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杨龙,教授,博士生导师,入选国家级青年人才项目。2005-2009年就读河海大学水文与水资源工程专业本科,2009-2014年清华大学水利水电工程系博士,2014-2019年在美国普林斯顿大学土木与环境工程系担任博士后助理研究员,2019年3月起在南京大学地理与海洋科学学院担任副教授、教授。现任国际水文科学协会中国国家委员会水资源系统分会副主席、秘书长,陆气关系分委会委员。在Nature、Nature Climate Change、Nature Communications、Geophysical Research Letters、Water Resources Research、水科学进展、地理学报等国内外学术期刊发表论文70余篇。主要从事流域洪涝过程机理与预测研究,致力于从物理过程和统计规律角度探究流域洪涝成灾与致灾的水文学原理、水文气象过程以及水文气候机制。依托教育部南京大学关键地球物质循环前沿中心和南京大学地理与海洋科学学院,致力于发展防洪减灾相关的理论和技术方法。 奖励荣誉 2021年,南京大学校级本科毕业论文团队特等奖(全校唯一)指导教师 2022年,江苏省优秀本科论文指导教师 2022年,江苏省海洋湖沼学会青年科技奖




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Shen, Y. and Yang, L.*, Divergent urban signatures in rainfall anomalies explained by pre-storm environment contrast, Geophysical Research Letters, 50(5), e2022GL101658, 2023. Zhang, J., Yang, L.*, Yu, M., and Chen, X., Response of extreme rainfall to atmospheric warming and wetting: implications for hydrologic designs under a changing climate, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128 (12), e2022JD038430, 2023. Cui, T.#, Li, Y.#, Yang, L.#, Nan, Y., Li, K., ...., Tian, F.*, Non-monotonic changes in Asian Water Towers' streamflow at increasing warming levels, Nature Communications, 14, 1176, 2023. Kreibich, H., Schrter, K., Di Baldassarre, G., ...(omitting 91 authors)..., Yang, L., Zambrano-Bigiarini M.,Ward, P., Panta Rhei benchmark dataset: socio-hydrological data of paired events of floods and droughts. Earth System Science Data, 15 (5), 20092023, 2023. Wang, J., Miao, S., Doan, Q. V., Chen, F., Abolafia-Rosenzweig, R., Yang, L., Zhang, G., Zhang, Y., Dou, J., and Xu, Y., Quantifying the impacts of high-resolution urban information on the urban thermal environment, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128(6), e2022JD038048, 2023. Wang, Q., Cai, X.*, Tang, J., Yang, L., Wang, J., Xu, Y.*, Climate feedbacks associated with land-use and land-cover change on hydrological extremes over the Yangtze river delta region, China. Journal of Hydrology, 623, 129855, 2023. Chen, R., Hu, Q., Shen, W., Guo, J., Yang, L., Yuan, Q., Lu, X., and Wang, L.*, Identification of nitrate sources of groundwater and rivers in complex urban environments based on isotopic and hydro-chemical evidence, Science of the Total Environment, 162026, 2023. Chen, H., Wu, M., Duan, Z., Zha, Y., Wang, S., Yang, L., Zou, L., Zeng, M., Chen, P., Cao, W., Zhang, W., Forecasting the human and climate impacts on groundwater resources in the irrigated agricultural region of North China Plain, Hydrological processes, 37(3), e14853, 2023. Qin, J. Xing, Y., Liu, J., Nakhaei, P., Hamamy, W., Li, B., Yang, L., and Ni, G.*, Modelling analysis of the potential impact of large reservoir on heatwave events, Ecological Indicators, 154, 110841, 2023. 王强, 许有鹏, 杨龙, 童健, 林芷欣, 高斌, 多尺度下太湖平原地区洪水特征及驱动机理, 地理学报, 78(5), 2023. 田富强*, 李琨彪, 韩松俊, 南熠, 杨龙, 青藏高原东部流域径流偶极子时空变化规律, 水科学进展, 23(4), 2023. Yang, L.*, Li, K., Shen, Y., and Tian, F., Flood seasonality over the Third Pole region modulated by upper level moisture transport, Earth’s Future, 10 (9), e2022EF002828, 2022. Yang, L.*, Ma, J., Wang, X., and Tian, F., Hydroclimatology and hydrometeorology of flooding over the eastern Tibetan Plateau, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 127, 15, e2022JD037097, 2022. Wang, Q., Yang, L.*, Yang, Y., Chen, X.*, Contrasting climatic trends of atmospheric river occurrences over East Asia, Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL099646, 2022. Yang, Y., Yang, L.*, Chen, X., Wang, Q., and Tian, F., Climate leads to reversed latitudinal changes in Chinese flood peak timing, Earth’s Future, 10, e2022EF002726, 2022. Ma, X., Zheng, G.*, Xu, C., Yang, L., Geng, Q., Li, J., Qiao, Y., Mapping fine-scale building heights in urban agglomeration with spaceborne lidar, Remote Sensing of Environment, 285, 113392, 2022. Zhang, W., Yang, J.*, Yang, L., and Niyogi, D., Impacts of city shape on rainfall in inland and coastal environments. Earth’s Future, 10, e2022EF002654, 2022. Kreibich, H., Van Loon, A.F., ...