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1978年6月生,山东潍坊人,南京大学地球科学与工程学院和国际同位素效应研究中心教授。研究方向主要集中在高维度稳定同位素的分馏效应及其应用,特别是叁氧同位素(δ18O, Δ17O),肆硫同位素(δ34S, Δ33S, Δ36S),团簇同位素(H2,CH4, CO2, N2,O2等)在重大地质事件中 C, N, O, S, 和P等元素的生物地球化学循环和古环境重建中的应用。 教育经历 2006.012011.05美国路易斯安那州立大学地球化学博士 2003.092005.12中科院南京地质古生物研究所古生物地层学硕士 2001.092003.07鲁东大学生物科学学士 工作经历 2019.10南京大学教授 2015.032019.09美国路易斯安那州立大学助理教授 2012.092015.02美国印第安纳大学博士后 2012.042012.08美国加州大学洛杉矶分校博士后 2011.022012.03美国马里兰大学博士后 荣誉奖励 2010-2011 Shreveport and New Orleans Geologic Society Scholarship. 2010-2011 Harvey Broyles Endowment Fund Scholarship. 2019年获南京大学登峰B人才计划资助.


叁氧同位素(δ18O,Δ17O),肆硫同位素(δ34S, Δ33S, Δ36S),团簇同位素(H2,CH4, CO2, N2,O2等)。重大地质事件中C, N, O, S, 和P元素的生物地球化学循环。新的实验方法和同位素测试技术的开发和应用


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1) Xianguo Lang, Bing Shen*, Yongbo Peng*, Shuhai Xiao, Chuanming Zhou, Huiming Bao, Alan Jay Kaufman, Kangjun Huang, Peter W Crockford, Yonggang Liu, Wenbo Tang, Haoran Ma, 2018. Transient marine euxinia at the end of the terminal Cryogenian glaciation. Nature communications, v. 9,p. 3019. 2) Shanggui Gong, Yongbo Peng*, Huiming Bao*, Dong Feng, Xiaobin Cao, Peter Crockfordd, Duofu Chen, 2018. Triple sulfur isotope relationships during sulfate-driven anaerobic oxidation of methane. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 504, 13-20. 3) Dong Feng*, Yongbo Peng*, Huimng Bao, Jorn Peckmann, Harry Roberts, Duofu Chen, 2016. A carbonate-based proxy for sulfate-driven anaerobic oxidation of methane, Geology, v. 44, no. 12, p. 999-1002. 4) Peng Yongbo*, Bao Huiming, Pratt M. Lisa, Kaufman J. Alan, Jiang Ganqing, Boyd Dustin, Wang Qinxian, Zhou Chuanming, Yuan Xunlai, Xiao Shuhai, Loyd Sean, 2014. Widespread contamination of carbonate-associated sulfate by present-day secondary atmospheric sulfate: Evidence from triple oxygen isotopes. Geology, v. 42, p. 815-818. 5) Peng Yongbo, Bao Huiming, Zhou Chuanming,Yuan Xunlai, 2013. Oxygen isotope composition of meltwater from a Neoproterozoic glaciation in South China, Geology, v. 41, no. 3, p. 367-370. 6) Peng Yongbo*, Bao Huiming, Zhou Chuanming,Yuan Xunlai, 2011. 17O-depleted barite from two Marinoan cap dolostone sections, South China. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v.305, no. 1-2, p. 21-31. 7) Peng Yongbo*, Bao Huiming, Yuan Xunlai, 2009. New morphological observations for Paleoproterozoic acritarchs from the Chuanlinggou Formation, North China. Precambrian Research, v. 168, no. 3-4, P. 223-232. 8) Peng Yongbo*, Wang, Dan, Yuan Xunlai, 2007. Ultrastrucutre of spheroidal Acritachs from Chuanlinggou Formation of Changcheng System. Acta Micropaeontology Sinica, v. 487, no. 24, p. 194–204. Journal Articles (Co-author): 1. Chen, C., J. Wang, Z. Wang, Y. Peng, X. Chen, X. Ma, Y. Cen, J. Zhao, and P. Zhou, Variation of chemical index of alteration (CIA) in the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation and its environmental implications. Precambrian Research, 2020. 347: p. 105829. 2. Hu, Y., D. Feng, Y. Peng, J. Peckmann, S. Kasten, X. Wang, Q. Liang, H. Wang, and D. Chen, A prominent isotopic fingerprint of nitrogen uptake by anaerobic methanotrophic archaea. Chemical Geology, 2020. 558: p. 119972. 3. Liljestrand, F.L., A.H. Knoll, N.J. Tosca, P.A. Cohen, F.A. Macdonald, Y. Peng, and D.T. Johnston, The triple oxygen isotope composition of Precambrian chert. