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曹剑,男,教授、博导,国家级人才计划入选者。1999年毕业于西南石油学院(现西南石油大学)获学士学位,2005年毕业于南京大学获博士学位。主要从事石油地质学与有机地球化学研究,重点是含油气系统中的有机-无机相互作用,近年来立足多学科交叉融合,围绕碱湖生烃、油气成藏无机地球化学示踪、黑色页岩生物有机成矿机制等方面取得较系统重要进展,为全球第一大砾岩油区—玛湖油田的发现提供了重要科学依据与支撑,推动了准噶尔、四川等盆地复杂断裂带、次生远源、高演化等重大油气勘探领域的突破,发展了前寒武-寒武纪变革期生物有机质与关键金属元素富集的理论认知。 第一/通讯作者在Geology、JGR: Solid Earth、AAPG Bulletin、中国科学:地球科学等期刊发表SCI论文100余篇,第一发明人获国家授权发明专利10余件,参与撰写专著6部。主持国家自然科学基金重点项目、面上项目和中石油、中石化、中海油企业协作等科研项目30余项。获国家科技进步奖,教育部自然科学奖、科技进步奖等奖励。获中国地质学会青年地质“银锤奖”、全国百篇优秀博士学位论文(提名)、江苏省优秀硕士学位论文指导教师等奖励。兼任《AAPG Bulletin》高级副主编、《Organic Geochemistry》《Petroleum Science》等副主编、《中国科学:地球科学》《石油学报》《石油勘探与开发》《石油与天然气地质》《天然气工业》等编委,以及多家学会专委会委员、分会理事、省部级重点实验室学委会委员等。入选“**学者”特聘教授、青年学者,国家优青等国家级人才计划。




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Jian Cao*, Liuwen Xia, Tingting Wang, Dongming Zhi, Yong Tang, Wenwen Li. 2020. An alkaline lake in the Late Paleozoic Ice Age (LPIA): A review and new insights into paleoenvironment and petroleum geology. Earth Science Reviews, 202 (2020) 103091, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2020.103091. Yan Wang, Jian Cao*, Jun Jin, Jingkun Zhang, Guang Hu, Ni Zhou, Tianming Shi. Diverse oil and gas seeps in the southern Junggar Basin, NW China (piedmont Northern-Tian Shan): Origin and links to tectono-sedimentary evolution. Geological Journal, DOI:10.1002/gj.3598. Shouzhi Hu*, Shuifu Li, Liuwen Xia, Qian Lv, Jian Cao*. 2020. On the internal oil migration in shale systems and implications for shale oil accumulation: A combined petrological and geochemical investigation in the Eocene Nanxiang Basin, China. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 184 (2020) 106493, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.petrol.2019.106493. Linjun Huang, Kongyou Wu, Yin Liu, Jianguo Pan, Weijiang Yao, Bo Liu, Jian Cao*. Deformation of the northwestern Junggar Basin (Che-Guai region, northwest China) and implications for hydrocarbon accumulation. The Journal of Geology, 128, 45–68. Liuwen Xia, Jian Cao∗, Shouzhi Hu, Shuifu Li. 2019. How marine incursion influences the quality of lacustrine source rocks: The Paleogene Nanxiang Basin, eastern China. AAPG Bulletin, 103(5): 1071-1096. Jingkun Zhang, Jian Cao*, Baoli Xiang, Ni Zhou, Wayun Ma, Erting Li. 2019. Fourier-Transform Infrared proxies for oil source and maturity: Insights from the Early Permian alkaline lacustrine system, Junggar Basin (NW China). Energy Fuels, 33: 10704-10717. Keyu Tao, Jian Cao∗, Xin Chen, Zhaman· Nueraili, Wenxuan Hu, Chunhua Shi. 2019. Deep hydrocarbons in the northwestern Junggar Basin (NW China): Geochemistry, origin, and implications for the oil vs. gas generation potential of post-mature saline lacustrine source rocks. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 109: 623-640. Liuwen Xia, Jian Cao*, Ming Wang, Julei Mi, Tingting Wang. 2019. A review of carbonates as hydrocarbon source rocks: basic geochemistry and oil–gas generation. Petroleum Science, 16: 713-728.(Cover Article) Jingkun Zhang, Jian Cao*, Yan Wang, Jun Li, Guang Hu, Ni Zhou, Tianming Shi. Geochemistry and genesis of oil and gas seeps in the Junggar Basin, NW China: Implications for hybrid petroleum systems. Geofluids, vol. 2019, Article ID 9732674, 26 pages, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/9732674. Jingkun Zhang, Jian Cao⁎, Yan Wang, Guang Hu, Ni Zhou, Tianming Shi. 2019. Origin of giant vein-type bitumen deposits in the northwestern Junggar Basin, NW China: Implications for fault-controlled hydrocarbon accumulation. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 179: 287-299. Yan Wang, Jian Cao*, Xueyi Li, Jingkun Zhang, Yuce Wang. 2019. Cretaceous and Paleogene saline lacustrine source rocks discovered in the southern Junggar Basin, NW China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 185 (2019) 104019, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2019.104019. Di Xiao, Xiucheng Tan, Liyong Fan, Daofeng Zhang, Wancai Nie, Tong Niu, Jian Cao*. 