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杨修群,现任南京大学教授、博士生导师,中国气象局气候预测研究重点开放实验室联合主任,曾长期担任南京大学大气科学学院院长。系国家973计划项目首席科学家,国家重点研发计划项目负责人,国家自然科学基金创新研究群体学术带头人,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,首批“新世纪百千万人才工程”国家级人选,入选英国路透社发布的气候变化研究领域全球最具影响力科学家榜单。兼任中国气象学会副理事长,国家自然科学基金委员会地球科学部第七届专家咨询委员会委员,世界气候研究计划(WCRP)/国际气象学和大气科学协会(IAMAS)/未来地球计划(FE)中国委员会委员,国际SCI期刊JGR-Atmos副编辑(Associate Editor)、AAS编辑(Editor)和国内核心期刊《气象科学》主编等。 1981年入南京大学气象系(现大气科学学院)气象学(天气动力学)专业学习,1985年获气象学理学学士学位,1988年获气象学理学硕士学位,1993年获气象学理学博士学位。1995年赴日本气象研究所(MRI)开展短期合作研究,1996-1998年在美国普林斯顿(Princeton)大学暨NOAA地球物理流体动力学实验室(GFDL/NOAA)从事博士后研究。 主持本科生 “地球流体力学”、“数值天气预报”和研究生“地球物理流体动力学”等课程的建设和教学任务。已指导培养获得博士学位研究生35名(其中外国留学生1名),获得硕士学位研究生26名,获得同等学力硕士学位研究生20名。 长期专注于气候动力学和气候预测研究。主持完成包括国家重点基础研究发展(973)计划、国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金创新研究群体、国家自然科学基金重点、国家杰出青年科学基金、国家创新引智计划等科研项目30余项。发表学术论文310余篇(SCI论文189篇),出版合作编著11部;论文被他引11000余次;取得国家授权发明专利和软著权30项;获教育部自然科学奖一等奖、中国气象局气象科技成果评价优秀等级、江苏省科学技术奖一等奖、江苏省青年科技奖、中国气象学会“涂长望”青年气象科技奖以及国务院颁发的政府特殊津贴等。在海气耦合模态的形成机制、气候影响机理、气候可预测性贡献和气候预测应用方面取得了具有重要国际影响并在全国推广应用的系列创新成果。主要代表性创新成果包括: (一)创建了大气瞬变涡旋驱动的中纬度不稳定海气耦合理论,发展了热带ENSO-背景态非线性相互作用动力学,为阐释海气耦合模态成因奠定了关键理论基础。(1)在中纬度海气相互作用方面,揭示了中纬度海温异常主要通过改变大气瞬变涡旋活动的动力强迫影响大气的新机制,建立了包括大气瞬变涡旋活动反馈的中纬度海气耦合解析模型,进而创建了大气瞬变涡旋驱动的中纬度不稳定海气耦合动力学新理论,成功解释了中纬度海气耦合模态的独特结构和发展机制,为阐明中纬度海温异常的气候影响奠定了关键理论基础;(2)在热带海气相互作用方面,阐释了海温年平均态的正确模拟对于准确模拟和预测ENSO的关键作用,揭示了ENSO事件不对称性的决定性背景态因子,发现了ENSO活动对上层海洋平均态的整流效应,进而发展了热带ENSO-背景态非线性相互作用动力学,为阐明ENSO复杂性及其与全球变暖关系建立了理论基础。 (二)揭示了热带和中高纬多尺度海气耦合模态影响我国汛期旱涝的规律和机理,为我国气候预测提供了重要物理基础。(1)率先发现了中纬度太平洋年代际海气耦合模态PDO对东亚气候和我国汛期旱涝的影响规律,阐明了三种主要年代际海气模态(PDO/AMO/IOBM)不同位相组合对我国旱涝的协同影响机制及相对作用,揭示了ENSO与我国旱涝年际关系的年代际变化规律、机制和年代际海气耦合模态的调制作用,全面阐释了我国旱涝年代际变化的自然变率成因,为我国汛期旱涝可预测性提供了重要的中高纬来源;(2)发现了海气耦合过程助推了夏季热带西北太平洋季节内振荡(BSISO)北传,其中云的透过率效应造成海温异常的振幅不对称,通过海洋反馈形成了BSISO位相不对称,其北传导致西北太平洋副高缓慢西进和快速东退,进而导致我国东部旱涝在季节内发生急转,为我国旱涝具体发生时段预测即次季节预测提供了重要物理依据。 (三)阐明了全球气候可预测性优势区及海气耦合模态贡献,研制了包括中高纬和热带海气耦合模态共同影响的我国气候预测集成系统,显著提高了我国汛期旱涝预测准确率。(1)通过分离可预测的海气耦合模态,建立了基于这些模态的气候可预测性动力学定量评估新方法,阐明了全球气候可预测性的优势区及热带和中高纬海气耦合模态的贡献;将气候可预测性评估从确定性拓展到概率性,揭示出气候概率可预测性和确定可预测性的内在本质关联;(2)基于对我国旱涝成因和可预测性理论创新,提出了基于最优可预测模态(SM)和异常相对倾向(ART)的SMART气候预测新原理,在考虑热带海气耦合模态影响基础上,重点引入中高纬海气耦合模态的影响和时间尺度分离,研制了包括物理统计、动力-统计结合的次季节和季节预测系统的SMART气候预测集成系统(iSMART),通过云服务器和客户端软件,实现了在全国气候中心推广应用,为我国气候灾害预测提供了重要科技支撑。




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Shengjie Chen, Xiu-Qun Yang*, Jiabei Fang, Linyuan Sun, Lingfeng Tao, Xiaozhuo Sang, and Manman Yin, 2023, Revisiting the East Asian summer monsoon structure: a combined effect of condensational heating and synoptic eddy activities, Climate Dynamics,61, 3787-3803, doi: 10.1007/s00382-023-06763-1. Mengchu Zhao, Xiu-Qun Yang*, Lingfeng Tao, 2023, Quantifying the processes of accelerated wintertime Tibetan Plateau warming: Outside forcing versus local feedbacks, Climate Dynamics,61, 3289-3307, 10.1007/s00382-023-06741-7. Zitian Xu, Xiu-Qun Yang*, Lingfeng Tao, and Linyuan Sun, 2023, Impact of anomalous Eurasian blocking activities on the East Asian Meiyu rainfall, Climate Dynamics, 61, 3127-3146, doi: 10.1007/s00382-023-06735-5. Lingfeng Tao, Jiabei Fang*, Xiu-Qun Yang*, Xuguang Sun, Danping Cai, and Yu Wang, 2023, Role of North Atlantic tripole SST in mid-winter reversal of NAO, Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2023GL103502, doi: 10.1029/2023GL103502. Yuelin Liu*, Xuguang Sun*, Xiu-Qun Yang*, 2023, Stage-dependent influence of PDO on interdecadal summer precipitation anomalies in eastern China, Climate