国平, 何欢. 层合板振动特征值对铺层角的灵敏度. 复合材料学报, 2006, 23(5), pp 132 – 136.(EI)
[2] 何欢†, 陈国平, 韦勇. 纤维增强复合材料动态性能参数的识别方法. 复合材料学报, 2006, 23(6), pp 174 – 178.(EI)
[1] 何欢†, 陈国平. 空间大挠度梁的有限元动力学响应分析. 南京航空航天学报, 2005, 37(2), pp 198 – 207.(EI)
基于改进的子结构模态综合法的结构不确定性分析. 第十一届全国振动理论及应用学术会议, 2015.
一种新的基于频响函数的阻尼模型构建方法研究. 第十一届全国振动理论及应用学术会议, 2015.
基于分级修正思想的高温环境结构动力学模型修正. 第十届全国振动理论及应用学术会议论文集, 2011.
多腔体气囊式回收系统的着陆冲击动力学建模与分析研究. 第十届全国振动理论及应用学术会议论文集, 2011.
气囊缓冲系统在着陆回收领域中的应用. 中国宇航学会返回与再入专业委员会2008年学术交流会, 2008.
[1] 何欢,,等.电磁炉电磁振动噪声机理研究.江苏航空,2019
[2] 何欢,何欢,陈腾飞等.New Parameter-Identification Method Based on QR Decomposition for Nonlinear Time-Varying Systems
[3] 何欢,,等.New Parameter-Identification Method Based on QR Decomposition for Nonlinear Time-Varying Systems.JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MECHANICS,2019
[4] 何欢,,等.一种考虑截面任意变形模式梁的有限元模型.航空学报,2018
[5] 何欢,,等.A tunable metamaterial muffler with a membrane structure based on Helmholtz cavities.Appl Acoust,2020
[6] 何欢,Shao, Han-Bo,Shao, Han-Bo等.A novel multi-cavity Helmholtz muffler.Chin. Phys.,2019
[7] 何欢,何欢,何欢等.New Parameter-Identification Method Based on QR Decomposition for Nonlinear Time-Varying Systems.JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MECHANICS,2019
[8] 何欢,何欢,何欢等.A new state-space method for exponentially damped linear systems
[9] 何欢,何欢,何欢等.A model-updating approach based on the component mode synthesis method and perturbation analysis.Journal of sound and vibration,2018
[10] 何欢,,等.一种考虑截面任意变形模式的梁的有限元模型.航空学报,2018
[11] 何欢,,等.An improved component mode synthesis method for interval uncertainty analysis.JOURNAL OF VIBROENGINEERING,2017
[12] 何欢,,等.基于增广SVM的结构动力学模型修正方法研究.振动与冲击,2017
[13] 何欢,,等.基于本征梁理论的非线性大挠度柔性梁无网格动力学计算.振动工程学报,2017
[14] 何欢,何欢,何欢等.考虑不确定性因素的有限元模型修正方法研究.振动工程学报,2017