2020.11 至今 南京工业大学交通运输工程学院 讲师
2013.07 - 2016.09 徐州矿务集团(局) 矿建项目安全(生产)副总经理(主持工作)
2017.09-2020.06,中国矿业大学地质资源与地质工程 博士
2014.09-2017.06,中国矿业大学(北京)工程管理 硕士
2010.09-2013.06,中国矿业大学采矿工程 本科
1. 国家自然科学基金重点项目“侏罗系煤层上覆 N2红土采动破坏突水机理与防控研究”(41430643)(参加)
2. 江苏省基础研究计划(自然科学基金)项目“淮海区松散含水层下粘土层釆动隔水时效性演化规律”(BK20190646)(参加)
3. 学科前沿专项重点“鄂尔多斯煤田开发工程基础研究”(2017XKZD07)(参加)
1. 山东省邱集煤矿“11 煤西翼首采区顶底板岩溶水害超前治理效果及安全程度评价项目研究”(参加)
2. 淮北矿业集团“采空区应力演化规律及含水层上采动隔水层安全评价研究”(参加)
3. 肥城矿务集团“白庄煤矿高水压下隐伏破碎底板矿压持续作用滞后突水研究”(参加)
4. 黄河北煤田邱集煤矿“二水平一采区 11 煤 1101 工作面顶底板岩溶水害超前治理效果评价项目研究”(参加)
5. 淮北矿业集团“杨柳煤矿 1075 综采工作面底板岩层变形破坏分布式光纤传感监测研究”(参加)
1. 2018 年-2019 年 获“博士研究生国家奖学金”
2. 2017 年-2018 年 获中国矿业大学“优秀共产党员标兵”
1. 深部岩层控制、矿井水害防治与水资源利用
2. 岩土力学与工程
3. 环境地质与灾害地质、地下工程灾害评价
[1] Hu, Y.B., Li, W.P., Liu, S.L., et al. 2021. Prediction of Floor Failure Depth in Deep Coal Mines by Regression Analysis of the Multi-factor Influence Index. Mine Water Environ. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10230-021-00769-z. (SCI-Q1)
[2] Hu, Y.B., Li, W.P., Wang, Q.Q., Liu, S.L., Wang, ZK., 2019. Evolution of floor water inrush from a structural fractured zone with confined water. Mine Water Environ. 38(2), 252-260. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10230-019-00599-0. (SCI-Q1)
[3] Hu, Y.B., Li, W.P., Wang, Q.Q., Liu, S.L., Wang, Z.K., 2019. Evaluation of water inrush risk from coal seam floors with an AHP–EWM algorithm and GIS. Environ. Earth Sci. 78(10), 290. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-019-8301-5. (SCI-Q2)
[4] Hu, Y.B., Li, W.P., et al., 2019. Study on failure depth of coal seam floor in deep mining. Environ. Earth Sci. 78, 697. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-019-8731-0. (SCI-Q2)
[5] Hu, Y.B., Li, W.P., et al., 2020. Vertical Shaft Excavation Shaping and Surrounding Rock Control Technology Under the Coupling Action of High Ground Stress and Fracture Formation. J. Perform. Constr. Facil. 34(6), 04020116. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0001524. (SCI)
[6] Hu, Y.B., Li, W.P., Liu, S.L., Wang, Q.Q., Wang, Z.K., 2019c. Risk assessment of water inrush from aquifers underlying the Qiuji coal mine in China. Arab. J. Geosci. 12(3), 98. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12517-019-4244-0. (SCI)
[7] Zhu, T., Li, W.P., Wang, Q.Q., Hu, Y.B., Fan, K.F., et al. 2020. Study on the Height of the Mining-Induced Water-Conducting Fracture Zone Under the Q2l Loess Cover of the Jurassic Coal Seam in Northern Shaanxi, China. Mine Water Environ. 39, 57–67. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10230-020-00656-z. (SCI)
[8] Liu, S.L., Li, W.P., Wei, Q., Wang, Q.Q., Hu, Y.B., Wang, Z.K., 2019. Effect of natural conditions and mining activities on vegetation variations in arid and semiarid mining regions. Ecological Indicators 103, 331-345. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2019.04.034. (SCI)
[9] Wang, Z.K., Li, W.P., Wang, Q.Q., Liu, S.L., Hu, Y.B., et al., 2019. Relationships between the petrographic, physical and mechanical characteristics of sedimentary rocks in Jurassic weakly cemented strata. Environ. Earth Sci. 78, 131. (SCI)
[10] Wang, Z.K., Chen, J.F., Li, W.P., Wang, Q.Q., Niu, Q.H., Liu, S.L., Hu, Y.B., 2020. Relationship between petrographic parameters and physical-mechanical properties of weakly cemented sandstones. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology 54. https://doi.org/10.1144/qjegh2018-168. (SCI)
1. 《Mine Water and the Environment》、《Journal of Hydrology》、《Hydrogeology Journal》、《ACS Omega》、《Emerging Materials Research》及《EnvironmentalEarth Sciences》等国际期刊特邀审稿人
2. 西安煤科院,《黄河北煤田邱集煤矿西翼工作面 11 煤顶底板水害防治注浆改造工程竣工报告》,评审专家组成员
3. 山东科技大学,《赵官能源下组煤七采区水文地质补充勘探报告》,评审专家组组长