Dynamics, 61, 2071-2084,doi: 10.1007/s00382-023-06667-0. Linyuan Sun, Xiu-Qun Yang*, and Lingfeng Tao, 2023, Impact of ENSO on wintertime land surface variables in Northern Hemisphere extratropics: Role of atmospheric moisture processes, Journal of Climate, 36(16), 5443-5460, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-22-0777.1. Yue Luo, Xiu-Qun Yang*, Linyuan Sun, and Lingfeng Tao, 2023, What determines the leading mode of wintertime Northern Hemisphere snow cover interannual variability? Journal of Climate, 36(16), 5381-5398, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-22-0934.1. Wen Li, Xiu-Qun Yang*, Jiabei Fang, Lingfeng Tao, and Xuguang Sun, 2023, Asymmetric boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation events over the western North Pacific and their impacts on East Asian precipitation, Journal of Climate, 36(8), 2645-2661, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-22-0750.1. Lingfeng Tao, Xuguang Sun*, Xiu-Qun Yang*, Jiabei Fang, and Zhi-Qi Zhang, 2023, Effect of oceanic stochastic forcing on wintertime atmospheric decadal variability over midlatitude North Pacific, Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, 128(2), e2022JD037594, doi: 10.1029/2022JD037594. Xueqing Wang and Xiu-Qun Yang*, 2023, Amplified asymmetric impact of ENSO events on the wintertime Pacific-North American teleconnection pattern, Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2022GL100996, doi: 10.1029/2022GL100996. Danping Cai, Lingfeng Tao*, Xiu-Qun Yang*, Xiaozhuo Sang, Jiabei Fang, Xuguang Sun, Weiping Wang, and Hongming Yan, 2022, A climate perspective of the quasi-stationary front in southwestern China: structure, variation and impact, Climate Dynamics, 59, 547-560, doi: 10.1007/s00382-022-06151-1. Xiaozhuo Sang, Xiu-Qun Yang*, Lingfeng Tao, Jiabei Fang, Xuguang Sun, 2022, Evaluation of synoptic eddy activities and their feedback onto the midlatitude jet in five atmospheric reanalyses with coarse versus fine model resolutions, Climate Dynamics, 58, 1363-1381, doi: 10.1007/s00382-021-05965-9. Jiabei Fang, Lilan Chen, Xiu-Qun Yang*, 2022, Roles of vertical distributions of atmospheric transient eddy dynamical forcing and diabatic heating in midlatitude unstable air-sea interaction, Climate Dynamics, 58, 351-368, doi: 10.1007/s00382-021-05912-8. Xiaozhuo Sang, Xiu-Qun Yang*, Lingfeng Tao, Jiabei Fang, Xuguang Sun, 2022, Decadal changes of wintertime poleward heat and moisture transport associated with the amplified Arctic warming, Climate Dynamics, 58, 137-159, doi: 10.1007/s00382-021-05894-7. Lingfeng Tao, Jiabei Fang*, Xiu-Qun Yang*, Xuguang Sun, and Danping Cai, 2022, Midwinter reversal of the atmospheric anomalies caused by the North Pacific Mode-related air-sea coupling, Geophysical Research Letters, 49(20), e2022GL100307, doi: 10.1029/2022GL100307. Linyuan Sun, Xiu-Qun Yang*, Lingfeng Tao, Jiabei Fang, and Xuguang Sun, 2021, Changing impact of ENSO events on the following summer rainfall in eastern China since the 1950s, Journal of Climate, 34(20), 8105-8123, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-21-0018.1. Dejian Yang, Youmin Tang*, Xiu-Qun Yang*, Dan Ye, Ting Liu, Tao Feng, Xiaoqin Yan, Xuguang Sun, and Yaocun Zhang, 2021, A theoretical relationship between probabilistic relative operating characteristic skill and deterministic correlation skill in dynamical seasonal climate prediction, Climate Dynamics, 56, 3909-3932, doi: 