2021.1 -- 至今南京航空航天大学 能源与动力学院
[1] 内燃波转子新概念燃烧:基于高精度数值计算方法的点火机理研究,火焰传播特性研究,激波与火焰相互作用机理研究;
[2] 爆震物理与斜爆震发动机:面向未来高超音速飞行器的爆震基础研究,爆燃转爆震(DDT)研究,斜爆震发动机内爆震起爆与传播特性研究;
[3] 超燃冲压发动机:超音速燃烧火焰稳定方法研究,基于大涡模拟的高超音速气流中燃料喷注特性研究;
[1] Qiongyao Qin, Xiaobing Zhang. A novel method for trigger location control of the oblique detonation wave by a modified wedge, Combustion and Flame 2018, 197: 65-77.
[2] Qiongyao Qin, Ramesh Agarwal, Xiaobing Zhang. A novel method for flame stabilization in a strut-based scramjet combustor, Combustion and Flame 2019, 210: 292-301.
[3] Qiongyao Qin, Xiaobing Zhang. Study on the transition patterns of the oblique detonation wave with varying temperature of the hydrogen-air mixture, Fuel 2020, 274: 117827.
[4] Qiongyao Qin, Xiaobing Zhang. Numerical investigation on combustion in muzzle flows using an inert gas labeling method, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2016, 101: 91-103.
[5] Qiongyao Qin, Xiaobing Zhang. Study on the effects of geometry on the initiation characteristics of the oblique detonation wave for hydrogen-air mixture, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2019, 44: 17004-17014.
[6] Qiongyao Qin, Xiaobing Zhang. Study on the initiation mechanism of non-premixed shock induced combustion in supersonic propellant gas jet, Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics 2019, 44: 1302-1311.
[7] Qiongyao Qin, Xiaobing Zhang. Study on the initiation characteristics of the oblique detonation wave by a co-flow hot jet, Acta Astronautica 2020, 177: 86-95.
[8] Qiongyao Qin, Xiaobing Zhang. Controllable initiation characteristics of the oblique detonation wave in a combustor with a confined cone of a novel structure, Aerospace Science and Technology 2020, 107: 106267.
[9] Qiongyao Qin, Xiaobing Zhang. Nitrogen dilution effects on the local detachment of the oblique detonation wave in the 2H2-O2 mixture, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2021, 46: 6873-6884.
[10]Qiongyao Qin, Xiaobing Zhang. Numerical investigation on influence of precursor flow on combustion in muzzle flows, 30th International Symposium on Ballistics, Long Beach, USA, 2017.9.11-2017.9.15.