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房佳蓓,女,南京大学教授,硕士生导师。 主要从事海气相互作用动力学与气候预测研究,先后主持和参与包括国家重点研发计划课题、公益性行业专项课题、国家自然科学基金重点项目和国家自然科学基金创新群体项目在内的国家级科研项目10余项,发表论文30余篇,2006年获得教育部高等学校科学技术奖自然科学一等奖,国家一流本科课程《地球流体力学》负责人。在“中纬度海气相互作用动力学理论”方面取得了创新成果。通过系统的观测、模拟和理论研究,建立了包含大气瞬变涡旋强迫的中纬度不稳定海气相互作用理论。该理论揭示了中纬度海温异常影响大气的瞬变强迫途径,提出了中纬度海气相互作用的正反馈机制,解释了中纬度海气系统年代际振荡发展和维持的成因,刻画了中纬度不稳定海气相互作用的物理图像,为理解中纬度气候变异成因和预测提供了重要动力学基础。参与完成的成果“基于最优可预测模态和异常相对倾向的气候预测关键技术与应用”在中国气象局2022年度组织的“十三五”以来气象科技成果评价中获得“优秀”等级。 受教育经历 2001/09-2006/01,南京大学,大气科学系,直博研究生/博士 1997/09-2001/07,南京大学,大气科学系,本科,学士 研究工作经历 2008/12-至今,南京大学,大气科学学院,副教授,硕士生导师 2012/05-2013/04,夏威夷大学气象系,访问学者,访问金飞飞教授,开展合作研究 2006/04-2008/12,南京大学,大气科学系,讲师




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Jiabei Fang, Lilan Chen, Xiu-Qun Yang*, 2022, Roles of vertical distributions of atmospheric transient eddy dynamical forcing and diabatic heating in midlatitude unstable air–sea interaction. Climate Dynamics, 58(1), 351-368. Tao, L., J. Fang*, X.-Q. Yang*, X. Sun, & D. Cai, 2022, Midwinter Reversal of the Atmospheric Anomalies Caused by the North Pacific Mode-Related Air-Sea Coupling, Geophys. Res. Lett., 49(20), e2022GL100307, doi:10.1029/2022GL100307. Nie Jun, Jiabei Fang*, Xiu-Qun Yang, 2022, The mechanisms of the subseasonal zonal oscillation of the western Pacific subtropical high in 10–25-day period and 25–50-day period. Climate Dynamics, online. 陆晓娟,房佳蓓*,杨修群,中国东部夏季季节内降水异常及其伴随的热带和中高纬度大气环流演变特征. 气象学报,2022, 80(1), 1-20. Sang, X., Yang, X.-Q.*, Tao, L., Fang, J., Sun, X. Evaluation of synoptic eddy activities and their feedback onto the midlatitude jet in five atmospheric reanalyses with coarse versus fine model resolutions. Climate Dynamics,2022, 58, 1363-1381. Xiaozhuo Sang, Xiu?Qun Yang, Lingfeng Tao, Jiabei Fang, Xuguang Sun, Decadal changes of wintertime poleward heat and moisture transport associated with the amplified Arctic warming. Journal of Climate,2022, 58, pages 137–159. Haibo Hu*, Rongrong Wang, Fei Liu, William Perrie, Jiabei Fang, Haokun Bai, Cumulative positive contributions of propagating MJO to the quick low-level atmospheric response during El Ni?o developing years, Climate Dynamics, 2022, 58, 569–590. Hu Haibo*, Deng Yuheng, Fang Jiabei, Wang Rongrong, Mechanism of regional subseasonal precipitation in the extreme strong and weak years of East Asian summer monsoon subseasonal variation, Journal of Ocean University of China. 2022, 6, 1411-1427. 林昊雄,房佳蓓*,胡海波,杨修群.中纬度瞬变涡旋活动对东亚夏季平均环流和降水的影响.气象科学,2021,41(6): 739-751. 王安英,房佳蓓*,杨修群,北半球夏季热带季节内振荡影响我国夏季降水的规律和预测方法,气象科学,2021,41(5): 606-616. Linyuan Sun, Xiu-Qun Yang, Lingfeng Tao, Jiabei Fang, Xuguang Sun, Changing Impact of ENSO Events on the Following Summer Rainfall in Eastern China since the 1950s. Journal of Climate,2021, 34, 8105-8123. 王昱,杨修群*,孙旭光,房佳蓓,陶凌峰,张志琦,一种基于全球动力模式和SMART原理结合的统计降尺度区域季节气候预测方法,气象科学,41(5): 569-583. Lilan Chen, Jiabei Fang*, Xiu-Qun Yang*, Midlatitude unstable air?sea interaction with atmospheric transient eddy dynamical forcing in an analytical coupled model. Climate Dynamics, 2020, 55:2557–2577. Ran Zhang, Jiabei Fang*, Xiu-Qun Yang*, What Kinds of Atmospheric Anomalies Drive Wintertime North Pacific Basin-Scale Subtropical Oceanic Front Intensity Variation? J. Climate, 2020, 33 (16): 7011–7026. Lingfeng Tao,Xiu-Qun Yang*, Jiabei Fang*, Xuguang Sun, PDO-Related Wintertime Atmospheric Anomalies over the Midlatitude North Pacific: Local versus Remote SST Forcing. J. Climate, 2020, 33 (16): 6989-7010. Chen, F. F., Chen, Q., Hu, H., Fang, J., Bai, H. (2020). Synergistic effects of midlatitude atmospheric upstream disturbances and oceanic subtropical front intensity variability on western Pacific jet stream in winter. JGR-A,125, e2020JD032788. 