10.1007/s00382-021-05678-z. Lilan Chen, Jiabei Fang*, and Xiu-Qun Yang*, 2020, Midlatitude unstable air-sea interaction with atmospheric transient eddy dynamical forcing in an analytical coupled model, Climate Dynamics, 55(9), 2557-2577, doi: 10.1007/s00382-020-05405-0. Ran Zhang, Jiabei Fang*, and Xiu-Qun Yang*, 2020, What kinds of atmospheric anomalies drive wintertime North Pacific basin-scale subtropical oceanic front intensity variation? Journal of Climate, 33 (16), 7011-7026, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0973.1. Lingfeng Tao, Xiu-Qun Yang*, Jiabei Fang*, and Xuguang Sun, 2020, PDO-related wintertime atmospheric anomalies over the midlatitude North Pacific: Local versus remote SST forcing, Journal of Climate, 33 (16), 6989-7010. doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0143.1. Yiquan Jiang, Xiu-Qun Yang*, Xiaohong Liu, Yun Qian, Kai Zhang, Minghuai Wang, Fang Li, Yong Wang and Zheng Lu, 2020, Impacts of wildfire aerosols on global energy budget and climate: The role of climate feedbacks, Journal of Climate, 33(8), 3351-3366, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0572.1. Lingfeng Tao, Xuguang Sun*, and Xiu-Qun Yang*, 2019, The asymmetric atmospheric response to the midlatitude North Pacific SST anomalies, Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, 124, 9222-9240, doi: 10.1029/2019JD030500. Xinshu Fu, Xiu-Qun Yang*, and Xuguang Sun, 2019, Spatial and diurnal variations of summer hourly rainfall over three super city clusters in eastern China and their possible link to the urbanization, Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, 124, 5445-5462, doi: 10.1029/2019JD030474. Dejian Yang, Xiu-Qun Yang*, Dan Ye, Xuguang Sun, Jiabei Fang, Cuijiao Chu, Tao Feng, Yiquan Jiang, Jin Liang, Xuejuan Ren, Yaocun Zhang, and Youmin Tang, 2019, Reply to comment by Michael K. Tippett on “on the relationship between probabilistic and deterministic skills in dynamical seasonal climate prediction”, Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, 124, 3982-3983, doi: 10.1029/2019JD030289. Xiangyu Ao, C. S. B. Grimmond, H. C. Ward, A. M. Gabey, Jianguo Tan, Xiu-Qun Yang*, Dongwei Liu, Xing Zhi, Hongya Liu, and Ning Zhang*, 2018, Evaluation of the surface urban energy and water balance scheme (SUEWS) at a dense urban site in Shanghai: Sensitivity to anthropogenic heat and irrigation, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 19, 1983-2005, doi: 10.1175/JHM-D-18-0057.1. Zhiqi Zhang, Xuguang Sun*, and Xiu-Qun Yang*, 2018, Understanding the interdecadal variability of East Asian summer monsoon precipitation: Joint influence of three oceanic signals, Journal of Climate, 31(14), 5485-5506, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-17-0657.1. Dejian Yang, Xiu-Qun Yang*, Dan Ye, Xuguang Sun, Jiabei Fang, Cuijiao Chu, Tao Feng, Yiquan Jiang, Jin Liang, Xuejuan Ren, Yaocun Zhang, and Youmin Tang, 2018, On the relationship between probabilistic and deterministic skills in dynamical seasonal climate prediction, Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 123, 5261–5283, doi: 10.1029/2017JD028002. Cuijiao Chu, Xiu-Qun Yang*, Xuguang Sun, Dejian Yang, Yiquan Jiang, Tao Feng, Jin Liang, 2018, Effect of the tropical Pacific and Indian Ocean warming since the late 1970s on wintertime Northern Hemispheric atmospheric circulation and East Asian climate interdecadal changes, Climate Dynamics, 50, 3031-3048, doi: 10.1007/s00382-017-3790-y. Tianyi