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特聘研究员、副教授,入选国家高层次青年人才计划、南京大学“ 登峰人才支持计划”。南京大学学士、硕士,剑桥大学博士。主要从事污染土壤、地下水和矿山的修复研究。在ES&T、Geotechnique等领域主流期刊发表SCI论文50余篇,主编专著2部,公开发明专利3项。担任Soil Use and Management副主编,Journal of Environmental Sciences青年编委,Environment International客座编辑,Engineering Geology等40余个SCI期刊审稿人。曾获国家优秀非公派留学生奖学金、加拿大Killam博后基金、ES&T年度最佳论文等荣誉。 主要经历 2006-2013 南京大学, 学士、硕士 2013-2017 剑桥大学, 博士 2017-2019 阿尔伯塔大学, 博士后/Killam学者 2019-2021 清华大学, 访问学者 2021-至今 南京大学, 特聘研究员、副教授


土壤、地下水、矿山的污染成因和修复研究 -低碳长效修复功能材料研发(生物炭、活性氧化镁、LDH、自愈合水泥等单一及改性或复合材料) -污染物与土壤/修复材料的表面化学作用(吸附、反应动力学、同步辐射等高级表征) -微生物岩土工程 -土壤污染与修复过程的生物地球化学过程(微生物修复、成核结晶过程等) -基于人工加速老化的修复长效评估方法与长期监测研究 -基于遥感、人工智能机器学习等现代分析方法的场地修复研究 -化学传感器研发 -C231-土壤碳循环(土壤二氧化碳排放、土壤呼吸及其温度效应等)


