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2010年:南京大学地理与海洋科学学院副教授,研究方向为树木年轮学与气候变化 2018年8月-2019年8月:在美国亚利桑那大学树木年轮实验室做访问学者 2007年-2010:南京大学地理与海洋科学学院任教,研究方向为树木年轮学与气候变化 2012年9月-2013年9月:在美国哥伦比亚大学Lamont-Doherty地球观测中心做访问学者 2006年-2007:南京大学地理与海洋科学学院博士后,研究方向为树木年轮学与气候变化 2005年:北京师范大学资源学院博士后,研究方向为生态建模 2001年-2005年:中国科学院地球环境研究所获博士学位,研究方向为树木年轮气候学 1998年-2001年:西安科技大学, 研究方向为地质工程 1994年-1998年:西安科技大学, 研究方向为水文地质与工程地质 奖励荣誉 2014-2016年度副教授三年聘期考核,校级优秀 获得2016-2017年度葛宗亮奖教金 2017年院优秀教师 2016年院优秀教师 2011年荣获第三届江苏青年地理科技奖 2008年,评为南京大学“青年骨干教师”




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Shi JF*, Wang H, Li JB, Shi SY, Xu JR, Zhang YP, Lu HY. Unprecedented early summer warming recorded in tree rings on the central eastern Tibetan Plateau over the past three centuries. Climate Dynamics. 2023, doi:10.1007/s00382-023-06881-w 文章链接: https://rdcu.be/dgk9S 徐嘉睿,王慧,赵明水,史逝远,张亚萍,史江峰*. 基于黄山松树轮重建华东天目山地区1809-2018年4-7月平均气温. 应用生态学报. 2022, 33(9): 2347-2355 Wang L, Liu HY, Leavitt S, Cressey EL, Quine T, Shi JF, Shi SY. Tree-ring δ18O identifies similarity in timing but differences in depth of soil water uptake by trees in mesic and arid climates. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2021, doi:10.1007/s00484-020-02067-9 Zhang WJ, Shi JF*, Zhao YS, Shi SY, Ma XQ, Zhu YX. December-March temperature reconstruction from tree-ring earlywood width in southeast China during the period of 1871-2016. International Journal of Biometeorology. 2021, doi: 10.1007/s00484-020-02067-9 Shi F, Lu HY, Guo ZT, Yin QZ, Wu HB, Xu CX, Zhang EL, Shi JF, Cheng J, Xiao XY, Zhao C. The position of the Current Warm Period in the context of the past 22,000 years of summer climate in China. Geophysical Research Letters. 2021, doi:10.1029/2020GL091940 Shi SY, Shi JF*, Xu CX, Leavitt SW, Wright WE, Cai ZY, Zhang HY, Sun XG, Zhao YS, Ma XQ, Zhang WJ, Lu HY*. Tree-ring δ18O from Southeast China reveals regional monsoon precipitation and ENSO variability. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 2020,558(15):doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2020.109954 马晓琦,史江峰*,史逝远,赵业思,张伟杰,朱玙馨. 江西三清山黄山松树轮早晚材宽度所指示的气候意义. 长江流域资源与环境. 2020, 29(8):1825-1834. doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202008014 王博闻,史江峰*,史逝远,张伟杰,马晓琦,赵业思. 基于遥感数据定位老龄树群. 南京大学学报(自然科学版). 2019, 55(4): 699-707. doi:10.13232/j.cnki.jnju.2019.04.020 Zhao YS, Shi JF*, Shi SY, Wang BW, Zhang WJ, Ma XQ, Sun XG, Lu HY, Br?uning A. Early summer hydroclimatic signals are captured well by tree-ring earlywood width in the eastern Qinling Mountains, central China. Climate of the Past. 2019, 15(3): 1113-1131. doi:10.5194/cp-15-1113-2019 Huang R, Zhu HF, Liang EY, Liu B, Shi JF, Zhang RB, Yuan YJ, Grie?inger J. A tree ring-based winter temperature reconstruction for the southeastern Tibetan Plateau since 1365 CE. Climate Dynamic. 2019, 53(5-6):3221-3233. doi:10.1007/s00382-019-04695-3 Li JB, Xie SP, Cook ER, Chen FH, Shi JF, Zhang DD, Fang KY, Gou XH, Li T, Peng JF, Shi SY, Zhao YS. Human cause of recent Yellow River drying-up from a 1,200-year flow reconstruction. Geophysical Research Letters. 2019, 46(2):898-905. doi: 10.1029/2018GL081090 Xu CX, Shi JF*, Zhao YS, Nakatsuka T, Sano M, Shi SY, Guo ZT. Early summer precipitation in the lower Yangtze River basin for AD 1845-2011 based on tree-ring cellulose oxygen isotopes. Climate Dynamics. 2019, 52(3-4): 1583-1594. doi: 10.1007/s00382-018-4212-5 史江峰*,史逝远,马晓琦,赵业思,张伟杰,王博闻. 我国东南和华北季风区树轮气候和环境变化研究进展. 