Wang, Xiu-Qun Yang*, Jiabei Fang, Xuguang Sun, Xuejuan Ren, 2018, Role of air-sea interaction in the 30–60-day boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation over the western North Pacific, Journal of Climate, 31(4), 1653-1680, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-17-0109.1. Yawen Liu, Kai Zhang, Yun Qian*, Yuhang Wang, Yufei Zou, Yongjia Song, Hui Wan, Xiaohong Liu, and Xiu-Qun Yang*, 2018, Investigation of short-term effective radiative forcing of fire aerosols over North America using nudged hindcast ensembles,Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18, 31-47, doi: 10.5194/acp-18-31-2018. Liying Wang, Xiu-Qun Yang*, Dejian Yang, Qian Xie, Jiabei Fang, Xuguang Sun, 2017, Two typical modes in the variabilities of wintertime North Pacific basin-scale oceanic fronts and associated atmospheric eddy-driven jet,Atmospheric Science Letters, 18, 373-380, doi: 10.1002/asl.766. Yiquan Jiang, Xiu-Qun Yang*, Xiaohong Liu, Dejian Yang, Xuguang Sun, Minghuai Wang, Aijun Ding, Tijian Wang, and Congbin Fu, 2017, Anthropogenic aerosol effects on East Asian winter monsoon: The role of black carbon-induced Tibetan Plateau warming, Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres,122(11), 5883-5902, doi: 10.1002/2016JD026237. Jin Liang, Xiu-Qun Yang*, and De-Zheng Sun*, 2017, Factors determining the asymmetry of ENSO, Journal of Climate, 30(16), 6097-6106, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0923.1. Tao Feng, Xiu-Qun Yang*, Wen Zhou, Ronghui Huang, Liang Wu, Dejian Yang, 2016, Synoptic-scale waves in sheared background flow over the western North Pacific, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 73(11), 4583-4603, doi: 10.1175/JAS-D-16-0064.1. Jiabei Fang, Xiu-Qun Yang*, 2016, Structure and dynamics of decadal anomalies in the wintertime midlatitude North Pacific ocean-atmosphere system, Climate Dynamics, 47(5), 1989-2007, doi: 10.1007/s00382-015-2946-x. Dejian Yang, Xiu-Qun Yang*, Qian Xie, Yaocun Zhang, Xuejuan Ren, and Youmin Tang, 2016, Probabilistic versus deterministic skill in predicting the western North Pacific-East Asian summer monsoon variability with multimodel ensembles, Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, 121, 1079-1103, doi: 10.1002/2015JD023781. Yiquan Jiang, Xiu-Qun Yang*, and Xiaohong Liu, 2015, Seasonality in anthropogenic aerosol effects on East Asian climate simulated with CAM5, Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, 120, 10837-10861, doi: 10.1002/2015JD023451. Xuejuan Ren, Dejian Yang, and Xiu-Qun Yang*, 2015, Characteristics and mechanism of the subseasonal eastward extension of the South Asian High, Journal of Climate, 28(17), 6799-6822, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00682.1. Shi Zhong, and Xiu-Qun Yang*, 2015, Mechanism of urbanization impact on a summer cold-frontal rainfall process in the greater Beijing metropolitan area, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 54(6), 1234–1247, doi: 10.1175/JAMC-D-14-0264.1. Shi Zhong, Xiu-Qun Yang*, 2015, Ensemble simulations of the urban effect on a summer rainfall event in the Great Beijing Metropolitan Area, Atmospheric Research, 153, 318-334, doi: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2014.09.005. Qiong Jin, Xiu-Qun Yang*, Xu-Guang Sun, Jia-Bei Fang, 2013, East Asian summer monsoon circulation structure controlled by feedback of condensational heating, Climate Dynamics, 41(7-8), 1885-1897, doi: 10.1007/s00382-012-1620-9. QIANG Xue-Min, YANG Xiu-Qun*, 2013, Relationship between the first rainy season precipitation anomaly in South China and the sea surface temperature anomaly in the Pacific, Chinese Journal of Geophysics-Chinese Edition, 56(8), 2583-2593, doi: 10.6038/cjg20130808. 