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

24. Shen, Z.T., Zhang, Z.R., Zhang, M.D., Rinklebe, J., Ma, Y. and Hou, D.Y.* (2021) Effect of production temperature and particle size of rice husk biochar on mercury immobilization and erosion prevention of a mercury contaminated soil. Journal of Hazardous Materials 420, 126646. 23. Tian, D., Li, Z., O'Connor, D. and Shen, Z.T.* (2020) The need to prioritize sustainable phosphate-based fertilizers. Soil Use and Management 36(3), 351-354. 22. Zhang, J.Z., Hou, D.Y.,*Shen, Z.T.,* Jin, F., O'Connor, D., Pan, S.Z., Ok, Y.S., Tsang, D.C.W., Bolan, N.S. and Alessi, D.S. (2020) Effects of excessive impregnation, magnesium content, and pyrolysis temperature on MgO-coated watermelon rind biochar and its lead removal capacity. Environmental Research 183. 21. Shen, Z.T., Jin, F., O'Connor, D. and Hou, D.Y.* (2019) Solidification/Stabilization for Soil Remediation: An Old Technology with New Vitality. Environmental Science & Technology 53(20), 11615-11617. 20. Shen, Z.T., Zhang, J.Z., Hou, D.Y.,* Tsang, D.C.W., Ok, Y.S. and Alessi, D.S. (2019) Synthesis of MgO-coated corncob biochar and its application in lead stabilization in a soil washing residue. Environment International 122, 357-362. 19. Shen, Z.T., Pan, S.Z., Hou, D.Y.,* O'Connor, D., Jin, F., Mo, L.W., Xu, D.Y., Zhang, Z.R. and Alessi, D.S. (2019) Temporal effect of MgO reactivity on the stabilization of lead contaminated soil. Environment International 131. 18. O'Connor, D., Zheng, X.D., Hou, D.Y.,*Shen, Z.T.,* Li, G.H., Miao, G.F., O'Connell, S. and Guo, M. (2019) Phytoremediation: Climate change resilience and sustainability assessment at a coastal brownfield redevelopment. Environment International 130. 17. Tang, L.Y.,1Shen, Z.T.,1 Duan, X.F., Wang, Z.J., Wu, Y.Y., Shao, X.Q., Song, X.W., Hu, S.J. and Li, Z.* (2019) Evaluating the potential of charred bone as P hotspot assisted by phosphate-solubilizing bacteria. Science of the Total Environment 696. 16. Wang, Y.N., O'Connor, D., Shen, Z.T.,* Lo, I.M.C., Tsang, D.C.W., Pehkonen, S., Pu, S.Y. and Hou, D.Y.* (2019) Green synthesis of nanoparticles for the remediation of contaminated waters and soils: Constituents, synthesizing methods, and influencing factors. Journal of Cleaner Production 226, 540-549. 15. Shen, Z.T., Fan, X.L., Hou, D.Y.,* Jin, F., O'Connor, D., Tsang, D.C.W., Ok, Y.S. and Alessi, D.S. (2019) Risk evaluation of biochars produced from Cd-contaminated rice straw and optimization of its production for Cd removal. Chemosphere 233, 149-156. 14. Shi, J.X., Fan, X.L., Tsang, D.C.W., Wang, F., Shen, Z.T.,* Hou, D.Y. and Alessi, D.S. (2019) Removal of lead by rice husk biochars produced at different temperatures and implications for their environmental utilizations. Chemosphere 235, 825-831. 13. Shen, Z.T., Hou, D.Y.,* Jin, F., Shi, J.X., Fan, X.L., Tsang, D.C.W. and Alessi, D.S. (2019) Effect of production temperature on lead removal mechanisms by rice straw biochars. Science of the Total Environment 655, 751-758. 12. Shen, Z.T., Hou, D.Y.,* Xu, W.D., Zhang, J.Z., Jin, F., Zhao, B., Pan, S.Z., Peng, T.Y. and Alessi, D.S. (2018) Assessing long-term stability of cadmium and lead in a soil washing residue amended with MgO-based binders using quantitative accelerated ageing. Science of the Total Environment 643, 1571-1578. 11. Shen, Z.T.,* Zhang, Y.H., Jin, F., Alessi, D.S., Zhang, Y.Y., Wang, F., McMillan, O. and Al-Tabbaa, A. (2018) Comparison of nickel adsorption on biochars produced from mixed softwood and Miscanthus straw. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25(15), 14626-14635. 10. Shen, Z.T., Hou, D.Y.,* Zhang, P., Wang, Y.N., Zhang, Y.H., Shi, P.L. and O'Connor, D. (2018) Lead-based paint in children's toys sold on China's major online shopping platforms. Environmental Pollution 241, 311-318. 9. Shen, Z.T., Hou, D.Y.,* Zhao, B., Xu, W.D., Ok, Y.S., Bolan, N.S. and Alessi, D.S. (2018) Stability of heavy metals in soil washing residue with and without biochar addition under accelerated ageing. Science of the Total Environment 619, 185-193. 8. Shen, Z.T., Li, Z.* and Alessi, D.S. (2018) Stabilization-based soil remediation should consider long-term challenges. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 12(2). 7. Shen, Z.T., Tian, D., Zhang, X.Y., Tang, L.Y., Su, M., Zhang, L., Li, Z.,* Hu, S.J. and Hou, D.Y. (2018) Mechanisms of biochar assisted immobilization of Pb2+ by bioapatite in aqueous solution. Chemosphere 190, 260-266. 6. Wang, F.,1Shen, Z.T.1 and Al-Tabbaa, A. (2018) An evaluation of stabilised/solidified contaminated model soil using PC-based and MgO-based binders under semi-dynamic leaching conditions. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25(16), 16050-16060. 5. Shen, Z.T.,* Zhang, Y.H., McMillan, O., Jin, F. and Al-Tabbaa, A. (2017) Characteristics and mechanisms of nickel adsorption on biochars produced from wheat straw pellets and rice husk. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24(14), 12809-12819. 4. Shen, Z.T.,* Zhang, Y.Y., Jin, F., McMillan, O. and Al-Tabbaa, A. (2017) Qualitative and quantitative characterisation of adsorption mechanisms of lead on four biochars. Science of the Total Environment 609, 1401-1410. 3. Shen, Z.T.,* Som, A.M., Wang, F., Jin, F., McMillan, O. and Al-Tabba, A. (2016) Long-term impact of biochar on the immobilisation of nickel (II) and zinc (II) and the revegetation of a contaminated site. Science of the Total Environment 542, 771-776. 2. Shen, Z.T.,* McMillan, O., Jin, F. and Al-Tabbaa, A. (2016) Salisbury biochar did not affect the mobility or speciation of lead in kaolin in a short-term laboratory study. Journal of Hazardous Materials 316, 214-220. 1. Shen, Z.T.,* Jin, F., Wang, F., McMillan, O. and Al-Tabbaa, A. (2015) Sorption of lead by Salisbury biochar produced from British broadleaf hardwood. Bioresource Technology 193, 553-556.
