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1971年3月生。1992年毕业于河南理工大学(原焦作矿业学院)地质系,获学士学位;1992-1994年在江西省乐平矿务局工作,任助理工程师;1997年和1999年分别获得南京大学硕士和博士学位。2006年12月晋升为教授,2008年4月被聘为博士生导师。曾于2002-2003年在Alabama大学从事博士后访问研究。 在国内外各类重要期刊上已发表论文近70篇,其中SCI、EI检索论文超过30篇。近年来主持的主要项目有:2项国家自然科学基金、1项教育部回国人员科研启动基金、1项中科院知识创新工程项目子项目、1项国家环保部污染源调查评价专题项目。目前承担我国第一个有关地下水研究的国家基础研究计划项目(973项目)“华北平原地下水演变机制与调控(2010.01-2014.12)”,为第3课题“深层含水层系统变异与地下水可更新能力演变机理(2010CB428803)”的副负责人。 主要教学情况 主讲《普通水文地质学》(本科生必修); 主讲《水文地质工程地质概论》水文地质部分(本科生选修); 主讲《水资源系统评价》(本科生选修); 主讲 水文与水资源工程专业毕业实习(必修); 主讲《水资源模拟优化管理》(研究生必修, C类课) 获奖成果: “区域地面沉降模拟及其应用”获教育部科学进步奖一等奖(第4完成人), 教育部, 2009.12. “基岩地下水运移机理及水环境模拟”获教育部自然科学奖二等奖(第2完成人), 教育部, 2008.12 “北方裂隙岩溶水污染物运移机制与治理研究” 获江苏省科技进步三等奖(第二完成人), 江苏省科技厅, 2003. 博士学位论文《徐州市裂隙岩溶水资源评价与管理研究》荣获南京大学优秀博士学位论文, 2001 论著: 吴剑锋, 郑春苗. 地下水污染监测网设计研究进展. 环境地球科学, 当代科学前沿论丛, 郑春苗, 冯夏红 主编. 高等教育出版社, pp189-222, 2008. 会议展示或口头(特邀)报告: Liu, J., C. Zheng, L. Zheng, J Wu, and Y Lei, Sustainable Management of Groundwater Resources: A Case Study from the North China Plain, EOS Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meeting, Suppl., Abstract H11G-04, San Francisco, USA, 2005. Wu, J.-F., Peng W., Multi-objective optimal design of groundwater system using niched Pareto genetic algorithm-GW, Invited Speaker, 2007 International Groundwater Forum, 21-22 June, 2007, Nanjing, China. Wu, J.-F., Peng W., Improvement of NPGA and its application to multi-objective optimal design of groundwater system, Invited Speaker, 2007 International Groundwater Forum, 29-30 June, 2008, Changchun, China. Wu, J.-F., Zheng C., Advances in sampling network design for groundwater contaminant plume monitoring, Invited Speaker, International Symposium on Earth, Environment, and Human Impacts, IPACES Annual Meeting and Workshops, 16-17 June, 2004, Chengdu, China. Wu, J., L. Zheng, Optimizing groundwater development strategies by genetic algorithm: a case study for balancing the needs for agricultural irrigation and environmental protection in Northern China, Invited Speaker, Eos Trans. AGU, 87(36), West. Pac. Geophys. Meet. Suppl., Abstract H22B-07, 2006. Wu, J., L. Zheng, J. Liu, C. Zheng, Effects of agricultural irrigation on sustainability of groundwater resources: a case study from the North China Plain, Eos Trans. AGU, 87(36), West. Pac. Geophys. Meet. Suppl., Abstract H41D-0087, 2006. 软件与指南: Zheng, C., and J.-F. Wu, ModGA_M 1.0: A Modular Genetic Algorithm Based Flow and Transport Optimization Code for Monitoring Network Design, Documentation and User’s Guide, Technical Report, Prepared for Coeporate Remediation, E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Company, Department of Geological Sciences, The University of Alabama, 2006.