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2020. 537: p. 116167. 4. Liu, X., Q. Wang, L. Zhao, Y. Peng, Y. Ma, and Z. Zhou, Metallogeny of the large-scale Carboniferous karstic bauxite in the Sanmenxia area, southern part of the North China Craton, China. Chemical Geology, 2020. 556: p. 119851. 5. Peng, Y., L. Dong, H. Ma, R. Wang, X. Lang, Y. Peng, S. Qin, W. Liu, and B. Shen, Surface ocean nitrate-limitation in the aftermath of Marinoan snowball Earth: Evidence from the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation in the western margin of the Yangtze Block, South China. Precambrian Research, 2020. 347: p. 105846. 6. Zhang, D., Z.-Q. Zhao, Y. Peng, B. Fan, L. Zhang, J. Li, and A. Chen, Sulfur cycling in the Yellow River and the sulfate flux to the ocean. Chemical Geology, 2020. 534: p. 119451. 7. Cao, X., H. Bao, C. Gao, Y. Liu, F. Huang, Y. Peng, and Y. Zhang, Triple oxygen isotope constraints on the origin of ocean island basalts. Acta Geochimica, 2019. 38(3): p. 327-334. 8. Cao, X., H. Bao, and Y. Peng, A kinetic model for isotopologue signatures of methane generated by biotic and abiotic CO2 methanation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2019. 249: p. 59-75. 9. Chang, J., Z. Bai, Y. Sun, Y. Peng, S. Qin, and B. Shen, High resolution bio-and chemostratigraphic framework at the Frasnian-Famennian boundary: Implications for regional stratigraphic correlation between different sedimentary facies in South China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2019. 531: p. 108299. 10. Crockford, P.W., M. Kunzmann, A. Bekker, J. Hayles, H. Bao, G.P. Halverson, Y. Peng, T.H. Bui, G.M. Cox, and T.M. Gibson, Claypool continued: Extending the isotopic record of sedimentary sulfate. Chemical Geology, 2019. 11. Ding, W., L. Dong, Y. Sun, H. Ma, Y. Xu, R. Yang, Y. Peng, C. Zhou, and B. Shen, Early animal evolution and highly oxygenated seafloor niches hosted by microbial mats. Scientific reports, 2019. 9(1): p. 1-11. 12. Herrmann, A.D., J. Barrick, T.J. Algeo, and Y. Peng, Conodont biofacies and watermass structure of the Middle Pennsylvanian North American Midcontinent Sea. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2019. 531: p. 109235. 13. Hodgskiss, M.S., P.W. Crockford, Y. Peng, B.A. Wing, and T.J. Horner, A productivity collapse to end Earth’s Great Oxidation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2019. 116(35): p. 17207-17212. 14. Ning, M., K. Huang, X. Lang, H. Ma, H. Yuan, Y. Peng, and B. Shen, Can crystal morphology indicate different generations of dolomites? Evidence from magnesium isotopes. Chemical Geology, 2019. 516: p. 1-17. 15. Turner, A.C., T.J. Algeo, Y. Peng, and A.D. Herrmann, Circulation patterns in the Late Pennsylvanian North American Midcontinent Sea inferred from spatial gradients in sediment chemistry and mineralogy. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2019. 531: p. 109023. 16. Zou, L., L. Dong, M. Ning, K. Huang, Y. Peng, S. Qin, H. Yuan, and B. Shen, Quantifying the carbon source of pedogenic calcite veins in weathered limestone: implications for the terrestrial carbon cycle. Acta Geochimica, 2019. 38(4): p. 481-496. 