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2003年获大连医科大学神经生理学博士学位,博士期间赴美国国立环境卫生科学研究院进行博士课题研究。之后分别在美国宾西法尼亚大学医学院和美国国立环境卫生科学研究院做博士后和Research fellow。2013年起任南京大学模式动物研究所教授、博士生导师,入选江苏省双创人才计划。从事神经退行与神经发育相关疾病机制研究,特别是神经炎症相关的神经退行性疾病的机制研究和治疗靶点和药物的筛查 Book chapter 1. Gao H-M*, Gao Y, Tu DZ, Liu Y, Zhou H, and Hong JS (2016) Inflammation-mediated Neurodegeneration: Models, Mechanisms, and Therapeutic Interventions for neurodegenerative Diseases. In: Inflammation—From Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms to the Clinic (Jean-Marc Cavaillon & Mervyn Singer, ed), Wiley-VCH (*Correspondence). 2. Gao H-M*, Zhou H, and Hong J-S (2014) Oxidative Stress, Neuroinflammation, and Neurodegeneration. In: Neuroinflammation and Neurodegeneration (Phillip K. Peterson & Michal Toborek, ed), pp81-104. Springer. (*Correspondence). 基金种类 基金项目名称 国家自然科学基金 31471006 HMGB1在神经炎症,神经退行死亡和帕金森病形成的分子机制和神经行为学研究.2003年获大连医科大学神经生理学博士学位,博士期间赴美国国立环境卫生科学研究院进行博士课题研究。之后分别在美国宾西法尼亚大学医学院和美国国立环境卫生科学研究院做博士后和Research fellow。2013年起任南京大学模式动物研究所教授、博士生导师,入选江苏省双创人才计划。


阿尔茨海默病 (Alzheimer’s disease) 和帕金森病(Parkinson’s disease)是以脑神经细胞大量死亡以及学习记忆功能受损(前者)和肢体震颤麻痹(后者)为主要病征的神经退行性疾病。我们实验室以基因工程小鼠为模式动物,利用细胞生物学,分子生物学,遗传学,病理形态学和神经行为学等多重手段研究炎症反应和氧化应激反应在神经退行疾病发病中的作用和机理。我们也同时研究抗炎神经保护药物和促进神经再生的方法,以帮助找到治疗神经退行性疾病的有效方法。先后发表SCI论文30余篇,累及SCI引用3500余次。



查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Gao H-M*, Gao Y, Tu DZ, Liu Y, Zhou H, and Hong JS (2018) In_ ammation-mediated Neurodegeneration: Models, Mechanisms, and Therapeutic Interventions for neurodegenerative Diseases. In: Inflammation—From Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms to the Clinic (Jean-Marc Cavaillon & Mervyn Singer, ed). pp1255-1278. Wiley-VCH 2. Gao H-M*, Tu DZ, Gao Y, Liu QY, Yang R, Liu Y, Guan T, and Hong J-S (2017) Roles of microglia in in_ ammation-mediated neurodegeneration: Models, mechanisms, and therapeutic interventions for Parkinson’s disease In: Advances in Neurotoxicology (Michael Aschner and Lucio Costa, ed), pp185-209. Elsevier 3. Yinxi Wang, Dan Liu, Huifeng Zhang, Yixin Wang, Ling Wei, Yutong Liu, Jieying Liao, Hui-Ming Gao, Hui Zhou (2017) Ultra_ ne carbon particles promote rotenone-induced dopamine neuronal loss through activating microglial NADPH oxidase. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 322: 51-591 4. Chu CH, Wang S, Li CL, Chen SH, Hu CF, Chung YL, Chen SL, Wang Q, Lu RB, Gao H-M*, Hong JS (2016) Neurons and astroglia govern microglial endotoxin tolerance through macrophage colony-stimulating factor receptor-mediated ERK1/2 signals. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 55: 260–272 (*Correspondence). 5. Chu CH, Chen SH, Wang Q, Langenbach R, Li H, Zeldin D, Chen SL, Wang S, Gao H-M*, Lu RB*, Hong JS (2015) PGE2 Inhibits IL-10 Production via EP2-Mediated β-Arrestin Signaling in Neuroinflammatory Condition. Molecular Neurobiology 52(1):587-600. (*Correspondence). 6. Zhou H, Liao J, Aloor J, Nie H, Wilson B, Fessler M, Gao H-M*, Hong J-S (2013) CD11b/CD18 (Mac-1) is a novel surface receptor for extracellular double-stranded RNA to mediate cellular inflammatory responses. Journal of Immunology 190:115-125 (*Correspondence). 7. Mattison HA, Nie H, Gao H-M, Zhou H, Hong J-S, and Zhang J (2013) Suppressed pro-inflammatory response of microglia in CX3CR1 knockout mice. Journal of Neuroimmunology 257(1-2):110-5 8. Gao H-M*, Zhou H, Hong J-S (2012) NADPH oxidases: novel therapeutic targets for neurodegenerative diseases. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences 33(6): 295-303 (*Correspondence). 