强学民、杨修群*,2013,华南前汛期降水年际异常与太平洋海表温度异常的关系, 地球物理学报,56(8), 2583-2593, doi: 10.6038/cjg20130808. Xuejuan Ren, Xiu-Qun Yang*, and Xuguang Sun, 2013, Zonal oscillation of western Pacific subtropical high and subseasonal SST variations during Yangtze persistent heavy rainfall events, Journal of Climate, 26(22), 8929-8946,doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-12-00861.1. Cuijiao Chu, Xiu-Qun Yang*, Xuejuan Ren, Tianjun Zhou, 2013, Response of Northern Hemisphere storm tracks to Indian-western Pacific Ocean warming in atmospheric general circulation models, Climate Dynamics, 40(5-6), 1057-1070, doi: 10.1007/s00382-013-1687-y. WU Kai and YANG XiuQun*, 2013, Urbanization and heterogeneous surface warming in eastern China, Chinese Science Bulletin, 58(12), 1363-1373, doi: 10.1007/s11434-012-5627-8. Zhong Shi, Yang Xiu-Qun*, Guo Wei-Dong, 2013, Influence of local zero-plane displacement on effective aerodynamic parameters over heterogeneous terrain, Acta Physica Sinica-Chinese Edition, 62(14), 144212, doi: 10.7498/aps.62.144212. 钟时、杨修群*、郭维栋,2013,局地零平面位移对非均匀地表有效空气动力学参数的影响,物理学报,62(14),144212, doi: 10.7498/aps.62.144212. ZHANG Ling-ling, YANG Xiu-qun*, XIE Qian, FANG Jia-bei , 2012, Global atmospheric seasonal-mean heating: diabatic versus transient heating, Journal of Tropical Meteorology, 18(4), 494-502. WANG Wei-ping, YANG Xiu-qun*, XIE Yi-jun, ZOU Yong-chang, FANG Jia-bei, XIE Qian, 2012, The spatio-temporal variation of seasonal extreme wet days in China and its relation with SST anomalies, Journal of Tropical Meteorology, 18(4), 485-493. XIANG Yang and YANG Xiuqun*, 2012, The effect of transient eddy on interannual meridional displacement of summer east Asian subtropical jet, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 29(3), 484-492, doi: 10.1007/s00376-011-1113-5. Jia-Bei Fang and Xiu-Qun Yang*, 2011, The relative roles of different physical processes in the unstable midlatitude ocean-atmosphere interactions, Journal of Climate, 24(5), 1542-1558, doi: 10.1175/2010JCLI3618.1. DENG Lin, YANG XiuQun*, XIE Qian, 2010, ENSO frequency change in coupled climate models as response to the increasing CO2 concentration, Chinese Science Bulletin, 55(8), 744-751, doi: 10.1007/s11434-009-0491-x. LI Yi, YANG Xiu-Qun*, XIE Qian, 2010, Selective interaction between interannual variability of North Pacific Subtropical High and ENSO cycle, Chinese Journal of Geophysics-Chinese Edition, 53(7), 1543-1553. 李熠、杨修群、谢倩,2010,北太平洋副热带高压年际变异与ENSO循环之间的选择性相互作用,地球物理学报,53(7), 1543-1553。 Fang Jiabei, Rong Xinyao, Yang Xiuqun*, 2006, Decadal-to-interdecadal response and adjustment of the North Pacific to prescribed surface forcing in an oceanic general circulation model, Acta Oceanologica Sinica , 25(3), 11-24. YANG Xiu-Qun*, XIE Qian, ZHU Yi-Min, SUN Xu-Guang, GUO Yan-Juan, 2005, Decadal-to-interdecadal variability of precipitation in North China and associated atmospheric and oceanic anomaly patterns, Chinese Journal of Geophysics-Chinese Edition, 48(4), 789-797. 杨修群、谢倩、朱益民、孙旭光、郭燕娟,2005,华北降水年代际变化特征及相关的海气异常型,地球物理学报,48(4),789-797。 A. S. Hassan, X.-Q. Yang*, and S.-S. 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