任雪娟,房佳蓓,杨修群.我国东部夏季降水季节内振荡与低频大气环流演变特征分析.气象科学, 2020, 40(5), 686-696. Jiabei Fang, Xiu-Qun Yang*, 2016, Structure and dynamics of decadal anomalies in the wintertime midlatitude North Pacific ocean-atmosphere system, Climate Dynamics, 47(5), 1989-2007. Jia-Bei Fang and Xiu-Qun Yang*, 2011, The relative roles of different physical processes in the unstable midlatitude ocean-atmosphere interactions.Journal of Climate, 24(5), 1542-1558. 魏蕾,房佳蓓*,杨修群,华南夏季12-30d持续性强降水的低频特征分析,气象学报,2017,75(1), 80-97. Shuang Qiu,JiabeiFang*, Xiuqun Yang, Mid-latitude atmospheric responses to heat and vorticity forcing using a linear baroclinic model. Journal of the Meteorological Sciences, 2014, 34(2),149-161. 肖蓓,房佳蓓*,杨修群,气象科学,应用3种方法对降水在各尺度空间不均匀性的分离,气象科学,2013,33(6), 602-609 Tianyi Wang, Xiu-Qun Yang*, Jiabei Fang, Xuguang Sun, Xuejuan Ren,Role of air-sea interaction in the 30–60 day boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation over western North Pacific. J. Climate, 2018, 31, 1653-1680. Liying Wang, Xiu-Qun Yang, Dejian Yang, Qian Xie, Jiabei Fang, Xuguang Sun, 2017, Two typical modes in the variabilities of wintertime North Pacific basin-scale oceanic fronts and associated atmospheric eddy-driven jet, Atmospheric Science Letters, 18: 373–380. Yang, D., Yang, X.-Q., Ye, D., Sun, X., Fang, J., Chu, C., et al., On the relationship between probabilistic and deterministic skills in dynamical seasonal climate prediction. JGR-A, 2018, 123, 5261–5283. Qing Jin, Xiu-qun Yang*, Xu-guang Sun, Jia-bei Fang, East Asian summer monsoon circulation structure controlled by feedback of condensational heating. Climate Dynamics, 2013, 41, 1885-1897. WANG Wei-ping, YANG Xiu-qun*, XIE Yi-jun, ZOU Yong-chang, FANG Jia-bei, XIE Qian, Spatio-temporal variation of seasonal extreme wet days in China and its relationship with SST anomalies, Journal of Tropical Meteorology, 2012, 18(4): 485-493. ZHANG Ling-ling, YANG Xiu-qun*, XIE Qian, FANG Jia-bei, Global atmospheric seasonal-mean heating: Diabatic versus transient heating, Journal of Tropical Meteorology. 2012, 18(4): 494-502. 曹鑫,任雪娟*,杨修群,房佳蓓,中国东南部5-8月持续性强降水和环流异常的准双周振荡.气象学报,2012,70(4): 766-778 谢益军,邹永昌,谢倩,房佳蓓,杨修群*,我国四季极端与日数时空变化及其与海表温度异常的关系.热带气象学报, 2012, 28(3):311-320. 顾思南*,房佳蓓,刘建勇,青藏高原感热通量的变化及与江淮流域降水异常的关系. 气象科学,2015,35(3):305-311. Ren Xuejuan, Yang Xiuqun, Zhou Tianjun, Fang Jiabei, Diagnostic Comparison of Wintertime East Asian Subtropical Jet and Polar-Front Jet: Large-Scale Characteristics and Transient Eddy Activities. ACTA METEOROLOGICA SINICA, 2011, 25, 21-33. 张璐,杨修群,汤剑平,房佳蓓,孙旭光,夏季长三角城市群热岛效应及其对大气边界层结构影响的数值模拟。气象科学,2011, 31(4),431-440. 李欣; 杨修群; 汤剑平; 孙旭光; 房佳蓓,WRF/NCAR模拟的夏季长三角城市群区域多城市热岛和地表能量平衡。气象科学,2011, 31(4), 441-450. 任雪娟,杨修群,周天军,房佳蓓,冬季东亚副热带急流与温带急流的比较分析:大尺度特征和瞬变扰动活动,气象学报,2010, 68(1), 1-11 邹永昌,杨修群,孙旭光,汤剑平,房佳蓓,廖玉芳,我国极端降水过程频数时空变化的季节差异,南京大学学报(自然科学版),2009, 45(1), 98-109. 邹用昌,杨修群,潘志祥,孙旭光,房佳蓓,廖玉芳:CO2倍增对我国东部极端降水的影响,气候变化研究进展,2008,Vol.4 No.2 Fang Jiabei, and Yang Xiuqun, The Role of Meridional Wind Stress in the Tropical Unstable Air-Sea Interaction. Journal of Tropical Meteorology, 2003, 9(1), 95-104. 房佳蓓,杨修群: 表面经向风应力在热带不稳定海气相互作用中的作用。 热带气象学报,2003, 19(1), 43-52。