9. Zhou H, Zhang F, Chen S-H, Zhang D, Wilson B, Hong J-S, Gao H-M* (2012) Rotenone activates phagocyte NADPH oxidase through binding to its membrane subunit gp91phox. Free Radical Biology & Medicine 52: 303–313. (*Correspondence). 10. Zhang F, Zhou H, Wilson, B, Shi J-S, Hong J-S, and Gao H-M* (2012) Fluoxetine protects neurons against microglial activation-mediated neurotoxicity. Parkinsonism & Relat Disord. 18 Suppl 1 pp. S213-7 (*Correspondence). 11. Wang QS, Zhou H, Gao H-M, Chen S-H, Chu C-H, Wilson B, Hong J-S (2012) Naloxone inhibits immune cell function by suppressing superoxide production through a direct interaction with gp91phox subunit of NADPH oxidase. Journal of Neuroinflammation. 9(1):32. 12. Gao H-M* and Hong J-S (2011) Gene–environment interactions: key to unraveling the mystery of Parkinson’s disease. Progress in Neurobiology 94:1–19. (*Correspondence). 13. Gao H-M*, Zhou H, Zhang F, Wilson B, Kam W, Hong J-S (2011) HMGB1 acts on microglia Mac1 to mediate chronic neuroinflammation that drives progressive neurodegeneration Journal Neuroscience. 31(3):1081–1092 (*Correspondence). 14. Gao H-M*, Zhang F, Zhou H, Kam W, Wilson B, Hong J-S (2011) Neuroinflammation and alpha-synuclein dysfunction potentiate each other driving chronic progression of neurodegeneration in a mouse model of Parkinson's disease. Environmental Health Perspectives 119 (6): 807-814 (*Correspondence). 15. Flood PM, Qian L, Peterson L, Zhang F, Shi J-S, Gao H-M, Hong J-S (2011) Transcritional factor NF-kB as s target for therapy in Parkinson’s disease. Parkinson’s Disease 2011:216298. 16. Hu X, Zhou H, Zhang D, Yang S, Qian L, Wu H-M, Chen PS, Wilson B, Gao H-M, Lu RB, Hong J-S (2011) Clozapine protects dopaminergic neurons from inflammation-induced damage by inhibiting microglial overactivation. Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology. 7(1):187-201 17. Zhang F, Qian L, Flood PM, Shi J-S, Hong J-S, and Gao H-M* (2010) Inhibition of IκB kinase-β (IKK-β) Protects Dopamine Neurons against Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Neurotoxicity. The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 333(3):822-33 (*Correspondence). 18. Zhang F, Shi J-S, Zhou H, Wilson BC, Hong J-S, and Gao H-M* (2010) Resveratrol protects dopamine neurons against lipopolysaccharide-induced neurotoxicity through its anti-inflammatory actions. Molecular Pharmacology 78(3):466-477 (*Correspondence). 19. Schug TT, Xu Q, Gao H-M, Peres-da-Silva A, David DW, Fessler MB., Purushotham A, and Li X (2010) Myeloid Deletion of SIRT1 Induces Inflammatory Signaling in Response to Environmental Stress. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 30(19):4712-21 20. Gao H-M, Kotzbauer PT, Uryu K, Leight S, Trojanowski JQ, Lee VM. (2008) Neuroinflammation and oxidation/nitration of α-synuclein linked to dopaminergic neurodegeneration. J. Neurosci. 28(30):7687–7698 21. Gao H-M*, Hong J-S (2008) Why neurodegenerative diseases are progressive: uncontrolled inflammation drives disease progression. Trends in Immunology 29: 357-365 ** cover illustration (*Correspondence). 