2019. Reconstructing large-scale karst paleogeomorphology at the top of the Ordovician in the Ordos Basin, China: control on natural gas accumulation and paleogeographic implications. Energy Science and Engineering, 7: 3234-3254. DOI:10.1002/ese3.494.(Cover Article) Di Xiao, Xiucheng Tan, Daofeng Zhang, Wei He, Ling Li, Yunhe Shi, Juanping Chen, Jian Cao*. 2019. Discovery of syngenetic and eogenetic karsts in the Middle Ordovician gypsum-bearing dolomites of the eastern Ordos Basin (central China) and their heterogeneous impact on reservoir quality. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 99: 190-207. Liuwen Xia, Jian Cao∗, Shouzhi Hu, Shuifu Li, Chunhua Shi. 2019. Organic geochemistry, petrology, and conventional and unconventional hydrocarbon resource potential of Paleogene saline source rocks in eastern China: The Biyang Sag of the Nanxiang Basin. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 101: 343-354. Guang Hu∗, Ruofei Yang, Lichao Wang, Wenxuan Hu, Jian Cao∗. 2019. Hydrocarbon potential and depositional environment of the Lower Cretaceous black mudstones and shales in the coastal Guangdong Province, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 99: 92-106. Jian Cao*, Ruofei Yang, Guang Hu, Wenxuan Hu, Suping Yao, Xie, Yuqiao Gao, Jun Gao. 2018. Hydrocarbon potential of the Lower Cretaceous mudstones in coastal southeastern China. AAPG Bulletin, 102(2): 333-366. Chunhua Shi, Jian Cao*, Xiucheng Tan, Bing Luo, Wei Zeng, Haitao Hong, Xin Huang, Yong Wang. 2018. Hydrocarbon generation capability of Sinian–Lower Cambrian shale, mudstone and carbonate rocks in the Sichuan Basin, southwestern China: Implications for contributions to the giant Sinian Dengying natural gas accumulation. AAPG Bulletin, 102(5): 817-853. Jian Cao*, Ruofei Yang, Wei Yin, Guang Hu, Lizeng Bian, Xiugen Fu. 2018. Mechanism of organic matter accumulation in residual bay environments: the Early Cretaceous Qiangtang Basin, Tibet. Energy Fuels, 32(2): 1024-1037. Shou-zhi Hu*, Shui-fu Li, Jiang-hai Wang, Jian Cao*. 2018. Origin of unresolved complex mixtures (UCMs) in biodegraded oils: Insights from artificial biodegradation experiments. Fuel, 231, 53-60. Dongdong Hong, Ming Fan, Lingjie Yu, Jian Cao*. 2018. An experimental study simulating the dissolution of gypsum rock. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, DOI: 10.1177/0144598717751927. Chunhua Shi, Jian Cao*, Xiucheng Tan, Bing Luo, Wei Zeng, Wenxuan Hu. 2017. Discovery of oil bitumen co-existing with solid bitumen in the Lower Cambrian Longwangmiao giant gas reservoir, Sichuan Basin, southwestern China: Implications for hydrocarbon accumulation process. Organic Geochemistry 108: 61-81. Ruofei Yang, Jian Cao*, Guang Hu, Lizeng Bian, Kai Hu, Xiugen Fu. 2017. Marine to brackish depositional environments of the Jurassic–Cretaceous Suowa Formation, Qiangtang Basin (Tibet), China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 473: 41-56. Ming Wu, Jun Jin, Wanyun Ma, Baoli Xiang, Ni Zhou, Jianglin Ren, Jian Cao*. 2017. Deep-buried Triassic oil-source correlation in the central Junggar Basin, NW China. Geofluids, doi: 10.1155/2017/7581859. Keyu Tao, Jian Cao*, Yuce Wang, Wanyun Ma, Baoli Xiang, Jianglin Ren, Ni Zhou. 2016. Geochemistry and origin of natural gas in the petroliferous Mahu sag, northwestern Junggar Basin, NW China: Carboniferous marine and Permian lacustrine gas systems. Organic Geochemistry, 100: 62-79. Ping'an Sun, Yuce Wang, Kun Leng, Hui Li, Wanyun Ma, Jian Cao*. 