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教育经历 2010.09-2014.06, 河海大学,学士 2014.09-2017.08, 香港科技大学, 博士(导师:吴宏伟教授) 工作经历 2017.09-2018.09, 香港科技大学,访问学者 2018.10-2021.01, 南京大学,助理研究员 2021.02至今, 南京大学,副教授 科研项目 1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,4217020031,大气-植被共同作用下土体干缩裂隙的发育与演化机制研究,2022.01-2025.12,60万元,在研,主持 2. 国家重点研发计划“低渗透地层原位增渗协同修复技术与装备”的课题一“含裂隙低渗透地层渗透性能与非水相污染物时空传输特征”(课题编号:2020YFC1808101)下设子课题“低渗透地层中非水相污染物三维展布特征及源汇机制”,2020.11-2024.10,94万元,在研,主持 3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,41902271,水-热耦合条件下压实黏性土干缩裂隙发育过程及理论模型研究,2020.01-2022.12,24万元,在研,主持 4. 成都理工地质灾害防治与地质环境保护国家重点实验室开放基金, SKLGP2020K007,基于微生物矿化作用的黄土水土流失防治研究,2020.01-2021.12,8万元,在研,主持 荣誉奖励 1.2014-2017年香港科技大学全额奖学金 2.2019年江苏省“双创博士”


生态地质工程; 热-水-力耦合条件下非饱和土的工程性质


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Cheng, Q., Tang, C. S.*, Xu, D., Zeng, H., Shi, B. (2021). Water infiltration in a cracked soil considering effect of drying-wetting cycles. Journal of Hydrology, 593, 125640. 2. Cheng, Q., Tang, C. S.* (2021) Coupled effects of matric suction and temperature on compression behaviour of loess. Environmental Geotechnics, 8(6), 401-407. 3. Xu, J. J., Tang, C. S.*, Cheng, Q.*, Xu, Q. L., Inyang, H. I., Lin, Z. Y., Shi, B. (2021). Investigation on desiccation cracking behavior of clayey soils with a perspective of fracture mechanics: a review. Journal of Soils and Sediments, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11368-021-03082-y 4. Xu, J. J., Zhang, H., Tang, C. S.*, Cheng, Q.*, Liu, B., Shi, B. (2021). Automatic Soil Desiccation Crack Recognition Using Deep Learning. Géotechnique, https://doi.org/10.1680/jgeot.20.P.091 5. Zeng, H., Tang, C. S.*, Cheng, Q.*, Zhu, C., Lin, Z. Z., Yin, L. Y., Shi, B. (2021). Desiccation-induced curling of mud layers: field observations and experimental insights. Engineering Geology, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enggeo.2021.106458 6. Cheng, Q., Zhou, C., Ng, C. W. W., Tang, C. S.* (2020) Thermal effects on water retention behaviour of unsaturated collapsible loess. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 20(2), 756-762. 7. Cheng, Q., Tang, C. S.*, Zeng, H., Zhu, C.,An, N., Shi, B. (2020) Effects of microstructure on desiccation cracking of a compacted soil. Engineering Geology, 265, 105418. 8. Cheng, Q., Zhou, C.*, Ng, C. W. W., Tang, C. S. (2020) Effects of soil structure on thermal softening of yield stress. Engineering Geology, 269, 105544. 9. Cheng, Q., Tang, C. S.*, Zhu, C., Li, K., Shi, B. (2020). Drying induced soil shrinkage monitor with distributed optical fiber sensing technique. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 79(8), 3959-3970. 10. Cheng, Q., Tang, C. S.*, Chen, Z. G., Zeng, H., Shi, B. (2020). Tensile behavior of clayey soils during desiccation cracking process. Engineering Geology, 279, 105909. 11. Tang, C. S., Cheng, Q.*, Wang, P., Wang, H.S., Wang, Y., Inyang, H. (2020). Hydro-mechanical behavior of fiber reinforced dredged sludge. Engineering Geology, 276, 105779. 12. Tang, C. S.*, Cheng, Q.*, Leng, T., Shi, B., Zeng, H., Inyang, H. (2020). Effects of wetting-drying cycles and desiccation cracks on mechanical behavior of an unsaturated soil. Catena, 194, 104721. 13. Zeng, H., Tang, C. S.*, Cheng, Q.*, Zhu, C., Yin, L.Y., Shi, B. (2020). Drought induced soil desiccation cracking behavior with consideration of basal friction and layer thickness. Water Resources Research, 56(7), e2019WR026948. 14. Tang, C. S.*, Lin, L., Cheng, Q.*, Zhu, C., Wang, D. W., Lin, Z. Y., Shi, B. (2020). Quantification and Characterizing of soil microstructure features by image processing technique. Computers & Geotechnics, 128, 1103817. 15. Cheng, Q., Ng, C. W. W., Zhou, C.*, Tang, C. S. (2019) A new water retention model that considers pore non-uniformity and evolution of pore size distribution. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 78(7), 5055-5065. 16. Zeng, H., Tang, C. S.*, Cheng, Q.*, Inyang, H., Rong, D. Z., Lin, L., Shi, B. (2019) Coupling effects of interfacial friction and layer thickness on soil desiccation cracking behavior. Engineering Geology, 260, 105220. 17. Cheng, Q., Guo, H. W.*, Feng, T. G., Lu, Y. (2018) Volume changes of biochar-amended landfill cover soil under a thermal cycle. Waste Management & Research, 36(12), 1223-1227. 18. Ng, C. W. W., Cheng, Q.*, Zhou, C. (2018) Thermal effects on yielding and wetting-induced collapse of recompacted and intact loess. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 55(8), 1095-1103. 19. Ng, C. W. W., Cheng, Q., Zhou, C., Alonso, E. E. (2016) Volume changes of an unsaturated clay during heating and cooling. Géotechnique Letters, 6(3), 192-198.


2019.07至今,中国土木工程学会土力学与岩土工程分会第三届青年工作委员会,委员 2019.10至今,国际土力学与岩土工程学会,会员 2020.05至今,中国岩石力学与工程学会,会员 2020.12至今,国际环境岩土工程学会,秘书