22. Zhang D, Hu X, Wei S-J, Liu J, Gao H-M, Qian L, Wilson, B, Liu G and Hong JS (2008) Squamosamide derivative FLZ protects dopaminergic neurons against inflammation-mediated neurodegeneration through the inhibition of NADPH oxidase activity. J. Neuroinflammation 5:21-33 23. Hu X, Zhang D, Pang h, Caudle M W, Li, Y, Gao H-M, Liu Y, Qian L, Wilson, B, Di Monte DA, Ali SF, Zhang J, Block ML, Hong JS (2008) Macrophage Antigen Complex-1 Mediates Reactive Microgliosis and Progressive Dopaminergic Neurodegeneration in the MPTP Model of Parkinson's Disease. J. Immunology 181(10):7194-204 24. Zhang W, Qin L, Wang T, Wei SJ, Gao H-M, Liu J, Wilson B, Liu B, Zhang W, Kim HC, Hong J-S. (2006) 3-hydroxymorphinan is neurotrophic to dopaminergic neurons and is also neuroprotective against LPS-induced neurotoxicity. FASEB J. 19(3):395-397 25. Zhang W, Wang T, Qin L, Gao H-M, Wilson B, Ali S, Zhang WQ, Hong J-S, Liu B (2004) Neuroprotective effect of dextromethorphan in the MPTP Parkinson's disease model: role of NADPH oxidase. FASEB J. 18(3):589-91 26. Du Xinlu, Gao Huiming, Zhao Jie, Liu Xueyuan, Zhang Wanqin(2005)The change of Bcl-2 protein expression in area tempestas of seizure sensitive rats. Chinese Journal of Neuroanatomy 21(2): 185-189 27. Du Xinlu, Gao Huiming, Zhao Jie, Liu Xueyuan, Zhang Wanqin(2004)The change of k opioid receptors and NR2B immunoreactivity in area tempestas of seizure sensitive rats. Chinese Journal of Neuroanatomy 05: 463-67 28. Liu H, Gao H-M, Zhang WQ, Tang YY, Song HS (2004) Effects of chronic administration of PL017 and beta-funaltrexamine hydrochloride on susceptibility of kainic acid-induced seizures in rats. Acta Physiologica Sinica. 56(1):101-6 29. Liu Hui, Gao Huiming, Yang Donghui, Peng Yan, Song Aihong; Zhang Wanqin (2002) The role of mu-opioid receptors in seizure susceptibility induced by kainic acid. Chinese Journal of Neurology 35(3):147-150 30. Gao H-M*, Liu B, Hong J-S (2003) Critical role of microglial NADPH oxidase in rotenone-induced dopaminergic neurodegeneration. Journal Neuroscience 23 (15):6181-6187 (*Correspondence). 31. Gao H-M*, Liu B, Zhang WQ, Hong J-S (2003) Synergistic dopaminergic neurotoxicity of MPTP and inflammogen lipopolysaccharide: relevance to the etiology of Parkinson’s disease. FASEB J. 17(11):1957-+; DOI: 10.1096/fj.03-0203fje (*Correspondence). 32. Gao H-M*, Liu B, Zhang WQ, Hong J-S (2003) Novel anti-inflammatory therapy for Parkinson’s disease. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences 24 (8):395-401 (*Correspondence). 33. Gao H-M, Liu B, Zhang WQ, Hong J-S (2003) Critical role of microglial NADPH oxidase-derived free radicals in the in vitro MPTP model of Parkinson’s disease. FASEB J. 17(13):1954-+; DOI: 10.1096/fj.03-0109fje 34. Gao H-M, Hong J-S, Zhang WQ, Liu B (2003) Synergistic dopaminergic neurotoxicity of the pesticide rotenone and inflammogen lipopolysaccharide: relevance to the etiology of Parkinson’s disease. Journal Neuroscience 23(4):1228-1236 35. Liu B, Gao H-M, Hong J-S (2003) Parkinson’s disease and exposure to infectious agents and pesticides and the occurrence of brain injuries: role of neuro-inflammation. Environmental Health Perspectives 111:1065-1073 36. Gao H-M, Hong J-S, Zhang WQ, Liu B (2002) Distinct role for microglia in rotenone-induced degeneration of dopaminergic neurons. Journal Neuroscience 22:782-790 37. Gao H-M, Jiang JW, Wilson BC, Zhang WQ, Hong J-S, Liu B (2002) Microglial activation-mediated delayed and progressive degeneration of rat nigral dopaminergic neurons: relevance to Parkinson’s disease. J. Neurochem. 81:1285-1297. 38. Liu B, Gao H-M, Jeohn GH, Cooper CP, Hong J-S (2002) Role of nitric oxide in inflammation-mediated neurodegeneration. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 962:318-331 39. Liu B, Wang K, Gao H-M, Mandavilli B, Wang JY, Hong J-S (2001) Molecular consequences of activated microglia in the brain: overactivation induces apoptosis. J. Neurochem. 77:182-189