(omitting 86 authors)..., Yang, L., Zambrano-Bigiarini M., Bloschl, G., and Di Baldassarre, G., Unprecedented floods and droughts: challenges for risk management. Nature, 608, 80-86, 2022. Huang, S., Zhang, X.*, Yang, L., Chen, N., Nam, W-H., and Niyogi, D., Urbanization-induced drought modification: Example over the Yangtze River Basin, China, Urban Climate, 44, 101231, 2022. Guo, J., Zuo, P., Yang, L., Wang, L.*, Yang, H.*, Determining nitrate sources in storm runoff in complex urban environments based on nitrogen and oxygen isotopes, Science of the Total Environment, 838, 155610, 2022. Yang, L.*, Ni, G., Tian, F., Niyogi, D., Urbanization exacerbated rainfall over European suburbs under a warming climate, Geophysical Research Letters, 48 (21), e2021GL095987, 2021. Yang, L.*, Yang, Y., Villarini, G., Li, X., Hu, H., Wang, L., Bloschl, G., Tian, F.*, Climate more important for Chinese flood changes than reservoirs and land use, Geophysical Research Letters, 48(11), e2021GL093061, 2021. Yang, L.*, Li, Q., Yuan, H., Niu, Z., Wang, L., Impacts of urban canopy on two convective storms with contrasting synoptic conditions over Nanjing, China, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126(9), e2020JD034509, 2021. Yang, L.*, Yang, Y., Smith, J., The upper tail of flood peaks over China: hydrology, hydrometeorology, and hydroclimatology, Water Resources Research, 57 (11), e2021WR030883, 2021. Zeng, Z.*, Wang, D., Yang, L., et al., Deforestation-induced warming over tropical mountain regions regulated by elevation, Nature Geoscience, 14, 23-29, 2021. Li, Q., Yang, J.*, Yang, L., Impact of urban roughness representation on regional hydrometeorology: an idealized study, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126 (4), 2021. Pan, Y., Guo, J., Yang, L., Yuan, Q., Ren, Z., Wang, L.*, Numerical simulations of non-point source pollution in a small urban catchment: identification of pollution risk areas and effectiveness of source-control measures, Water, 13(1), 96, 2021. Guo, J.*, Zuo, P., Yang, L., et al., Quantitative identification of non-point sources of nitrate in urban channels based on dense in-situ samplings and nitrate isotope composition, Chemosphere, 263, 2021. Liu, M., Smith, J., Yang, L., and Vecchi, G., Tropical cyclone flooding in the Carolinas. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 23(1), 53-70, 2021. Wang, D., Wu, J., Huang, M., Li, L., Wang, D., Lin, T., Dong, L., Li, Q., Yang, L., Zeng, Z.*, The critical effect of subgrid-scale scheme on simulating the climate impacts of deforestation, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126 (17), e2021JD035133, 2021. Li, K., Tian, F.*, Ali Khan, M., Xu, R., He, Z., Yang, L., Lu, H., Ma, Y., A high-accuracy rainfall dataset by merging multi-satellites and dense gauges over southern Tibetan Plateau for 2014-2019 warm seasons, Earth System Science Data,13, 5455-5467, 2021. Wang, Q., Xu, Y.*, Cai, X., Tang, J., Yang, L., Role of underlying surface, rainstorm and antecedent wetness condition on flood responses in small and medium sized watersheds in the Yangtze River Delta region, China, Catena, 206, 2021. Li, R., Du, J., Bian, G., Wang, Y., Chen, C., Zhang, X., Li, M.,Wang, S.,Wu, S., Xie, S., Yang, L.*, and Xu, C., An integrated modelling approach for flood simulation in the urbanized Qinhuai River basin, China, Water Resources Management, 34, 3967-3984, 2020. Yang, L.*, Villarini, G., Zeng, Z., Smith, J., Liu, M., Li, X.,Wang, L., Hou, A.