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南京大学工程管理学院副教授。2010年获得华中科技大学计算机科学与技术专业学士学位,2014年获得香港城市大学管理科学专业博士学位,2014年进入南京大学工程管理学院任教。主持国家自然科学基金项目2项,参与国家自然科学基金项目和国家社会科学基金项目多项,参与多个企业合作课题。在Transportation Science、Transportation Research Part B、Transportation Research Part C、European Journal of Operational Research、Omega 等国际知名期刊上发表多篇学术论文。 目前开设课程《高级运筹学》、《物流优化算法》等。曾开设的课程包括《算法设计与分析》、《采购与外包管理》、《工程图学》等。 科研(教学)奖励 2020.09 南京大学新华报业优秀青年教师奖 指导学生参加运筹优化算法大赛获奖: + 2020.12 天池阿里云数智服务创新挑战赛——服务调度比赛 金奖(第一名) + 2019.10 上汽·未来汽车创想邀请赛—货车出行装箱问题 亚军 + 2018.10 京东全球运筹优化挑战赛—GOC城市物流运输车辆智能调度 第四名 主持国家自然科学基金项目2项,参与国家自然科学基金项目和国家社会科学基金项目多项,主持和参与多个企业合作课题。 企业合作应用研究 + 2021 某司法数字化企业,送达业务工单智能调度算法 + 技术点:工时不确定性、数据分析、大规模调度优化算法、仿真、微服务部署 + 2020 某制造企业,基于强化学习的智能装箱优化算法合作研究 + 技术点:强化学习+启发式算法 + 2017 某零售企业,电商背景下的包材推荐和装箱优化智能算法 + 技术点:柔性包材、订单分解、包材尺寸设计、启发式搜索 + 2012 某电子制造企业,运输服务采购系统,技术点:采购决策、数学模型、优化算法


智能决策:智能调度、资源调度与分配、智慧物流、装箱问题,运筹学应用等 运筹优化:整数规划,组合优化,精确算法,启发式算法等



查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

15 Ying Liu, Jing Zhou, Andrew Lim, and Qian Hu*. Lower bounds and heuristics for the unit-capacity resource constrained project scheduling problem with transfer times. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2021, 161, 107605. 14 Minghui Lai, Xiaoqiang Cai, and Qian Hu*. Market design for commute-driven private parking lot sharing. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. 2021, 124: 102915. 13 Lijun Wei, Minghui Lai, Andrew Lim, and Qian Hu*. A branch-and-price algorithm for the two-dimensional vector packing problem. European Journal of Operational Research. 2020, 281(1): 25-35. 12 Kun He, Huan Yang, Yan Jin*, Qian Hu, PengLi Ji. The orthogonal packing and scheduling problem: model, heuristic and benchmark. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems. 2020, 50(4): 1372-1383. 11 Minghui Lai, Weili Xue, and Qian Hu. An ascending auction for freight forwarders' collaboration in capacity sharing. Transportation Science. 2019, 53(4): 1175-1195 10 Mo Zhang, Qian Hu*. An effective evoluntionary algorithm for the biobjective full truckload transportation service procurement problem. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 2019, 127: 1012-1023. 9 Ting Wang, Roberto Baldacci, Andrew Lim, Qian Hu*. A branch-and-price algorithm for scheduling of deteriorating jobs and flexible periodic maintenance on a single machine. European Journal of Operational Research. 2018, 271 (3): 826-838. 8 Lijun Wei, Qian Hu*, Andrew Lim, Qiang Liu. A best-fit branch-and-bound algorithm for the unconstrained two-dimensional non-guillotine cutting problem. European Journal of Operational Research. 2018, 270 (2): 448-474. 7 Qian Hu, Lijun Wei, Andrew Lim. The two-dimensional vector packing problem with general costs. Omega-International Journal of Management Science. 2018. 74: 59-69. 6 Qian Hu, Wenbin Zhu, Andrew Lim, Hu Qin. A branch-and-price algorithm for the two-dimensional vector packing problem with piecewise linear cost function. European Journal of Operational Research. 2017, 260 (1): 70-80. 5 Minghui Lai, Xiaoqiang Cai, Qian Hu. An iterative auction for carrier collaboration in truckload pickup and delivery. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 2017, 107: 60-80. 4 Lijun Wei, Qian Hu, Stephen C. H. Leung, Ning Zhang. An improved skyline based heuristic for the 2D strip packing problem and its efficient implementation. Computers & Operations Research. 2017, 80: 113-127. 3 Qian Hu, Zhenzhen Zhang, Andrew Lim. Transportation service procurement problem with transit time. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological. 2016, 86: 19-36. 2 Qian Hu, Andrew Lim, Wenbin Zhu. The two-dimensional vector packing problem with piece-wise linear cost function. Omega-International Journal of Management Science. 2015, 50: 43-53. 1 Qian Hu, Andrew Lim. An iterative three-component heuristic for the team orienteering problem with time windows. European Journal of Operational Research. 2014, 232(2): 276-286.
