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教授,博士生导师。主要研究兴趣包括行星的起源和演化,地球历史时期C-O-S和水循环,以及生命活动与非生命活动的本质区别。专长是为叁氧同位素和团簇同位素建立新的模型和理论解释框架,并应用这些新概念解决感兴趣的地球科学问题。 教育经历 2003-2007 西北大学地质学系 地质学学士 2007-2012 中国科学院地球化学研究所 地球化学博士 工作经历 2019年至今 南京大学 教授 2017-2019 路易斯安那州立大学 研究助理教授 2012-2017 路易斯安那州立大学 博士后 荣誉奖励 2019年获南京大学登峰B人才计划资助


结合量子化学理论计算、实验、野外观测及数值模拟等研究手段,致力于从分子水平到行星尺度综合解析各种物理化学过程的稳定同位素行为;擅长的稳定同位素体系为叁氧和团簇同位素。研究方向包括: 1,稳定同位素的基础理论研究,主要包括平衡过程稳定同位素分馏、非平衡过程的分子机理、复杂系统的稳定同位素地球化学行为等。 2,拓展叁氧和团簇同位素应用空间,主要包括行星的形成与演化、生物成因与非生物成因甲烷、地球历史时期的C-O-S及水循环等。


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Coming soon Huiming Bao, Yongbo Peng, Sebastian Viehmann, Xiaobin Cao, A. Hugh N. Rice.An inverse δ18O-∆17O relationship in basal Ediacaran barite crystal fans in N. Norway. Geology (In review) Xiaobin Cao, Huiming Bao. Concept and practice of isotopologue-specific kinetic analysis. Book Chapter (In Review). Huiming Bao, Xiaobin Cao, Peter Crockford. Reconstructing Past Atmosphere O2 and CO2 Concentrations and Biosphere Gross Primary Productivity: A Triple Oxygen Isotope Approach. Book Chapter (In Review). Published Xiaobin Cao, Huiming Bao. (2021) Small triple oxygen isotope variations in sulfate: Mechanisms and applications. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry 86: 463-488. Yuyang He, Xiaobin Cao, and Huiming Bao. (2020) Ideas and perspectives: The same carbon behaves like different elements – an insight into position-specific isotope distributions.Biogeosciences 17:4785-4795. Xiaobin Cao, Huiming Bao, Caihong Gao, Yun Liu, Fang Huang, Yongbo Peng, and Yining Zhang. (2019) Triple oxygen isotope constraints on the origin of ocean island basalts. Acta Geochimica1-8. Xiaobin Cao, Huiming Bao, and Yongbo Peng. (2019) A kinetic model for isotopologue signatures of methane generated by biotic and abiotic CO2 methanation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 249:59-75. Caihong Gao, Xiaobin Cao, Qi Liu, Yuhong Yang, Siting Zhang, Yuyang He, Mao Tang, and Yun Liu. (2018) Theoretical calculation of equilibrium Mg isotope fractionations between minerals and aqueous solutions. Chemical Geology 488: 62-75. Shanggui Gong, Yongbo Peng, Huiming Bao, Dong Feng, Xiaobin Cao, Peter W Crockford, and Duofu Chen. (2018) Triple sulfur isotope relationships during sulfate-driven anaerobic oxidation of methane. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 504: 13-20. Justin Hayles, Caihong Gao, Xiaobin Cao, Yun Liu, and Huiming Bao. (2018) Theoretical calibration of the triple oxygen isotope thermometer. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 235: 237-245. Yuyang He, Xiaobin Cao, Jianwei Wang, and Huiming Bao. (2018) Identifying apparent local stable isotope equilibrium in a complex non-equilibrium system. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry32: 306–310. Xiaobin Cao, Huiming Bao. (2017) Redefining the utility of the three-isotope method. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 212: 16-32. Justin A. Hayles, Xiaobin Cao, and Huiming Bao. (2017) The statistical mechanical basis of the triple isotope fractionation relationship. Geochemical Perspectives Letters3: 1-11. Huiming Bao, Xiaobin Cao, and Justin A. Hayles. (2016) Triple oxygen isotopes: fundamental relationships and applications. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences44: 463-492. Huiming Bao, Xiaobin Cao, and Justin A. Hayles. (2015) The confines of triple oxygen isotope exponents in elemental and complex mass-dependent processes. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 170, 39-50. Xiaobin Cao, Huiming Bao. (2013) Dynamic model constraints on oxygen-17 depletion in atmospheric O2 after a snowball Earth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. 110, 14546-14550. Xiaobin Cao, Yun Liu. (2012) Theoretical estimation of the equilibrium distribution of clumped isotopes in nature. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 77, 292–303. Xiaobin Cao, Yun Liu. (2011) Equilibrium mass-dependent fractionation relationships for triple oxygen isotopes. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta75, 7435–7445.


Acta Geochimica 编委 Nature Geoscience, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Environmental Science & Technology, Chemical Geology, American Mineralogist等知名杂志审稿人 美国NSF基金评审人(reviewer) NASA 2017 年基金评审小组成员(panelist) 第九届国际同位素研讨会组委会成员(9th International Symposium on Isotopomers (ISI 2018) Local Organizing Committee)
