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海洋污染物环境行为学 海洋碳循环与全球变化 人类活动的海岸海洋生态响应 流域海岸相互作用


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海洋污染物环境行为学研究方向 Chenglong Wang; Zhe Hao*; Ziyue Feng; Chuchu Zhang; Jianhua Gao; Yali Li; Xinqing Zou*, 2020, Rapid changes in organochlorine pesticides in sediments from the East China Sea and their response to human-induced catchment changes, Water Research,https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.watres.2019.115225,169 (2020) 115225 Teng Wang, Baojie Li*, Xinqing Zou*, Ying Wang; Yali Li; Yongjiang Xu; Chuchu Zhang; Wenwen Yu, 2019, Emission of primary microplastics in mainland China: invisible but not negligible, Water Research, 162(2019), 214-224. Chenglong Wang; Zhe Hao*; Ziyue Feng; Chuchu Zhang; Yali Li; Wenwen Yu; Xinqing Zou*, 2020, Shifts in the distribution and fate of sedimentary polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons within the estuarine-inner shelf areas of the East China Sea: Response to human-induced catchment change, JGR: Oceans, DOI: 10.1029/2019JC015773 Zhe Hao, Hengtao Xu, Ziyue Feng, Chuchu Zhang, Xin Zhou, Zhifu Wang, Jiaheng Zheng, XinqingZou*,2020, Spatial distribution, deposition flux, and environmental impact of typical persistent organic pollutants in surficial sediments in the Eastern China Marginal Seas (ECMSs),Journal of Hazardous Materials,doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.124343 Yongcheng Ding, Xinqing Zou*, Feng Yuan, Hongyu Chen, Chenglong Wang, Qinya Fan, Guanghe Fu**, Wenwen Yu, 2022, Can microplastics in offshore waters reflect plastic emissions from coastal regions? Chemosphere, 308 (2022) 136397, DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2022.136397 Teng Wang, Xinqing Zou*, Baojie Li, Yulong Yao, Zheng Zang, Yali Li, Wenwen Yu, Wanzhi Wang, 2019, Preliminary study of the source apportionment and diversity of microplastics: taking floating microplastics in the South China Sea as an example, Environmental Pollution,245(2019), 965-974 C. L. Wang, X. Q. Zou*, Y. F. Zhao, Y. L. Li, Q, C. Song, T. Wang, and W. W. Yu, 2017,Distribution pattern and mass budget of sedimentary polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the shelf areas of the Eastern China Marginal Seas, Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans(cover introduction), Volume 122, Issue 6, Pages 4990–5004 Yongcheng Ding, Xinqing Zou*, Hongyu Chen, Feng Yuan, Qihang Liao, Ziyue Feng, Qinya Fan, Ying Wang, Guanghe Fu, 2022, Distribution pattern and influencing factors for the microplastics in continental shelf, slope, and deep-sea surface sediments from the South China Sea, Environmental Pollution, DOI:10.1016/j.envpol.2022.119824 Yongcheng Ding, Xinqing Zou*, Chenglong Wang, Ziyue Feng, Ying Wang, Qinya Fan, Hongyu Chen, 2021, The abundance and characteristics of atmospheric microplastic deposition in the northwestern South China Sea in the fall, Atmospheric Environment, 253 (2021) 118389 Ying Wang, Xinqing Zou*, Cong Peng, Shuqing Qiao*, Teng Wang , Wenwen Yu, Somkiat Khokiattiwong, Narumol Kornkanitnan,2020, Occurrence and distribution of microplastics in surface sediments from the Gulf of Thailand, Marine Pollution Bulletin, DOI:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.110916 Chuchu Zhang, Yali Li*, Chenglong Wang, Ziyue Feng, Zhe Hao, Teng Wang,Wenwen Yu, Xinqing Zou*, 2020, Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in marine organisms from two fishing grounds, South Yellow Sea, China: bioaccumulation and human health risk assessment,Marine Pollution Bulletin, 153(2020) 110995,DOI:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.110995 Xiaowei Wu,Chongqing Zhong,Teng Wang,Xinqing Zou*,Zheng Zang,Qunji Li,Han Chen,2020, Occurrence and distribution of microplastics on recreational beaches of Haichow Bay, China,Environmental Science and Pollution Research, DOI:10.1007/s11356-020-10987-7 Yali Li, Rainer