2016. Geochemistry and origin of natural gas in the eastern Junggar Basin, NW China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 75: 240-251. Jian Cao*, Wenxuan Hu*, Xulong Wang, Dongya Zhu, Yong Tang, Baoli Xiang, Ming Wu. 2015. Diagenesis and elemental geochemistry under varying reservoir oil saturation in the Junggar Basin of NW China: implication for differentiating hydrocarbon-bearing horizons. Geofluids, 15: 410-420. Chunhua Shi,Jian Cao*, Jianping Bao, Cuishan Zhu, Xingchao Jiang, Ming Wu. 2015. Source characterization of highly mature pyrobitumens using trace and rare earth element geochemistry: Sinian–Paleozoic paleo-oil reservoirs in South China. Organic Geochemistry, 83-84: 77-93. Ruofei Yang, Jian Cao*, Guang Hu, Xiugen Fu. 2015. Organic geochemistry and petrology of Lower Cretaceous black shales in the Qiangtang Basin, Tibet: Implications for hydrocarbon potential. Organic Geochemistry, 86: 55-70. Tingting Wang, Shaoyong Yang, Shengsheng Duan, Haitao Chen, Haizhen Liu, Jian Cao*. 2015. Multiple-stage primary and secondary hydrocarbon migration and accumulation in lacustrine Jurassic petroleum systems in the northern QaidamBasin, NW China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 62: 90-101. Baoli Xiang, Ni Zhang, Wanyun Ma, Ming Wu, Jian Cao*. 2015. Multiple-stage migration and accumulation of Permian lacustrine mixed oils in the central JunggarBasin (NW China). Marine and Petroleum Geology, 59: 187-201. Shuifu Li*, Jian Cao*, Shouzhi Hu. 2015. Analyzing hydrocarbon fractions in crude oils by two-dimensional gas chromatography/time-of-flight mass spectrometry under reversed-phase column system. Fuel, 158: 191-199. Shuifu Li*, Jian Cao*, Shouzhi Hu, Genming Luo. 2015. Characterization of compounds in unresolved complex mixtures (UCM) of a Mesoproterzoic shale by using GC × GC – TOFMS. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 66: 791-780. Shanchu Han, Kai Hu*, Jian Cao*, Jiayong Pan, Fei Xia, Weifang Wu. 2015. Origin of early Cambrian black-shale-hosted barite deposits in South China: Mineralogical and geochemical studies. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 106: 79-94. Ming Wu, Jian Cao*, Xulong Wang, Yong Tang, Bin Wang, Baoli Xiang, Sufang Kang, Wenfang Lan. 2014. Hydrocarbon generation potential of Triassic mudstones in the JunggarBasin, northwest China. AAPG Bulletin, 98(9): 1885-1906. Ming Wu, Jian Cao*, Xulong Wang, Yong Tang, Baoli Xiang, Bin Wang. 2014. Organic geochemical identification of reservoir oil-gas-water layers in the JunggarBasin, NW China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 57: 594-602. Chunhua Shi, Jian Cao*, Kai Hu, Lizeng Bian, Suping Yao, Jie Zhou, Shanchu Han. 2014. New understandings of Ni–Mo mineralization in early Cambrian black shales of South China: constraints from variations in organic matter in metallic and non-metallic intervals. Ore Geology Reviews, 59: 73-82. Ruofei Yang,Yuce Wang, Jian Cao *. 2014. Cretaceous source rocks and associated oil and gas resources in the world and China: A review. Petroleum Science, 11(3):331-345. Jian Cao*, Kai Hu, Jie Zhou, Chunhua Shi, Lizeng Bian, Suping Yao. 2013. Organic clots and their differential accumulation of Ni and Mo within early Cambrian black-shale-hosted polymetallic Ni-Mo deposits, Zunyi, South China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 62: 531-536. Jinlai Feng, Jian Cao*, Kai Hu, Xiaoqun Peng, Yan Chen, Yanfei Wang, Mu Wang. 2013. Dissolution and its impacts on reservoir formation in moderately to deeply buried strata of mixed siliciclastic-carbonate sediments, northwestern QaidamBasin, northwest China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 39(1): 124-137. Jian Cao*, Xulong Wang, Ping’an Sun, Yueqian Zhang, Yong Tang, Baoli Xiang, Wenfang Lan, Ming Wu. 2012. Geochemistry and origins of natural gases in the central JunggarBasin, northwest China. Organic Geochemistry, 53, 166-176. Jian Cao*, Ming Wu, Yan Chen, Kai Hu, Lizeng Bian, Longgang Wang, Ying Zhang. 