*, Riverine flooding and landfalling tropical cyclones over China, Earth’s Future, 8 (3), e2019EF001451, 2020. Wang, J., Xu, Y., Yang, L., Wang, Q., Yuan, J., Wang, Y., Data assimilation of high-resolution satellite rainfall product improves rainfall simulation associated with landfalling tropical cyclones in the Yangtze River Delta, Remote Sensing, 12(2), 276, 2020. Zhao, J., Yang, L., Li, L.,Wang, L., Hu, Q.,Wang, Y., Analysis of the lake-effect on precipitation in the Taihu Lake basin based on the GWR merged precipitation, Water, 12(1), 180, 2020. Liu, M., Yang, L., Smith, J., Vecchi, G., Response of extreme rainfall for landfalling tropical cyclones undergoing extratropical transition to projected climate change: Hurricane Irene (2011), Earth’s Future, 8 (3), e2019EF001360, 2020. Guo, J., Wang, L., Yang, L., et al., Spatial-temporal characteristics of nitrogen degradation in typical rivers of Taihu Lake Basin, China, Science of the Total Environment, 713, 136456, 2020. 高洁, 杨龙, 考虑非平稳性特征的雅砻江流域洪水量化分析, 水力发电, 46(9):55-62,2020. Smith, J.A., Baeck, M.L., Yang, L., Signell, J., Morin, E., Goodrich, D., 'The proxysmal precipitation of the desert': flash floods in the southewestern US, Water Resources Research, 55. https://doi.org/10.1029/ 2019WR025480, 2019. Yang, L.*, Wang, L., Li, X., Gao, J., On the flood peak distributions over China, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 23, 5133–5149, 2019. Zeng, Z., Ziegler, A., Searchinger, T., Yang, L., Chen, A., Ju, K., Piao, S., Li, L., Ciais, P., Chen, D., Liu, J., Azorin-Molina, C., Chappell, A., Medvigy, D., and Wood, E., A reversal in global terrestrial stilling and its implications for wind energy production, Nature Climate Change, 9, 979-985, 2019. Xing,Y., Ni, G., Yang, L.*, Xing, P., Sun, T., Modeling the impacts of urbanization and open water surface on heavy convective rainfall: a case study over the emerging Xiong‘an city, China, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124(16), 9078-9098, 2019. Zhang,X., Chen, N., Sheng, H., Ip, C., Yang, L.,et al., Urban drought challenge to 2030 sustainable development goals, Science of the Total Environment, 693, 133536, 2019. Yang, Y., Smith, J.A., Yang, L.*, Baeck, M. L., and Ni, G., Regional impacts of urban irrigation on surface heat ?uxes and rainfall in central Arizona, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124, 2019. Yang, L.*, Smith, J.A., Baeck, M. L., and Morin, E., Flash ?ooding in arid/Semi-arid Regions: climatological analyses of ?ood-producing storms in central Arizona during North American Monsoon, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 20(7), 1449-1471, 2019. Yang, L.*, Smith, J.A., and Niyogi, D., Urban impacts on extreme monsoon rainfall and ?ooding in complex terrain, Geophysical Research Letters, 46, 59185927, 2019. Yang, L.*, Smith, J.A., Liu, M., and Baeck, M.L., Extreme rainfall from Hurricane Harvey (2017): empirical intercomparisons of WRF simulations and polarimetric radar fields, Atmospheric Research, 223, 114-131, 2019. Zhou, Z., J.A. Smith, D. Wright, M.L. Baeck, Yang, L., and S. Liu, Storm catalog-based analysis of rainfall heterogeneity and frequency in a complex physiographic setting, Water Resources Research, 55, 2019. Yang, L*. and J.A. Smith, Sensitivity of extreme rainfall to atmospheric moisture content in the arid/Semi-arid southwestern US: implications for probable maximum precipitation estimates, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123 (3), 1638-1656, 2018. Zeng, Z., Piao, S., Li, L., Ciais, P., Li, Y., Cai, X., Yang, L., Liu, M., and Wood, E., Global terrestrial stilling: does Earths greening play a role? Environmental Research Letters, 13, 124013, 2018. Smith, J.A., M.L. Baeck, A. Cox, Yang, L., and P. Bates, Strange floods: the upper tail of flood peaks in the US, Water Resources Research, 54, 6510-6542, 2018. Tian, F., S. Hou, Yang, L., H. Hu and A. Hou, How does the evaluation of GPM IMERG rainfall product depend on gauge density and rainfall intensity? Journal of Hydrometeorology, 19, 339-349, 2018. Veldhuis, M., Z. Zhou, Yang, L., S. Liu and J.A. Smith, The role of storm scale, position and movement in controlling urban flood response, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 22, 417-436, 2018. Yang, L.