Lohmann, Xinqing Zou, Chenglong Wang,Lin Zhang*,2020,Air-water exchange and distribution pattern of organochlorine pesticides in the atmosphere and surface water of the open Pacific Ocean,Environmental Pollution, DOI:10.1016/j.envpol.2020.114956 Zhe Hao, Lihong Chen, Chenglong Wang*, Xinqing Zou*, Fangqin Zheng, Weihua Feng, Dongrong Zhang, Ling Peng, 2019, Heavy metal distribution and bioaccumulation ability in marine organisms from coastal regions of Hainan and Zhoushan, China, Chemosphere, 226 (2019) 340-350 Yali Li, Chenglong Wang*, Xinqing Zou*, Ziyue Feng, Yulong Yao, Teng Wang, Chuchu Zhang, 2019, Occurrence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in coral reef fish from the South China Sea, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 139(2019)339-345 Chenglong Wang, Xinqing Zou*, Ziyue Feng, Zhe Hao, Jianhua Gao,2018, Distribution and transport of heavy metals in estuarine-inner shelf regions of the East China Sea,Science of the Total Environment, 644(2018),298-305 Teng Wang, Xinqing Zou*, Baojie Li, Yulong Yao, Jiasheng Li, Hejiu Hui, Wenwen Yu, Chenglong Wang, 2018, Microplastics in a wind farm area: A case study at the Rudong Offshore Wind Farm, Yellow Sea, China, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 128 (2018) 466–474 Chenglong Wang, Xinqing Zou*, Yali Li, Yifei Zhao, Qiaochu Song, Wenwen Yu, 2017, Pollution levels and risk of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface sediments from two typical estuaries in China, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 114(2017), 917-925 海洋碳循环与全球变化研究方向 Chenglong Wang, Chuchu Zhang, Yameng Wang, Guodong Jia, Yaping Wang, Chun Zhu, Qian Yu, Xinqing Zou*, 2022, Anthropogenic perturbations to the fate of terrestrial organic matter in a river-dominated marginal sea, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2022.07.012 Yulong Yao, Xinqing Zou*, Yifei Zhao, Teng Wang, 2019, Rapid changes in land-sea thermal contrast across China's coastal zone in a warming climate, JGR:Atmospheres, 124(4),2049-2067 Jie Lin, Xinqing Zou*, Faming Huang, 2020, Quantitative analysis of the factors influencing the dispersion of thermal pollution caused by coastal power plants, Water Research, DOI:10.1016/j.watres.2020.116558 Yulong Yao, Junjie Wang, Jianjun Yin, Xinqing Zou*, 2020, Marine Heatwaves in China’s marginal seas and adjacent offshore waters: Past, Present, and Future, JGR: Oceans, DOI: 10.1029/2019JC015801 Yali Li, Xinqing Zou*, Chendong Ge*, Ming Tan, Meng Tang,Xiaotong Liu, Lisheng Wang, Yang Liuand Xiaohui Wang, 2019, Age and sedimentary characteristics of beach sediments from Yongle Atoll, South China Sea: implications for sediments supply in a coral reef system, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 187 (2020) 104083, DOI:10.1016/j.jseaes.2019.104083 Yulong Yao, Junjie Wang*, Zou Xinqing**,2022,Rapid Changes in Heatwaves Pose Dual Challenge in Eastern China and Its Adjacent Seas,Frontiers in Marine Science, DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2022.979391 Zheng ZANG, Xinqing ZOU*, Qiaochu Song, Yali Li, Teng Wang,2017, Integrated sustainable development evaluation based on human well-being indices and pressure indices: A case study of the South China Sea Neighboring Countries, The Social Science Journal, 54(2017), 346-357 Zang Zheng, Zou Xinqing*, Xi Xu, Zhang Yu, Zheng Defeng and Sun Caizhi, 2016, Quantitative characterization and comprehensive evaluation of regional water resources using the Three Red Lines method,Journal of Geographical Sciences, 26(4): 397-414 Yifei Zhao, Xinqing Zou*, Liguo Cao, Yulong Yao, Guanghe Fu,2018,Spatiotemporal variations of potential evapotranspiration and aridity index in relation to influencing factors over Southwest China during 1960-2013,Theoretical and Applied Climatology,133(3-4),711-726 Zeng Zang, Xinqing Zou*, Qiaochu Song, et al., 2018,Analysis of the Global Carbon Dioxide Emissions from 2003 