第四纪研究,2018, 38(6): 1471-1486 doi: 10.11928/j.issn.1001-7410.2018.06.14 Shi JF*, Li JB, Zhang DD, Zheng JY, Shi SY, Ge QS, Lee HF, Zhao YS, Zhang J, Lu HY. Two centuries of April-July temperature change in eastern China and its influence on grain productivity. Science Bulletin. 2017, 62(1): 40-45. doi: 10.1016/j.scib.2016.11.005 Shi SY, Li JB, Shi JF*, Zhao YS, Huang G. Three centuries of winter temperature change on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau and its relationship with the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation. Climate Dynamics. 2017, 49(4): 1305-1320. doi: 10.1007/s00382-016-3381-3 Zhao YS, Shi JF*, Shi SY, Yu J, Lu HY. Tree-ring latewood width based July-August SPEI reconstruction since AD 1888 in South China and its possible connection with ENSO. Journal of Meteorological Research. 2017, 31(1): 39-48. doi: 10.1007/s13351-017-6096-4 Zhao YS, Shi JF*, Shi SY, Wang BW, Yu J. Summer climate implications of tree-ring latewood width: a case study of Tsuga longibracteate in South China. Asian Geographer, 2017, 34(2): 131-146. doi: 10.1080/10225706.2017.1377623 Li JB, Shi JF, Zhang DD, Yang B, Fang KY, Yue PH. Moisture increase in response to high-altitude warming evidenced by tree-rings on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Climate Dynamics. 2017, 48(1-2): 649-660. doi: 10.1007/s00382-016-3101-z 史江峰*,李玲玲,韩志勇,侯鑫源,史逝远. 湖南道吾山树轮记录的1815~2013年6~9月平均温度及其与PDO和ENSO的联系. 第四纪研究,2015, 35(5): 1155-1164 doi: 10.11928/j.issn.1001-7410.2015.05.0 Shi JF*, Lu HY, Li JB, Shi SY, Wu SY, Hou XY, Li LL. Tree-ring based February-April precipitation reconstruction for the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, southeastern China. Global and Planetary Change. 2015, 131: 82-88 doi: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2015.05.006 侯鑫源,史江峰*,李玲玲,鹿化煜. 湖北神农架巴山冷杉径向生长对气候的响应. 应用生态学报,2015,26(3):689-696 李玲玲,史江峰*,侯鑫源,叶金水,毛海波,赵欣慰,鹿化煜. 中国东南高海拔黄山松生长对气候的响应—以浙江省九龙山和安徽省牯牛降为例. 应用生态学报,2014,25(7):1849-1856 Shi JF*, Cook CE, Li JB, Lu HY. Unprecedented January-July warming recorded in a 178-year tree-ring width chronology in the Dabie Mountains, southeastern China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 2013, 381-382: 92-97 doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2013.04.018 Shi JF*, Li JB, Cook ER, Zhang XY, Lu HY. Growth response of Pinus tabulaeformis to climate along an elevation gradient in the eastern Qinling Mountains, central China. Climate Research, 2012, 53(2): 157-167. doi: 10.3354/cr01098 Shi JF*, Cook ER, Lu HY, Li JB, Wright WE, Li SF. Tree-ring based winter temperature reconstruction for the lower reaches of the Yangtze River in southeast China. Climate Research, 2010, 41(2): 169-175. doi: 10.3354/cr00851 Wu S H, Zhou S L, Li X G, Johnson W C, Zhang H F, Shi J F. Heavy-metal accumulation trends in Yixing, China: an area of rapid economic development. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2010, 61(1): 79-86. 史江峰*,鹿化煜,万建东,李升峰,聂宏善. 采用华山松树轮宽度重建秦岭东缘近百年冬半年温度. 第四纪研究,2009,29(4):831-836 Li J B, Cook ER, Chen FH, Davi N, D’Arrigo R, Gou XH, Wright WE, Fang KY, Jin LY, Shi JF, Yang T. Summer monsoon moisture variability over China and Mongolia during the past four centuries. Geophysical Research Letters, 2009, 36, L22705, doi:10.1029/2009GL041162 Shi JF*, Liu Y, Vaganov EA, Li JB, Cai QF, Statistical and process-based modeling analyses of tree growth response to climate in semi-arid area of north central China: A case study of Pinus tabulaeformis. Journal of Geophysical Research, 2008, 113, G01026, doi:10.1029/2007JG000547(SCI)2007年期刊影响因子=2.95 史江峰*,刘禹,蔡秋芳,孙军艳,易亮. 