地下水模拟 地下水资源评价与管理 地下水污染治理优化技术 水文地质统计方法


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Wu, Jianfeng*, Li. Zheng, and Depeng Liu, Optimizing groundwater development strategies by genetic algorithm: a case study for balancing the needs for agricultural irrigation and environmental protection in northern China, Hydrogeology Journal, 15(7): 1265-1278, 2007 (SCI). Wu, J.-F., C. Zheng, C. C. Chien, and L. Zheng, A comparative study of Monte Carlo simple genetic algorithm and noisy genetic algorithm for cost-effective sampling network design under uncertainty, Advances in Water Resources, 29: 899-911, 2006 (available at: doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2005.08.005) (SCI, EI). Wu, J.-F., C. Zheng, and C. C. Chien, Cost effective sampling network design for contaminant plume monitoring under general hydrogeological conditions, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 77: 41-65, 2005 (available at: doi:10.1016/j.jconhyd.2004.11.006) (SCI, EI). Lin, J., J. B. Snodsmith, C. Zheng, and J.-F. Wu. A modeling study of seawater intrusion in Alabama Gulf Coast, USA. Environmental Geology, 57: 119-130, 2009 (SCI, EI Page One). Qian, Jiazhong, Hongbin Zhan, Jianfeng Wu, Zhou Chen. What can be learned from sequential multi-well pumping tests in fracture-karst media? A case study in Zhangji, China, Hydrogeology Journal, 17(7): 1749-1760, 2009 (SCI). Lin, J., J.-F. Wu, and C. Zheng, MF2K-GWM: A ground water management modeling tool based on MODFLOW-2000, Ground Water, 45(2): 122-124, 2007 (SCI, EI). He, K. J., L. Zheng, S. B. Dong, L. Q. Tang, J. F. Wu, and C. Zheng, PGO: a parallel computing platform for global optimization based on genetic algorithm, Computers & Geosciences, 33(3): 357-366, 2007 (SCI, EI). 林锦, 郑春苗, 吴剑锋, C C Chien. 基于遗传算法的变密度条件下地下水模拟优化模型, 水利学报, 38(10): 1236-1244, 2007 (EI Page One). Yang, Yun, Jianfeng Wu, and Jichun Wu. A comparative study of two intelligent optimization techniques for groundwater management modeling, Journal of Jilin University (Earth Science Edition), 39(3): 474-481+502, 2009 (EI). 杨蕴, 吴剑锋, 吴吉春. 两种智能算法在求解地下水管理模型中的对比, 吉林大学学报(地球科学版), 39(3): 474-481+502, 2009. 刘玲玲, 吴剑锋*, 吴吉春. 不同地质统计方法在确定渗透系数场中的对比研究, 水文地质工程地质, 36(5): 66-71, 2009. 徐月平, 吴剑锋*. 基于区域Delaunay自动剖分的含水层参数反演, 地下水, 31(1): 19-22, 2009. 丁东, 吴剑锋*. 微粒群优化算法在Theis公式参数识别中的应用, 工程勘察, 37(2): 32-36, 2009. 彭伟, 吴剑锋*, 阎婷婷. 渗透系数的条件模拟对污染物运移的不确定性分析, 南京大学学报(自然科学版), 44(3): 280-288, 2008. 彭伟, 吴剑锋*, 吴吉春. NPGA-GW在地下水系统多目标优化管理中的应用, 高校地质学报, 14(4): 631-636, 2008. 吴剑锋, 黄昌硕. Delaunay方法的改进及其在地下水污染监测网设计中的应用, 水科学进展, 17(3): 305-311, 2006. 黄昌硕, 吴剑锋. 介绍一种优化地下水污染监测网的软件——MAROS, 水文地质工程地质, 32(4): 114-116, 2005. 阎婷婷, 吴剑锋. 渗透系数的空间变异性对污染物运移的影响研究, 水科学进展, 17(1): 29-36, 2006 (EI Page One). 吴剑锋, MT3DMS软件的发展及其应用, 水工环地质科技情报, 2005 (available at http://www.cigem.gov.cn/qingbao_ReadNews.asp?NewsID=4155). 叶淑君, 薛禹群, 吴吉春, 张云, 吴剑锋, 李勤奋. 上海地区地面沉降条件下的地下水流模型, 地面沉降研究, No. 5. 上海:中国地质调查局地面沉降研究中心, 38-45, 2006. 叶淑君, 薛禹群, 吴吉春, 张云, 吴剑锋, 李勤奋. 上海地区土层沉降模型研究, 地面沉降研究, No. 5. 上海:中国地质调查局地面沉降研究中心, 46-53, 2006. 于军, 吴吉春, 叶淑君, 吴剑锋, 王光亚, 张云. 苏锡常地区非线性地面沉降耦合模型研究, 水文地质工程地质, 34(5): 11-16, 2007. 会议论文或摘要: Wu, J.F., J.Z. Qian, W. Peng, J. Liu, Uncertainty analysis of the contaminant transport fate using simulation of hydraulic conductivity, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 72(12): A1038-A1038, Suppl. 