to 2015: Convergence Trends and Regional Contributions,Carbon Management, DOI: 10.1080/17583004.2017.1418594 Zhe Hao, Lihong Chen, Yonghua Li*, Xinqing Zou**, Hairong Li, Ziyue Feng,Xuyu Bai, Zhifu Wang, Jian Qian, Yuefeng Xu, 2019,Characteristics of centenarians' lifestyles and their contribution to life satisfaction: A case study conducted on Hainan Island, Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 83 (2019) 20–27 Yifei Zhao, Xinqing Zou*, Jianhua Gao, Chenglong Wang, 2017, Recent sedimentary record of storms and floods within the estuarine-inner shelf region of the East China Sea. The Holocene, 27(3),439-449. Xinwanghao Xu, Guanghe Fu*, Xinqing Zou, Chendong Ge, Yifei Zhao. 2017,Diurnal variations of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide fluxes covered by S.alterniflora during different seasons in a coastal wetland of the south Yellow Sea. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2017, Vol. 36, No. 4, P. 105-113. 人类活动的海岸海洋生态响应研究方向 Ziyue Feng, Chenglong Wang, Chuchu Zhang, Wanzhi Wang, Jiajia Wang, Yali Li, Xinqing Zou*, 2021, Air-water exchange and gas-particle partitioning of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in coral reef areas of the South China Sea, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, DOI: 10.1029/2020JD033399 Dehao Tang, Xingjian Liu, XinqingZou*, 2018, An improved method for integrated ecosystem health assessments based on the structure and function of coastal ecosystems: a case study of the Jiangsu coastal area, China. Ecological Indicators, 84(2018),82-95 Jie Lin; Xinqing Zou*; Faming Huang, 2018, Effects of the thermal discharge from an offshore power plant on phytoplankton and macrobenthic communities in subtropical China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 131(2018),106-114 Wenwen Yu, Xinqing Zou*,Dongju Zhang, Teng Wang, Chenglong Wang,Yulong Yao, Hu Zhang, Chengkai Ben, Jianmei Yuan, 2019, The evaluation of marine biological value of the Jiangsu coastal zone (east of China) under the interference of human activities, Ecological Indicators,102(2019),76-83 Qiaochu Song, Xinqing Zou*, Hu Zhang*,Wenwen Yu, Zheng Zang, Chenglong Wang, 2017, An approach based on M-AMBI for assessing benthic ecological status of a broad intertidal zone: A case study in the Jiangsu intertidal zone, China, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 116(2017), 87-94 Junjie Wang, Xinqing Zou*, Wenwen Yu, Dongju Zhang, Teng Wang, 2019, Effects of Established Offshore Wind Farms on Energy Flow of Coastal Ecosystems: A Case Study of Rudong Offshore Wind Farms in China, Ocean and Coastal Management, 171 (2019) 111–118 Zheng ZANG, Xinqing ZOU*, Ping Zuo, Qiaochu Song, Chenglong Wang, Junjie Wang, 2017, Impact of landscape patterns on ecological vulnerability and ecosystem service values: An empirical analysis of Yancheng Nature Reserve in China, Ecological Indicators, 72 (2017) 142–152 Zhe Hao, Chuchu Zhang, Bo Lin, Zhuo Chen, Yonghua Li*, Xinqing Zou**, Hairong Li, Fangqin Zheng, Jing Cao, 2022, Environmental effects on trace elements in the fingernails of centenarians and their offspring, Science of the total environment, DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.156786 Qinya Fan,Xinqing Zou*, Jianhua Gao,Yu Cheng,Chenglong Wang,Ziyue Feng,Yongcheng Ding,Chuchu Zhang,2021,Assessing Ecological Risk of Organophosphate Esters Released From Sediment with Both of Total Content and Desorbable Content,Science of the Total Environment, 772 (2021) 144907 Xu, X., Zou, X*., Cao, L., Zhamangulova, N., Zhao, Y., Tang, D., & Liu, D. 2014.Seasonal and spatial dynamics of greenhouse gas emissions under various vegetation covers in a coastal saline wetland in southeast China.,Ecological Engineering,73, 469-477. Tang, D., Zou, X*., Liu, X., Liu, P., Zhamangulova, N., Xu, X., & Zhao, Y. 2015.Integrated ecosystem health assessment based on eco-exergy theory: A case study of the Jiangsu coastal area. Ecological Indicators,48, 107-119. Wang, T., Yu, W., Zou, X.