17. Ascari, S.H., J.K. Njau, P.E. Sauer, P.D. Polly, and Y. Peng, Fossil herbivores and crocodiles as paleoclimatic indicators of environmental shifts from Bed I and Bed II times of the Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2018. 511: p. 550-557. 18. Chang, J., Z. Bai, Y. Li, J. Guo, Y. Peng, and B. Shen, 贵州拉也剖面下 Kellwasser 事件生物地层及化学地层特征研究. Beijing Da Xue Xue Bao, 2018. 54(4): p. 752-762. 19. Crockford, P.W., J.A. Hayles, H. Bao, N.J. Planavsky, A. Bekker, P.W. Fralick, G.P. Halverson, T.H. Bui, Y. Peng, and B.A. Wing, Triple oxygen isotope evidence for limited mid-Proterozoic primary productivity. Nature, 2018. 559(7715): p. 613-616. 20. Cui, H., A.J. Kaufman, Y. Peng, X.-M. Liu, R.E. Plummer, and E.I. Lee, The Neoproterozoic Hüttenberg δ13C anomaly: Genesis and global implications. Precambrian Research, 2018. 313: p. 242-262. 21. Feng, D., J. Peckmann, N. Li, S. Kiel, J.-W. Qiu, Q. Liang, R.S. Carney, Y. Peng, J. Tao, and D. Chen, The stable isotope fingerprint of chemosymbiosis in the shell organic matrix of seep-dwelling bivalves. Chemical Geology, 2018. 479: p. 241-250. 22. Gong, S., Y. Hu, N. Li, D. Feng, Q. Liang, H. Tong, Y. Peng, J. Tao, and D. Chen, Environmental controls on sulfur isotopic compositions of sulfide minerals in seep carbonates from the South China Sea. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2018. 168: p. 96-105. 23. Maharjan, D., G. Jiang, Y. Peng, and R.A. Henry, Paired carbonate-organic carbon and nitrogen isotope variations in Lower Mississippian strata of the southern Great Basin, western United States. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2018. 490: p. 462-472. 24. Maharjan, D., G. Jiang, Y. Peng, and M.J. Nicholl, Sulfur isotope change across the Early Mississippian K–O (Kinderhookian–Osagean) δ13C excursion. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2018. 494: p. 202-215. 25. Wang, X., G. Jiang, X. Shi, Y. Peng, and D.C. Morales, Nitrogen isotope constraints on the early Ediacaran ocean redox structure. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2018. 240: p. 220-235. 26. Young, S.A., S.B. Cadieux, Y. Peng, J.R. White, and L.M. Pratt, Seasonal changes in sulfur biogeochemistry of a dilute, dimictic Arctic lake: Implications for paired sulfur isotope records from ancient oceans. Chemical Geology, 2018. 495: p. 118-130. 27. Wang, W., C. Guan, C. Zhou, Y. Peng, L. Pratt, X. Chen, L. Chen, Z. Chen, X. Yuan, and S. Xiao, Integrated carbon, sulfur, and nitrogen isotope chemostratigraphy of the Ediacaran Lantian Formation in South China: Spatial gradient, ocean redox oscillation, and fossil distribution. Geobiology, 2017. 15(4): p. 552-571. 28. Cadieux, S.B., J.R. White, P.E. Sauer, Y. Peng, A.E. Goldman, and L.M. Pratt, Large fractionations of C and H isotopes related to methane oxidation in Arctic lakes. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2016. 187: p. 141-155. 29. Chen, Y., K.K. Lehmann, Y. Peng, L. Pratt, J. White, S. Cadieux, B. Sherwood Lollar, G. Lacrampe-Couloume, and T.C. Onstott, Hydrogen Isotopic Composition of Arctic and Atmospheric CH4 Determined by a Portable Near-Infrared Cavity Ring-Down Spectrometer with a Cryogenic Pre-Concentrator. Astrobiology, 2016. 16(10): p. 787-797. 30. Cotroneo, S., J. Schiffbauer, V. McCoy, U. Wortmann, S. Darroch, Y. Peng, and M. Laflamme, A new model of the formation of Pennsylvanian iron carbonate concretions hosting exceptional soft‐bodied fossils in Mazon Creek, Illinois. Geobiology, 2016. 