Biomolecular investigations of the aetiology and pathogenesis of inflammatory and cardiovascular diseases;
The role of ‘oxidative stress’ in the pathogenesis of human diseases;
The multicomponent high-resolution NMR analysis of biofluids and tissues for diagnostic, prognostic and forensic purposes;
Biomedical, bioanalytical and metabolomic investigations of oral diseases and the therapeutic activities of oral healthcare products;
The development and application of techniques for the monitoring of drugs of both clinical and forensic interest;
Synthesis, applications and mechanisms of action of drugs and metallodrugs;
Pharmacology and pharmacodynamics (both clinical and forensic aspects);
The biological and medicinal chemistry of reactive oxygen species (ROS), together with the detection and pathological significance of products derived from their reactions, both in vitro and in vivo;
Biological inorganic chemistry, for example the ‘speciation’ of metal ions in biofluids and tissues;
The development and testing of novel biomaterials and biosensors;
Bio- and chemometrics, and metabolomics, including NMR-based exploratory data analysis and pattern recognition techniques;
Design, development and testing of metal alloy oral and joint prostheses;
The experimental design of clinical trials and statistical analysis of data derived therefrom;
Research ethics of clinical investigations