*, Zhang, D., Li, B., Wang,J., Zhang, H., 2018, Zooplankton Community Responses and the Relation to Environmental Factors from Established Offshore Wind Farms within the Rudong Coastal Area of China, Journal of Coastal Research, 34(4),843-855 Zheng Zang, Xinqing Zou* et. al. 2019, Analysis of the spatiotemporal correlation between vegetation pattern and human activity intensity in Yancheng coastal wetland, China, Anthropocene Coasts, 2019(2),87-100 Xiaowei Wu, Xinqing Zou*,Chongqing Zhong,Wenwen Yu,Yali Li,Teng Wang,2020, Assessing the response of sandy - beach macrobenthos to recreation and the ecological status of the beach ecosystem at Liandao, China, Marine Ecology - An Evolutionary Perspective, DOI: 10.1111/maec.12580 流域海岸相互作用研究方向 Yifei Zhao, Xinqing Zou*, Qing Liu, Min Xu and Yulong Yao,2021,Recent morphological changes of the Changjiang (Yangtze River) mega-delta in the Anthropocene, China: Impact from natural and anthropogenic changes,The Holocene, DOI:10.1177/095968362098804 Yifei Zhao, Xinqing Zou*, Jianhua Gao; Chenglong Wang; Yali Li; Yulong Yao; Wancang Zhao;Min Xu, 2018,Clay mineralogy and source-to-sink transport processes of Changjiang River sediments in the estuarine and inner shelf areas of the East China Sea, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 152(2018), 91-102 Yifei Zhao, Xinqing Zou*, Qing Liu, Chenglong Wang, Chendong Ge, Min Xu, 2018, Clay mineralogy indicates the muddy sediment provenance in the estuarine-inner shelf of the East China Sea, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 152 (2018) 69-79 Yifei Zhao, Xinqing Zou*, Qing Liu, Yulong Yao, Yali Li, Xiaowei Wu, Chenglong Wang, Wenwen Yu, Teng Wang,2017, Assessing natural and anthropogenic influences on water discharge and sediment load in the Yangtze River, China, Science of the Total Environment, 607-608(2017),920-932 Wang Chenglong, Zhao Yifei, Zou Xinqing*, Xu Xinwanghao, Ge Chendong, 2017, Recent changing patterns of the Yangtze Estuary caused by human activities. Acta Oceanologica Sinica . 2017, Vol. 36, No. 4, P. 87-96 Chenglong Wang, Zhe Hao, Jianhua Gao, Ziyue Feng, Yongcheng Ding, Chuchu Zhang, Xinqing Zou*, 2020, Reservoir construction has reduced organic carbon deposition in the East China Sea by half since 2006,Geophysical Research Letters, DOI: 10.1029/2020GL087357 Chenglong Wang, Xinqing Zou*, Yifei Zhao, Baojie Li, Qiaochu Song, Yali Li, Wenwen, Yu, 2016, Distribution, sources and ecological risk assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the water and suspended sediments from the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23(17), 17158-17170 Chenglong Wang,Xinqing Zou*, Jianhua Gao, Yifei Zhao, Wenwen, Yu,Yali Li, 2016, Pollution status of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface sediments from the Yangtze River Estuary and its adjacent coastal zone, Chemosphere,162, (2016), pp. 80-90 Yifei Zhao, Xinqing Zou*, Jianhua Gao, Xiwanghao Xu, Chenglong Wang, Dehao Tang and Xiaowei Wu, 2015, Quantifying the anthropogenic and climatic contributions to changes in water discharge and sediment load into the sea: a case study of the Yangtze River, China, Science of the Total Environment, 536, 803-812 Zhao, Y., Zou, X*., Zhang, J., Cao, L., Xu, X., Zhang, K., & Chen, Y. 2014.Spatio-temporal variation of reference evapotranspiration and aridity index in the Loess Plateau Region of China, during 1961–2012.Quaternary International,349, 196-206. Zhao, Y., Zou, X. *, Cao, L., & Xu, X. 2014.Changes in precipitation extremes over the Pearl River Basin, southern China, during 1960–2012. Quaternary International,333, 26-39. Yifei Zhao, Xinqing Zou*, Qing Liu and Ye Chen, 2019, Impacts of climate variability and human activities on streamflow in the Wanquan River Basin along the east coast of Hainan Island, southern China, Journal of Coastal Research, 35(2),410-419
