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2010年在华南理工大学计算机科学与工程学院获得学士学位,2014年在香港城市大学商学院获得博士学位,2014年加入南京大学工程管理学院,2017年被聘为南京大学副教授。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目一项,参与多项国家自然科学基金项目,带领团队开发了一款求解车辆路径问题(Vehicle Routing Problem)的算法包。更多信息介绍请看http://luodequan.github.io。 科研(教学)奖励 2018年以队长的身份参加京东物流举办的“全球运筹优化挑战赛”在城市物流运输车辆智能调度赛题获得第一名,奖金30万人民币。 科研项目 1. 电子商务企业物流配送车辆调度研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目, 2016-2018, 主持人 2. 运输服务联合采购的问题的研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2016-2019,主要参加人


1. 运筹优化算法理论及其应用: 资源调度与分配,车辆路径优化,组合拍卖,电力系统优化 2. 整数规划算法设计: 各类求解整数规划问题的精确算法和启发式算法设计,包括Branch-and-Price算法、Branch-and-Cut算法、禁忌搜索等



查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. LijunWei, Zhixing Luo*, Roberto Baldacci and Andrew Lim. A new branch-and-price-and-cut algorithm for one-dimensional bin packing problems. INFORMS Journal on Computing, accepted, 2018 2. ZhixingLuo, Zhenzhen Zhang, HuQin and Andrew Lim. Exact Algorithms for the Vehicle Routing Problem with TimeWindows and Combinatorial Auction. Transportation Science, accpted, 2018 3. ZhixingLuo*, Mengyang Liu and Andrew Lim. A two-phasebranch-and-price-and-cut for a dial-a-ride problem in patient transportation. Transportation Science, 53 (1), 113-130, 2018 4. Chongshou Li, Lijun Gong, ZhixingLuo*, and Andrew Lim, A branch-and-price-and-cut algorithmfor a pickup and delivery problem in retailing, Omega, accpted, 2018 5. TianLiu, Zhixing Luo, Hu Qin and Andrew Lim. A branch-and-cut algorithm for the two-echeloncapacitated vehicle routing problem with grouping constraints. European Journalof Operational Research, 266 (2), 487-497, 2018 6. ZhixingLuo, Hu Qin, Wenbin Zhu and Andrew Lim, Branch-and-price-and-cut for thesplit-delivery vehicle routing problem with time windows and linearweight-related cost. Transportation Science, 51 (2), 668-687, 2016 7. ZhixingLuo, Hu Qin, Wenbin Zhu and Andrew Lim, Branch-and-price-and-cut for themanpower routing problem with synchronization constraints. Naval Research Logistics, 63(2):138-171, 2016 8. ZhixingLuo, Hu Qin and Andrew Lim, Vehicle routing problem with stochastic demandsand the toll-by-weight scheme. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics andTransportation Review, 85:69-8, 2016 9. Li Xue, Zhixing Luo* and Andrew Lim, Exact approaches for the pickup anddelivery problem with loading cost. Omega, 59:131-145, 2016 10. WenbinZhu, Zhixing Luo, Andrew Lim and Wee-Chong Oon, A fastimplementation for the 2D/3D box placement problem. Computational Optimizationand Applications, 63(2):585-612, 2016 11. MengyangLiu, Zhixing Luo* and Andrew Lim, A branch-and-cut algorithm for arealistic dial-a-ride problem. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 81:267-288, 2015 12. ZhixingLuo, Hu Qin, Chan Hou Che and Andrew Lim, On service consistency inmulti-period vehicle routing. European Journal of Operational Research, 243 (3):731-744, 2015 13. Li Xue, Zhixing Luo and Andrew Lim, Two exact algorithms for thetraveling umpire problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 243 (3):932-943, 2015 14. ZhixingLuo, Hu Qin and Andrew Lim, Branch-and-price-and-cut for the multiple travelingrepairman problem with distance constraints. European Journal of OperationalResearch, 234 (1):49-60, 2014. 15. ZhixingLuo, Andrew Lim and Wenbin Zhu, An adaptive ejectionpool with toggle-rule diversification approach for the capacitated team orienteeringproblem. European Journal of Operational Research, 229 (3):673-682, 2013.
