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肖鹏峰,男,教授,博士生导师。2007年南京大学地图学与地理信息系统专业博士毕业并留校工作,历任讲师(2007–2009)、副教授(2009–2018)、教授(2018–)。2011–2012年在德国吉森大学合作研究,2014–2015年为美国加州大学伯克利分校访问学者。入选全国高校GIS创新人物、江苏省333高层次人才、江苏高校青蓝工程中青年学术带头人。现为“十四五”国家重点研发计划“地球观测与导航”重点专项总体专家组成员、IEEE高级会员、中国图象图形学学会遥感图像专业委员会委员、中国测绘学会对地观测工作委员会委员、中国遥感应用协会定量遥感专业委员会委员。 致力于利用机器学习和深度学习技术开展遥感地理学研究,特别是积雪遥感与全球变化的研究,包括遥感图像语义分割与智能解译、多时相图像分类与变化检测、积雪遥感识别与参数反演、积雪变化及其生态与气候效应。先后主持国家自然科学基金项目4项、国家高分辨率对地观测系统重大专项子课题2项、国家重大科学研究计划子课题1项、国家科技基础资源调查专项子课题1项。构建了遥感图像频域特征检测与分割理论,发展了遥感图像多尺度分割与优化方法,提出了多时相遥感图像分割与变化检测技术,建立了山区积雪遥感识别与参数反演模型,揭示了北半球积雪变化的植被生态效应。 在RSE、IEEE TGRS、ISPRS P&RS、中国科学、科学通报等期刊发表论文160余篇,包括ESI高被引论文、中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文等。出版专著《高分辨率遥感图像分割与信息提取》《天山中部积雪遥感与应用》《高分辨率卫星积雪遥感识别与反演》,获得发明专利6项。研究成果获地理信息科技进步奖一等奖、新疆自治区科技进步奖一等奖、江苏省青年遥感与地理信息科技奖。会议论文获国际摄影测量与遥感大会青年优秀论文奖、国际地理信息科学与技术大会最佳论文奖、中国地理学会青年优秀论文奖。 主讲本科生核心课程“遥感数字图像处理”和本硕贯通课程“地理信息技术集成”,出版教材《遥感数字图像处理与应用》。被学生评为南京大学“我最喜爱的老师”2次、南京大学“我最喜爱的研究生生涯导师”,入选南京大学首批“青年名师名课”,获得全国高校GIS教学成果奖特等奖3次。指导的学生获江苏省本科优秀毕业论文、江苏省优秀硕士学位论文、江苏省优秀博士学位论文。




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Yunhan Wang, Pengfeng Xiao*, Xueliang Zhang, Hao Liu, Youlv Wu, Liyang Sun. Unraveling the effects of snow cover change on vegetation productivity: Insights from underlying surface types. Ecosphere, 2024, 15(5): e4855. Xinyang Chen, Pengfeng Xiao*, Xueliang Zhang, Dilxat Muhtar, Luhan Wang. A cascaded network with coupled high-low frequency features for building extraction. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2024, 17: 10390–10406. Feng Gu, Pengfeng Xiao*, Xueliang Zhang, Zhenshi Li, Dilxat Muhtar. FDFF-Net: A full-scale difference feature fusion network for change detection in high-resolution remote sensing images. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2024, 17: 2161–2172. Xueliang Zhang*, Qi Su, Pengfeng Xiao, Wenye Wang, Zhenshi Li, Guangjun He. FlipCAM: A feature-level flipping augmentation method for weakly supervised building extraction from high-resolution remote sensing imagery. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2024, 62: 4402917. Liyang Sun, Xueliang Zhang*, Pengfeng Xiao, Huadong Wang, Yunhan Wang, Zhaojun Zheng. Fusing daily snow water equivalent from 1980 to 2020 in China using a spatiotemporal XGBoost model. Journal of Hydrology, 2024, 632: 130876. Hao Liu, Pengfeng Xiao*, Xueliang Zhang, Siyong Chen, Yunhan Wang, Wenye Wang. Winter snow cover influences growing-season vegetation productivity non-uniformly in the Northern Hemisphere. Communications Earth & Environment, 2023, 4: 487. Siyong Chen, Pengfeng Xiao*, Xueliang Zhang, Jianbo Qi, Gaofei Yin, Wei Ma, Hao Liu. Simulating snow-covered forest bidirectional reflectance by extending hybrid geometric optical–radiative transfer model. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2023, 296: 113713. Youlv Wu, Pengfeng Xiao*, Xueliang Zhang, Hao Liu, Yuanbiao Dong, Lian Feng. Effects of snow cover on spring vegetation phenology vary with temperature gradient across the Pan-Arctic. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 2023, 128: e2022JG007183. Hao Liu, Pengfeng Xiao*, Xueliang Zhang, and Youlv Wu. Increased snow cover enhances gross primary productivity in cold and dry regions of the Tibetan Plateau. Ecosphere, 2023, 14(9): e4656. Luhan Wang, Pengfeng Xiao*, Xueliang Zhang, Xinyang Chen. A fine-grained unsupervised domain adaptation framework for semantic segmentation of remote sensing images. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2023, 16: 4109–4121. Yunhan Wang, Youlv Wu, Qianting Sun, Chunxia Hu, Hao Liu, Chuyu Chen, Pengfeng Xiao*. Tree failure assessment of London plane (Platanus × acerifolia (Aiton) Willd.) street trees in Nanjing City. Forests, 2023, 14: 1696. Huadong Wang, Xueliang Zhang*, Pengfeng Xiao, Tao Che, Zhaojun Zheng, Liyun Dai, Wenbo Luan. Towards large-scale daily snow density mapping with spatiotemporally aware model and multi-source data. The Cryosphere, 2023, 17: 33–50. Dilxat Muhtar, Xueliang Zhang*, Pengfeng Xiao, Zhenshi Li, Feng Gu. CMID: A unified self-supervised learning framework for remote sensing image understanding. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2023, 61: 5607817. Zhenshi Li, Xueliang Zhang*, Pengfeng Xiao. One model is enough: Toward multiclass weakly supervised remote sensing image semantic segmentation. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2023, 61: 4503513. Sijie Zhao, Xueliang Zhang*, Pengfeng Xiao, Guangjun He. Exchanging Dual-Encoder–Decoder: A New Strategy for Change Detection with Semantic Guidance and Spatial Localization. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2023, 61: 4508016. Wenye Wang, Xueliang Zhang*, Pengfeng Xiao, Qi Su. Perturbed peer model with joint confidence for semi-supervised object-based classification in urban area. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2023, 44(14): 4417–4440. 肖鹏峰*. 雪灾监测预警指标、方法与实践. 中国减灾, 2023, 436: 34–37. Yuanbiao Dong, Pengfeng Xiao*, Xueliang Zhang, Youlv Wu, Huadong Wang, Wenbo Luan. Warmer winters are reducing potential ice roads and port accessibility in the Pan-Arctic. Environmental Research Letters, 2022, 17: 104051. Min Li, Pengfeng Xiao*, Xueliang Zhang, Xuezhi Feng, Liujun Zhu. An improved approach of dry snow density estimation using C-band synthetic aperture radar data. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2022, 191: 49–67. Wenye Wang, Shenghua Wan, Pengfeng Xiao*, Xueliang Zhang. A novel multi-training method for time-series urban green cover recognition from multi-temporal remote sensing images. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2022, 15: 9531–9544. Shen Qin, Pengfeng Xiao*, Xueliang Zhang. How do snow cover fraction change and respond to climate in Altai Mountains of China? International Journal of Climatology, 2022, 42(14): 7213–7227. Yongke Yang, Pengfeng Xiao*, Xueliang Zhang, Xuezhi Feng, Jiangeng Wang, Nan Ye, Zuo Wang, Guangjun He, Lizao Ye. Altitudinal and temporal variations of near-surface air temperature lapse rate on the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 2022, 61(12): 1881–1892. Lizao Ye, Pengfeng Xiao*, Xueliang Zhang*, Xuezhi Feng, Rui Hu, Wei Ma, Haixing Li, Yina Song, Tengyao Ma. Evaluating snow bidirectional reflectance of models using multiangle remote sensing data and field measurements. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2022, 19: 2000205. Zhenshi Li, Xueliang Zhang*, Pengfeng Xiao. Spectral index-driven FCN model training for water extraction from multispectral imagery. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2022, 192: 344–360. Wenbo Luan, Xueliang Zhang*, Pengfeng Xiao, Huadong Wang, Siyong Chen. Binary and fractional MODIS snow cover mapping boosted by machine learning and big Landsat data. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2022, 60: 4305714. Dilxat Muhtar, Xueliang Zhang*, Pengfeng Xiao. Index Your Position: A novel self-supervised learning method for remote sensing images semantic segmentation. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2022, 60: 4411511. Xueliang Zhang*, Zixian Zheng, Pengfeng Xiao, Zhenshi Li, Guangjun He. Patch-based training of fully convolutional network for hyperspectral image classification with sparse point labels. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2022, 15: 8884–8897. Qi Su, Xueliang Zhang*, Pengfeng Xiao, Zhenshi Li, Wenye Wang. Which CAM is better for extracting geographic objects? A perspective from principles and experiments. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2022, 15: 5623–5635. Huadong Wang, Xueliang Zhang*, Pengfeng Xiao, Ka Zhang, Senyao Wu. Elevation-dependent response of snow phenology to climate change from a remote sensing perspective: A case survey in the central Tianshan mountains from 2000 to 2019. International Journal of Climatology, 2022, 42(3): 1706–1722. 马腾耀, 肖鹏峰*, 张学良, 段洪涛, 邱银国. 基于视频监控图像的环巢湖蓝藻实时动态监测. 湖泊科学, 2022, 33(4): 1840–1853. 肖鹏峰*, 胡瑞, 张正, 秦棽, 李震. 中国2000–2020年积雪反照率遥感产品. 中国科学数据, 2022, 7(3). 张学良*, 王华东, 肖鹏峰, 冯学智. 中国积雪特性时空分布电子地图集. 中国科学数据, 2022, 7(3). Pengfeng Xiao*, Guangwei Sheng, Xueliang Zhang, Hao Liu, Rui Guo. Direction-dominated change vector analysis for forest change detection. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2021, 103: 102492. Hao Liu, Pengfeng Xiao*, Xueliang Zhang, Xinghua Zhou, Jie Li, Rui Guo. Object-based island green cover mapping by integrating UAV multispectral image and LiDAR data. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 2021, 15(3): 034512. Rui Guo, Pengfeng Xiao*, Xueliang Zhang, Hao Liu. Updating land cover map based on change detection of high-resolution remote sensing images. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 2021, 15(4): 044507. Zixian Zheng, Xueliang Zhang*, Pengfeng Xiao, Zhenshi Li. Integrating gate and attention modules for high-resolution image semantic segmentation. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2021, 14: 4530–4546. Zhenshi Li, Xueliang Zhang*, Pengfeng Xiao, Zixian Zheng. On the effectiveness of weakly supervised semantic segmentation for building extraction from high-resolution remote sensing imagery. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2021, 14: 3266–3281. 宋依娜, 肖鹏峰*, 张学良, 卓越, 马威. 干雪深度反演的同极化相位差模型. 测绘学报, 2021, 50(7): 905–915. Pengfeng Xiao*, Chengxi Li, Liujun Zhu, Xueliang Zhang, Tengyao Ma, Xuezhi Feng. Multitemporal ensemble learning for multitemporal snow cover extraction from high-spatial-resolution images in mountain areas. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2020, 41(5): 1668–1691. Xueliang Zhang, Pengfeng Xiao*, Xuezhi Feng. Object-specific optimization of hierarchical multiscale segmentations for high-spatial resolution remote sensing images. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2020, 159: 308–321. Wei Ma, Pengfeng Xiao*, Xueliang Zhang, Yina Song, Tengyao Ma, Lizao Ye. Retrieving snow wetness based on surface and volume scattering simulation. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2020, 169: 17–28.pdf 马腾耀, 肖鹏峰*, 张学良, 马威, 郭金金. 基于特征优选的GF-3全极化数据积雪识别. 遥感技术与应用, 2020, 35(6): 1292–1302.pdf Xueliang Zhang, Pengfeng Xiao*, Xuezhi Feng, Guangjun He. Another look on region merging procedure from seed region shift for high-resolution remote sensing image segmentation. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2019, 148: 197–207. Yongxiao Liang, Pengfeng Xiao*. Climatic effects of China large-scale urbanization on East Asian Summer Monsoon under different phases of Pacific Decadal Oscillation. Atmosphere. 2019, 10(2): 90. 刘豪, 肖鹏峰*, 张学良, 冯学智, 杨永可, 胡瑞, 张正, 盛光伟. 东北地区积雪反照率特性. 冰川冻土, 2019, 41(3): 554–562. 盛光伟, 肖鹏峰*, 张学良, 冯学智, 杨永可, 胡瑞, 刘豪, 张正. 新疆天山及北疆地区积雪反照率差异. 干旱区地理, 2019, 42(4): 774–781. 张正, 肖鹏峰*, 张学良, 冯学智, 杨永可, 胡瑞, 盛光伟, 刘豪. 青藏高原融雪期积雪反照率特性分析. 遥感技术与应用, 2019, 34(6): 1146–1154. Pengfeng Xiao*, Xueliang Zhang*, Hongmin Zhang, Rui Hu, Xuezhi Feng. Multiscale optimized segmentation of urban green cover in high resolution remote sensing image. Remote Sensing, 2018, 10(11): 1813. (特邀论文)pdf 胡瑞, 肖鹏峰*, 冯学智, 张学良. 玛纳斯河流域积雪区GF-1卫星图像辐射质量比较. 遥感技术与应用, 2018, 33(1): 47–54. Pengfeng Xiao*, Min Yuan, Xueliang Zhang*, Xuezhi Feng, Yanwen Guo. Cosegmentation for object-based building change detection from high-resolution remotely sensed images. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2017, 55(3): 1587–1603. Xueliang Zhang, Pengfeng Xiao*, Xuezhi Feng, Min Yuan. Separate segmentation of multi-temporal high-resolution remote sensing images for object-based change detection in urban area. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2017, 201: 243–255. Xueliang Zhang, Pengfeng Xiao*, Xuezhi Feng. Toward combining thematic information with hierarchical multiscale segmentations using tree Markov random field model. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2017, 131: 134–146. Yongke Yang, Pengfeng Xiao*, Xuezhi Feng, Haixing Li. Accuracy assessment of seven global land cover datasets over China. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2017, 125: 156–173. (ESI高被引论文)pdf Haixing Li, Pengfeng Xiao*, Xuezhi Feng, Yongke Yang, Lingxiao Wang, Wenbo Zhang, Xiaohui Wang, Weiding Feng, Xiao Chang. Using Land Long Term Data Records to map land cover changes in China over 1981–2010. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2017, 10(4): 1372–1389. Guangjun He, Xuezhi Feng, Pengfeng Xiao*, Zhenghuan Xia, Zuo Wang, Hao Chen, Hui Li, JinJin Guo. Dry and wet snow cover mapping in mountain areas using SAR and optical remote sensing data. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2017, 10(6): 2575–2588. 李成蹊, 肖鹏峰*, 冯学智, 朱榴骏, 宋明明. 用高分一号卫星数据识别多时相山区积雪. 遥感信息, 2017, 32(2): 71–78. 卓越, 肖鹏峰*, 冯学智, 张学良, 杨永可, 叶李灶, 李成蹊, 胡瑞, 卞国栋. 新疆阿勒泰克兰河中游地区冬季积雪分布及特性分析. 冰川冻土, 2017, 39(5): 979–988. Pengfeng Xiao*, Xueliang Zhang, Dongguang Wang, Min Yuan, Xuezhi Feng. Change detection of built-up land: a framework of combining pixel-based detection and object-based recognition. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2016, 119: 402–414. Liujun Zhu, Pengfeng Xiao*, Xuezhi Feng, Xueliang Zhang, Yinyou Huang, Chengxi Li. A co-training, mutual learning approach towards mapping snow cover from multi-temporal high-spatial resolution satellite imagery. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2016, 122: 179–191. Haixing Li, Xingong Li*, Pengfeng Xiao*. Impact of sensor zenith angle on MOD10A1 data reliability and modification of snow cover data for the Tarim River Basin. Remote Sensing, 2016, 8(9): 750. 杨凯歌, 冯学智, 肖鹏峰*, 朱榴骏. 优化子空间SVM集成的高光谱图像分类. 遥感学报, 2016, 20(3): 409–419. Xueliang Zhang, Pengfeng Xiao*, Xuezhi Feng, Li Feng, Nan Ye. Toward evaluating multiscale segmentations of high-spatial-resolution remote sensing images. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2015, 53(7): 3694–3706. Xueliang Zhang, Xuezhi Feng, Pengfeng Xiao*, Guangjun He, Liujun Zhu. Segmentation quality evaluation using region-based precision and recall measures for remote sensing images. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2015, 102: 73–84. Xueliang Zhang, Xuezhi Feng, Pengfeng Xiao*. Multi-scale segmentation of high-spatial resolution remote sensing images using adaptively increased scale parameter. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 2015, 81(6): 461–470. Guangjun He, Pengfeng Xiao*, Xuezhi Feng, Xueliang Zhang, Zuo Wang, Ni Chen. Extracting snow cover in mountain areas based on SAR and optical data. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2015, 12(5): 1136–1140. 肖鹏峰, 冯学智*, 谢顺平, 都金康. 新疆天山玛纳斯河流域高分辨率积雪遥感研究进展.南京大学学报(自然科学), 2015, 51(5): 909–920. 蒋璐媛, 肖鹏峰*, 冯学智, 耶楠, 贺广均, 张学良. 山区复杂地形条件下GF-1卫星遥感雪面反射率计算. 南京大学学报(自然科学), 2015, 51(5): 944–954. 郭金金, 肖鹏峰*, 冯学智, 朱榴骏, 周淑媛. 基于极化SAR图像的玛纳斯河流域典型区积雪识别. 南京大学学报(自然科学), 2015, 51(5): 966–975. 周淑媛, 肖鹏峰*, 冯学智, 朱榴骏, 郭金金. 基于马尔可夫随机场模型的SAR图像积雪识别. 南京大学学报(自然科学), 2015, 51(5): 976–986. 袁敏, 肖鹏峰*, 冯学智, 张学良, 胡永月. 基于协同分割的高分辨率遥感图像变化检测. 南京大学学报(自然科学), 2015, 51(5): 1039–1048. 胡永月, 肖鹏峰*, 冯学智, 张学良, 袁敏. 面向对象变化检测中多时相图像分割模式影响评价. 南京大学学报(自然科学), 2015, 51(5): 1049–1057. 蒋璐媛, 肖鹏峰*, 冯学智, 李云, 朱榴骏. 基于亚分数混淆矩阵的中国典型区大尺度土地覆盖数据集评价. 遥感技术与应用, 2015, 30(2): 353–363. 贺广均, 冯学智, 肖鹏峰*, 李虎, 余涛, 叶李灶. 