14(6): p. 543-555. 31. Cui, H., A.J. Kaufman, S. Xiao, S. Peek, H. Cao, X. Min, Y. Cai, Z. Siegel, X.M. Liu, and Y. Peng, Environmental context for the terminal Ediacaran biomineralization of animals. Geobiology, 2016. 14(4): p. 344-363. 32. Cui, H., S. Xiao, C. Zhou, Y. Peng, A.J. Kaufman, and R.E. Plummer, Phosphogenesis associated with the Shuram Excursion: Petrographic and geochemical observations from the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation of South China. Sedimentary Geology, 2016. 341: p. 134-146. 33. Huang, K.-J., F.-Z. Teng, B. Shen, S. Xiao, X. Lang, H.-R. Ma, Y. Fu, and Y. Peng, Episode of intense chemical weathering during the termination of the 635 Ma Marinoan glaciation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2016. 113(52): p. 14904-14909. 34. Lang, X., B. Shen, Y. Peng, K. Huang, J. Lv, and H. Ma, Ocean oxidation during the deposition of basal Ediacaran Doushantuo cap carbonates in the Yangtze Platform, South China. Precambrian Research, 2016. 281: p. 253-268. 35. Li, F.-B., F.-Z. Teng, J.-T. Chen, K.-J. Huang, S.-J. Wang, X.-G. Lang, H.-R. Ma, Y.-B. Peng, and B. Shen, Constraining ribbon rock dolomitization by Mg isotopes: Implications for the ‘dolomite problem’. Chemical Geology, 2016. 445: p. 208-220. 36. Peng, Y., Y. Peng, X. Lang, H. Ma, K. Huang, F. Li, and B. Shen, Marine Carbon-Sulfur Biogeochemical Cycles during the Steptoean Positive Carbon Isotope Excursion. Journal of Earth Science, 2016. 27(2): p. 242–254. 37. Qiao, W., Y.P. Xianguo Lang, Kaiyuan Jiang, Wu Chen, Kangjun Huang, and B. Shen, Sulfur and Oxygen Isotopes of Sulfate Extracted from Early Cambrian Phosphorite Nodules: Implications for Marine Redox Evolution in the Yangtze Platform. Journal of Earth Science, 2016. 27(2): p. 170–179. 38. Shen, B., L. Dong, S. Xiao, X. Lang, K. Huang, Y. Peng, C. Zhou, S. Ke, and P. Liu, Molar tooth carbonates and benthic methane fluxes in Proterozoic oceans. Nature Communications, 2016. 7(doi:10.1038/ncomms10317). 39. Dong Feng, M.C., Steffen Kiel, Jian-Wen Qiu, Qunhui Yang, Huaiyang Zhou, Yongbo Peng, Duofu Chen, Using Bathymodiolus tissue stable carbon, nitrogen and sulfur isotopes to infer biogeochemical process at a cold seep in the south China SEA. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 2015. 104: p. 52–59. 40. Schiffbauer, J.D., S. Xiao, Y. Cai, A.F. Wallace, H. Hua, J. Hunter, H. Xu, Y. Peng, and A.J. Kaufman, A unifying model for Neoproterozoic–Palaeozoic exceptional fossil preservation through pyritization and carbonaceous compression. Nature Communications, 2014. 5(1): p. 1-12. 41. Zhou, C., H. Bao, Y. Peng, and X. Yuan, Timing the deposition of 17O-depleted barite at the aftermath of Nantuo glacial meltdown in South China. Geology, 2010. 38(10): p. 903-906. 42. Bao, H., T. Sun, I. Kohl, and Y. Peng, Comment on Early Archaean Microorganisms Preferred Elemental Sulfur, Not Sulfate. Science, 2008. 319(5868): p. 1336-1336. 43. Dong, L., S. Xiao, B. Shen, X. Yuan, X. Yan, and Y. Peng, Restudy of the worm-like carbonaceous compression fossils Protoarenicola, Pararenicola, and Sinosabellidites from early Neoproterozoic successions in North China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2008. 258(3): p. 138-161.