1, 2008 (SCI, ISTP). Wu, Jianfeng, Jichun Wu, and Xiaobin Zhu, Contaminant transport modeling with scarce data in a LUST groundwater system, Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modeling “Managing Groundwater and the Environment”, Edited by Yanxin Wang, Proceeding of the 7th International Conference on Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modeling, ModelCARE 2009, Wuhan, China, September 20-23, 2009. China University of Geosciences Press, pp421-424. Yang, Yun, and Jianfeng Wu, Application of the niched Pareto tabu search to multi-objective optimal design of groundwater remediation systems, Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modeling “Managing Groundwater and the Environment”, Edited by Yanxin Wang, Proceeding of the 7th International Conference on Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modeling, ModelCARE 2009, Wuhan, China, September 20-23, 2009. China University of Geosciences Press, pp103-106. Ye Shujun, Xue Yuqun, Wu Jichun, Zhang Yun, Wu Jianfeng, and Li Qinfen. Study on the ground water flow model for land subsidence modeling in Shanghai, in LAND SUBSIDENCE, Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Land Subsidence, Shanghai China: Shanghai Scientific & Technical Publishers. 628-634. 2005. Wu, J.-F., J.-Z Qian, and Y. D. Chen, Comparative methodologies for hydro-geochemical sampling plans for contaminant plume monitoring under uncertainty, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 69(10): A841-A841, Suppl. S, 2005 (SCI, ISTP检索). Qian, J. Z., J.-F. Wu, and Y. Liu, Experiment study on validity of LCL and critical Re for groundwater flow in a single fracture, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 69(10): A839-A839, Suppl. S, 2005 (SCI, ISTP). Luo, S.H., J.Z. Qian, J.-F. Wu, W.D. Zhao, K.L. Wang, Effect of urbanization on hydro-geochemistry and contamination of fracture-karst groundwater from Jiaozuo City, China, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 70(18): A376-A376, Suppl. S, 2006 (SCI, ISTP). Qian, J.Z., S.H. Luo, J.-F. Wu, N.Q. Zhou, Z. Chen, H. Qin, Experimental study of non-Fickian transport in a sand-filled fracture, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 70(18): A511-A511, Suppl. S, 2006 (SCI, ISTP). Zhu, X. B., J. C. Wu, and J. F. Wu, Application of SCE-UA method to optimize the management model of groundwater resources in deep aquifers of the Yangtze Delta, Proceedings of the First International Multi-Symposiums on Computer and Computational Sciences (IMSCCS|06), Dedicated to IEEE Computer Society 60th Anniversary, Jun Ni et al. Eds. IEEE Computer Society, 20-24 June 2006, p303-308 (EI, ISTP). Liu, Y., J. Qian, R. Li, Q. Xia, and J. Wu, Fuzzy-grey design model for assessment of groundwater quality: A case study in Zhangji well field, In: Bullen TD and Wang Y Eds. Proceedings and Monographs in Engineering, Water and Earth Sciences, 12th International Symposium on Water-Rock Interaction (WRI-12), Jul 31-Aug 05, 2007. Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2007, p1085-1088 (ISTP). Lin, Jin, Jianyun Zhang, Chunmiao Zheng, Jiufu Liu, Jianfeng Wu, and Shufeng Yang. A genetic algorithm based groundwater simulation-optimization model under variable-density conditions. Trends and Sustainability of Groundwater in Highly Stressed Aquifers, Edited by Makoto Taniguchi, Alyssa Dausman, Ken Howard, Maurizio Polemio, and Elango Lakshmanan. (Proc. of Symposium JS.2 at the Joint IAHS & IAH Convention, Hyderabad, India, September 2009). IAHS Publ. 329, 223-232, 2009. (IAHS Redbook Series).


目前为地球科学与工程学院水科学系“地下水科学与工程”专业主任、中国水利学会地下水科学与工程专业委员会委员,自2009年开始任国外SCI源刊“Hydrogeology Journal”的副主编(Associate Editor),并为国外多个SCI刊物(Water Resources Research, Ground Water, Journal of American Water Resources Association, Hydrogeology Journal和Journal of Hydraulic Engineering等)的审稿人