*, J.A. Smith, M.L. Baeck, E. Morin and D. Goodrich, Flash flooding in arid/semi-arid regions: dissecting the hydrometeorology and hydrology of the 19 August 2014 storm and flood hydroclimatology in Arizona, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 18 (12): 3103-3123, 2017. Zhou, Z., J.A. Smith, Yang, L., M.L. Baeck, M. Chaney, M. Veldhuis, H. Deng, S. Liu, The complexities of urban flood response: flood frequency analyses for the Charlotte Metropolitan Region, Water Resources Research, 53 (8): 7401-7425, 2017. Xu, R., F. Tian, Yang, L., H. Hu, A. Hou, H. Lu, Ground validation of GPM IMERG and TRMM 3B42V7 rainfall products over southern Tibet Plateau based on a high-density rain gauge network, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 122 (2): 910-924, 2017. He, Z., Yang, L., F. Tian, G. Ni, A. Hou and H. Lu, Intercomparisons of rainfall estimates from the TRMM and GPM multi-satellite products over the Upper-Mekong River basin, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 18: 413-430, 2017. Yang, L.*, M. Liu, J.A. Smith and F. Tian, Typhoon Nina and the August 1975 flood over Central China, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 18: 451-472, 2017. Yang, L.*, J.A. Smith, M.L. Baeck and Y. Zhang, Flash flooding in small urban watersheds: storm event hydrologic response, Water Resources Research, 52, 2016. Yang, L.*, J.A. Smith, M.L. Baeck, B. K. Smith, F. Tian and D. Niyogi, Structure and evolution of flash flood producing storms in a small urban watershed, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 121: 3139-3152, 2016. Yang, L.*, D. Niyogi, T. Mukul, A. Daniel, F. Chen, F. Tian and G. Ni, Contrasting impacts of urban forms on future thermal environment: example of Beijing metropolitan area, Environmental Research Letters, 11(3), 2016. Li, D., T. Sun, M. Liu, Yang, L., L. Wang and Z. Gao, Contrasting responses of urban and rural surface energy budgets to heat waves explain synergies between urban heat islands and heat waves, Environmental Research Letters, 10(5), 2015. Yang, L.*, F. Tian and D. Niyogi, A need to revisit hydrologic responses to urbanization by incorporating the feedback on spatial rainfall patterns, Urban Climate, 12: 18-140, 2015. 杨龙, 田富强, 孙挺, 倪广恒, 城市化对北京地区降水的影响研究进展, 水力发电学报, 34(1):37-44, 2015 Yang, L.*, F. Tian, Y. Sun, X. Yuan and H. Hu, Attribution of hydrologic forecast uncertainty within scalable forecast windows, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 18: 1-12, 2014. Sun, Y, F. Tian, Yang, L., and Hu H, Exploring the spatial variability of contributions from climate variation and change in catchment properties to streamflow decrease in a mesoscale basin by three different methods, Journal of Hydrology, 508: 170-180, 2014. Yang, L.*, F. Tian, J.A. Smith and H. Hu, Urban signatures in the spatial clustering of summer heavy rainfall events over the Beijing metropolitan region, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 119: 2013JD020762, 2014. Yang, L.*, G. Villarini, J.A. Smith, F. Tian and H. Hu, Changes in seasonal maximum daily precipitation in China over the period 1961-2006, International Journal of Climatology, 1646-1657, 2013. Yang, L.*, J.A. Smith, M.L. Baeck, E. Bou-Zeid, S. Jessup, F. Tian and H. Hu. Impact of urbanization on heavy convective precipitation under strong large-scale forcing: a case study over the Milwaukee-Lake Michigan region, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 15: 261-278, 2013. Yang, L.*, J.A. Smith, D.B. Wright, M.L. Baeck, G. Villarini, F. Tian and H. Hu, Urbanization and climate change: an examination of nonstationarities in urban flooding, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 14: 1791-1809, 2013. 杨龙, 田富强, 胡和平, 集合径流预报方法的改进及其应用:以汉江白河站月径流预报为例, 清华大学学报-自然科学版, 53(6): 606-612, 2013


国内外期刊审稿人,包括:Nature, Nature Communications, Nature Geoscience, Earth's Future, Geophysical Research Letters, Water Resources Research, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres等 国际水文科学协会IAHS中国国家委员会水资源系统分委会,副主席、秘书长 国际水文科学协会IAHS中国国家委员会陆气关系分委会,委员 中国水力发电工程学会水文泥沙专业委员会,委员 中文核心、EI期刊《水资源保护》编委 江苏省海洋与湖沼学会,理事 江苏省地理学会,理事