一种基于植被指数-地表温度特征空间的蒸散指数. 干旱区地理, 2015, 38(5): 887–899. Pengfeng Xiao*, Xiaohui Wang, Xuezhi Feng, Xueliang Zhang, Yongke Yang. Detecting China’s urban expansion over the past three decades using nighttime light data. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2014, 7(10): 4095–4106.(封面论文) Xueliang Zhang, Pengfeng Xiao*, Xuezhi Feng, Jiangeng Wang, Zuo Wang. Hybrid region merging method for segmentation of high-resolution remote sensing images. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2014, 98: 19–28. Xueliang Zhang, Pengfeng Xiao*, Xuezhi Feng. Fast hierarchical segmentation of high-resolution remote sensing image with adaptive edge penalty. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 2014, 80(1): 71–80. Wei Wan, Pengfeng Xiao*, Xuezhi Feng, Hui Li, Ronghua Ma, Hongtao Duan, Limin Zhao. Monitoring lake changes of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau over the past 30 years using satellite remote sensing data. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2014, 59(10): 1021–1035. Liujun Zhu, Pengfeng Xiao*, Xuezhi Feng, Xueliang Zhang, Zuo Wang, Luyuan Jiang. Support vector machine-based decision tree for snow cover extraction in mountain areas using high spatial resolution remote sensing image. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 2014, 8(1): 084698. 冯逍, 肖鹏峰*, 李琦, 刘小喜, 吴小翠. 三维Gabor滤波器与支持向量机的高光谱遥感图像分类. 光谱学与光谱分析, 2014, 34(8): 2218–2224. 杨永可, 肖鹏峰*, 冯学智, 李海星, 常潇, 冯威丁. 大尺度土地覆盖数据集在中国及周边区域的精度评价. 遥感学报, 2014, 18(2): 453–475. 李晖, 肖鹏峰*, 冯学智, 林金堂, 汪左, 满旺. 基于重轨InSAR的积雪深度反演方法. 冰川冻土, 2014, 36(3): 517–526. Xueliang Zhang, Pengfeng Xiao*, Xiaoqun Song, Jiangfeng She. Boundary-constrained multi-scale segmentation method for remote sensing image. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2013, 78: 15–25. Xueliang Zhang, Pengfeng Xiao*, Xuezhi Feng. Impervious surface extraction from high-resolution satellite image using pixel- and object-based hybrid analysis. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2013, 34(12): 4449–4465. Zuo Wang, Pengfeng Xiao*, Xingfa Gu, Xuezhi Feng, Xiaoying Li, Hailiang Gao, Hui Li, Jintang Lin, Xueliang Zhang. Uncertainty analysis of cross-calibration for HJ-1 CCD camera. Science China Technological Sciences, 2013, 56(3): 713–723. 王剑庚, 冯学智, 肖鹏峰*, 梁继, 李云, 林金堂, 李晖. 雪粒径对积雪双向反射率的影响. 红外与毫米波学报, 2013, 32(3): 283–288. 王剑庚, 冯学智, 肖鹏峰*, 梁继, 张学良, 李海星, 李云. 雪粒径高光谱遥感估算模型研究. 光谱学与光谱分析, 2013, 33(1): 177–181. 朱榴骏, 肖鹏峰*, 冯学智, 汪左, 蒋璐媛. 基于直方变差图的土地覆盖数据集多尺度精度评价. 遥感学报, 2013, 17(6): 1460–1476. 李晖, 肖鹏峰*, 冯学智, 林金堂. 结合光谱和尺度特征的高分辨率图像边缘检测算法, 红外与毫米波学报, 2012, 31(5): 469–474. 汪凌霄, 肖鹏峰*, 冯学智. 天山典型林带积雪的多角度遥感识别. 遥感学报, 2012, 16(5): 1035–1053. Ke Wang, Pengfeng Xiao*, Xuezhi Feng, Guiping Wu. Image feature detection from phase congruency based on two-dimensional Hilbert transform. Pattern Recognition Letters, 2011, 32(15): 2015–2024. Pengfeng Xiao*, Xuezhi Feng, Ru An, Shuhe Zhao. Segmentation of multispectral high-resolution satellite imagery using log Gabor filters. 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