贺兰山过去196年降水的树轮宽度重建及降水变率. 海洋地质与第四纪地质,2007,27(1):95-100 Liu Yu, Jun Junyan, Yang Yinke, Cai Qiufang, Song Huiming, Shi Jiangfeng, An Zhisheng, Li Xuxiang. Tree-ring-derived precipitation records from Inner Mongolia, China, since A.D. 1627. Tree-Ring Research, 2007, 63(1): 3-14(SCI) 2007年期刊影响因子=0.75 刘禹,杨银科,蔡秋芳,马海洲,史江峰. 以树木年轮宽度资料重建湟水河过去248年来6-7月份河流径流量. 干旱区资源与环境,2006,20(6):69-73 孙军艳,刘禹,蔡秋芳,W.K. Park,李保生,史江峰,易亮,宋慧明,李强. 额济纳233年来胡杨记录的气象、水文变化. 第四纪研究,2006,26(5):799-807 杨银科,刘禹,史江峰,蔡秋芳,孙军艳,易亮,李强,宋慧明. 树木年轮密度实验方法及其在内蒙古准格尔旗树轮研究中的应用. 干旱区地理,2006,29(5):639-645 刘禹,安芷生, 马海洲, 蔡秋芳,刘征宇,John K. Kutzbach,史江峰,宋惠明,孙军艳,易亮,李强,杨银科,王雷. 青海都兰地区公元 850 年以来树轮记录的降水变化及其与北半球气温的联系. 中国科学(D辑), 2006, 36(5): 461~471 Liu Yu, An Zhisheng, Ma Haizhou, Cai Qiufang, Liu Zhengyu, John K. Kutzbach, Shi Jiangfeng, Song Huiming, Sun Junyan, Yi Liang, Li Qiang, Yang Yinke, Wang Lei. Precipitation variation in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau recorded by the tree rings since 850 AD and its relevance to the Northern Hemisphere temperature. Science in China (D Series), 2006, 49(4): 408~420(SCI)2007年期刊影响因子=0.72 史江峰*, 刘禹, 蔡秋芳, 易亮. 油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)树轮宽度与气候因子统计相关的生理机制—以贺兰山地区为例. 生态学报, 2006,26(3) :66~74 Liu Yu, Cai Qiufeng, Shi Jiangfeng, M K Hughes, J E Kutzbach, Liu Zhengyu, Ni Fenbiao, An Zhisheng. Seasonal precipitation in central-southern Helan Mountain region, China reconstructed from tree-ring width for the past 224 years. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 2005,35(10):2403~2412(SCI)2007年期刊影响因子=1.51 刘禹,王雷, 史江峰,蔡秋芳. 利用贺兰山晚材宽度重建过去270年6-8月平均干燥指数,第四纪研究, 2005,25(5):540~544 蔡秋芳,刘禹,杨银科, 史江峰, 孙军艳, 王雷. 陕西黄龙树轮年表的建立及其2~3月降水记录,海洋地质与第四纪地质, 2005, 25(2): 133~139 史江峰*,刘禹, E Vaganov, 蔡秋芳, V Shishov. 贺兰山油松生长的气候响应机制初步探讨,第四纪研究,2005, 25(2): 245~251 于学峰,周卫建,史江峰. 度量泥碳腐殖化度的一种简便方法: 泥炭灰度,海洋地质与第四纪地质,2005, 25(1): 133~136 史江峰*, 刘禹, 杨银科, 蔡秋芳, A V Kirdyanov. 内蒙古准格尔旗树轮年表的建立及其气候意义, 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 2004, 24(3): 123~128 刘禹, 史江峰, V Shishov, E Vaganov, 杨银科, 蔡秋芳, 孙军艳, 王雷, I Djanseitov. 以树轮晚材宽度重建公元1726年以来贺兰山北部5~7月降水量, 科学通报, 2004, 49(3): 265~269 Liu Yu, Shi Jiangfeng, V Shishov, E Vaganov, Yang Yinke, Cai Qiufang, Sun Junyan, Wang Lei, I Djanseitov. Reconstruction of May-July precipitation in the north Helan Mountain, Inner Mongolia since A.D. 1726 from tree-ring late-wood widths. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2004, 49(4): 405~409(SCI)2007年期刊影响因子=0.77 刘禹, Shishov V, 史江峰, E Vaganov, 孙军艳, 蔡秋芳, I Djanseitov, 安芷生, 王雷, 杨银科. 内蒙古西部贺兰山和东部白音敖包未来20年降水趋势预测. 科学通报, 2004, 49(3): 270~274 Liu Yu, Shishov V, Shi Jiangfeng, E Vaganov, Sun Junyan, Cai Qiufang, I Djanseitov, An Zhisheng. The forecast of seasonal precipitation trend at the north Helan Mountain and Baiyinaobao regions, Inner Mongolia for the next 20 years. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2004, 49(4): 406~415(SCI)2007年期刊影响因子=0.77


中国地理学会树木年轮研究分会委员 中国地理学会会员 第四纪地质历史气候专业委员会委员 审稿期刊: 《Climate Dynamics》、《Climatic Change》、Dendrochronologia》、《Global and Planetary Change》、《PALAEO3》、《Plant Ecology》、《PlosOne》、《Quaternary Research》、《Quaternary Science Review》、《Science Bulletin》、《Theor. Appl. Climatol》、《Trees》、《Journal of Geophysical Researcj》、《长江流域资源与环境》、《第四纪研究》、《地球环境学报》、《科学通报》、《兰州大学学报》、《生态学报》、《中国科学》等