2012. Trace and rare earth element geochemistry of Jurassic mudstones in the northern QaidamBasin, northwest China. Chemie Erde – Geochemistry, 72(3): 245-252. Ping’an Sun, Jian Cao*, Xulong Wang, Yueqian Zhang, Yong Tang, Abulimiti, Baoli Xiang, Ming Wu. 2012. Geochemistry and origins of natural gas in the southwestern JunggarBasin, northwest China. Energy Exploration and Exploitation, 30(5): 707-726. Suping Yao*, Jian Cao*, Ke Zhang, Kun Jiao, Hai Ding, Wenxuan Hu. 2012. Artificial bacterial degradation and hydrous pyrolysis of suberin: implications for hydrocarbon generation of suberinite. Organic Geochemistry, 47(1): 22-33. Guang Hu, Wenxuan Hu, Jian Cao*, Suping Yao, Xie, Yongxiang Li, Youxiang Li, Xueyin Wang. 2012. Deciphering the Early Cretaceous transgression in coastal southeastern China: Constraints based on petrography, paleontology and geochemistry. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 317-318: 182-195. Cao Jian*, Wang Xulong, Sun Ping'an, Shi Xinpu, Hu Wenxuan, Yao Suping, Zhang Yueqian, Tang Yong, Xie . 2011. Grains containing oil inclusions in different hydrocarbon production and show types of sandstone reservoirs from the central JunggarBasin, Northwest China.Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 85(5): 1163-1172. Feng Jinlai, Cao Jian*, Hu Kai, Chen Yan, Yang Shaoyong, Liu Yuntian, Bian Lizeng, Zhang Guoqing. 2011. Forming mechanism of middle-deep mixed rock reservoir in the Qaidam basin. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 27(8): 2461-2472.(注:中文岩石学报文章,SCI检索) Jian Cao*, Zhijun Jin, Wenxuan Hu, Yijie Zhang, Suping Yao, Xulong Wang, Yueqian Zhang, Yong Tang. 2010. Improved understanding of petroleum migration history in the Hongche fault zone, northwestern JunggarBasin (northwest China): constrained by vein-calcite fluid inclusions and trace elements. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 27(1): 61-68. Jian Cao*, Xulong Wang, Dongtao Wei, Ping'an Sun, Wenxuan Hu, Dong Jia, Yingcheng Zhao. 2010. Complex petroleum migration and accumulation in the central region of the southern JunggarBasin, northwest China. Journal of Earth Science, 21(1): 83-93. Cao Jian*, Bian Lizineg, Hu Kai, Liu Yuntian, Yang Shaoyong, Wang Liqun, Chen Yan, Peng Xiaoqun. 2009. Benthic macro red alga: A new possible bio-precursor of Jurassic source rocks in the northern QaidamBasin, NW China. Science China: Earth Sciences, 52(5): 647-654. Jian Cao*, Kai Hu, Kun Wang, Lizeng Bian, Yuntian Liu, Shaoyong Yang, Liqun Wang, Yan Chen. 2008. Possible origin of 25-Norhopanes in Jurassic organic poor mudstones from the northern QaidamBasin (NW China). Organic Geochemistry, 39(8): 1058-1065. Cao Jian*, Hu Wenxuan, Yao Suping, Zhang Yijie, Wang Xulong, Zhang Yueqian, Tang Yong, Shi Xinpu. 2007. Mn content of reservoir calcite cement: A novel inorganic geotracer of secondary petroleum migration in the tectonically complex JunggarBasin (NW China). Science China: Earth Sciences, 50(12): 1796-1809. Cao Jian*, Jin Zhijun, Hu Wenxuan, Xie , Wang Xulong, Yao Suping. 2007. Integrate GOI and composition data of oil inclusions to reconstruct petroleum charge history of gas-condensate reservoirs: example from the Mosuowan area, central JunggarBasin (NW China). Acta Petrologica Sinica, 23(1): 137-144. Jian Cao, Suping Yao*, Zhijun Jin, Wenxuan Hu, Yijie Zhang, Xulong Wang, Yueqian Zhang, Yong Tang. 2006. Petroleum migration and mixing in NW Junggar Basin (NW China): constraints from oil-bearing fluid inclusion analyses. Organic Geochemistry, 37(7): 827-846. Cao Jian*, Yao Suping, Hu Wenxuan, Zhang Yijie, Wang Xulong, Zhang Yueqian, Tang Yong. 2006. Detection of water in petroleum inclusions and its implications. Chinese Science Bulletin, 51(12): 1501-1508. Jian Cao*, Yijie Zhang, Wenxuan Hu, Suping Yao, Xulong Wang, Yueqian Zhang, Yong Tang. 2005. The Permian hybrid petroleum system in the northwest margin of the JunggarBasin. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 22(3): 331-349.


Associate Editor(副主编):《AAPG Bulletin》、《Organic Geochemistry》、《Energy Exploration & Exploitation》、《Petroleum Science》 Editorial Board(编委):《Journal of Asian Earth Sciences》 编委:《石油实验地质》、《天然气地球科学》、《地质科技情报》、《新疆石油地质》
