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倪天华,男,博士,中国致公党党员,南京大学地理与海洋科学学院自然地理系副教授,硕士生导师。主要从事气候变化背景下区域生态环境演变机制、资源-环境-生态承载力演变驱动机制与可持续发展模式、流域水环境质量演变与污染系统控制领域的研究与教学工作。近年来主持和参与了重大水专项、国家自然基金重点项目等国家及省部级科研项目14项,迄今已在国内外期刊发表学术论文30余篇,合著出版专著4部。2013年3月至2015年5月,被南京大学公派至环境保护部国家水专项管理办公室工作2年,2017年11月至2018年11月在加州大学欧文分校(UCI)开展学术交流访问一年。 教育经历 2003/09-2006/06,南京大学,环境学院,博士 2000/09-2003/06,浙江大学,资源环境学院,硕士 1996/09-2000/06,四川农业大学,农学院,学士 奖励荣誉 2018年获得中国致公党中央年度先进调研成果奖 2016年获得江苏省致公党先进个人 2014年环保部水专项“年度先进个人”和水专项中期评估先进个人称号 创新知识型课程建设实践——环境学从专业教育到通识教育,江苏省教学成果二等奖,左玉辉,柏益尧,华新,孙平,倪天华. 2013年9月 2012年3月31日,作为核心成员获得国家环保部授予的“十一五”“国家环境保护科技工作先进集体”称号




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Shaoxuan Zhang a, Xia Zeng a, Ping Sun b, Tianhua Ni*(2023) Ecological risk characteristics of sediment-bound heavy metals in large shallow lakes for aquatic organisms: The case of Taihu Lake, China. Journal of Environmental Management, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman. 2023.118253 Wanning Li, Daoming Ma, Juanlin Fu, Yi Qi, Haiyun Shi, Tianhua Ni*(2023) A quantitative exploration of the interactions and synergistic driving mechanisms between factors affecting regional air quality based on deep learning.Atmospheric Environment,https:// doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2023.12007. Zeng X, Deng C, Liang Y, Fu J, Zhang S, Ni T* (2023) Ecological risk evaluation and sensitivity analysis of heavy metals on soil organisms under human activities in the Tibet Plateau, China. PLoS ONE 18(8): e0285116. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0285116 Xia Zeng, Junlan Yu, Shaoxuan Zhang, Tianhua Ni*, Daoming Ma (2023)Ecological risk of phenol on typical biota of the northern Chinese river from an integrated probability perspective: the Hun River as an example. Environ Monit Assess 195:1512 Xia Zeng · Jinhui Du · Shaoxuan Zhang ·Tianhua Ni*(2023) Spatial?Temporal Characteristics of Ecological Risks from Heavy Metals for Aquatic Fauna in Drinking Water Sources of Chin. Water Air Soil Pollut. 234:733 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11270-023-06734-6 Shan Li, Chang Liu, Ping Sun, Tianhua Ni*(2021) .Response of cyanobacterial bloom risk to nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in large shallow lakes determined through geographical detector: A case study of Taihu Lake, China. Science of the Total Environment, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.151617. Changliu, Yi Qi, Zhenbo Wang, Junlan Yu, Shanli, Hong Yao, Tianhua Ni*.(2020)Deep learning: To better understand how human activities affect the value of ecosystem services—A case study of Nanjing, PLOS ONE, vol. 15(10), pages 1-16. 刘畅,祁毅,姚红,李珊,于俊岚,倪天华*.新时代背景下生态承载力研究要义与优化对策探讨。生态经济,2020,36(6):173-180。 Hong Yao, Tianhua Ni,Tongzhu Zhang. (2019)Estimation of phosphorus flux into the sea through one reversing river using continuous turbidities and water quality modeling.Environment, Development and Sustainability https://doi.org/10.1007/s10668-019-00382-9. H. Yao,T. Ni,Z. You. (2019)Characterizing pollutant loading from point sources to the Tongqi River of China based on water quality modeling.International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, https://doi.org/10.1007/s13762-018-02190-6. 李爱民,梁英,倪天华,谢显传(2015).基流匮乏型城市黑臭河流的治理模式及其主要技术方法—以贾鲁河为例.环境保护,0(13),20-23。 倪天华,李文青,祁毅,刁维萍.(2014)流域任意空间尺度面源污染负荷智能化估算技术研究—以江苏省太湖流域为例.科技创新导报,3:30-31。 周亮,徐建刚,倪天华等.(2013)淮河流域农业非点源污染空间特征解析及分类控制.环境科学,547-554. Tianhua Ni, Jiangang Xu, Xin Hua, Yiyao Bai and Ping Sun*.(2012)Surface water quality assessment using multivariate statistical techniques : a case study of Shaying River Basian (lower reach), China. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 21(10): 2969-2976. ian-hua Ni,Wei-ping Diao, Jian-gang Xu, Ning Liu.(2011) Non-carcinogenic risk assessment of eight metals in the source groundwater of Shaying River Basin. Ecotoxicology, 20:1117–112. Tianhua Ni, Xin Hua, Youkuan Zhang, Weiping Diao,Jiangang Xu*(2011). Cruxes of and Countermeasures for the water pollution system in Huai River Basin , China. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 20(1):140-148. Ning Liu, Tianhua Ni*, Jing Xia, Mingzhong Dai, Chunyin He,Genfa Lu(2011). Non-carcinogenic risks induced by metals in drinking source water of Jiangsu Province, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 177:449-456; Ning Liu, Jing Xia, Mingzhong Dai, Tianhua Ni* (Corresponding author), Chunyin He, Xu-Xiang Zhang1 and Genfa Lu.(2010)A preliminary non-carcinogenic risk assessment on metals in source water of the Yangtze River (lower reach). Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 19(8):1-7. Ni Tianhua, Xu Jiangang.Study on natural resources regulation for integrating regional human settlements with Yangtze Delta as a case. (International Conference on China’s Urban Transition and City Planning 29th -30th June 2007, Cardiff, UK). Regional Science and Urban Economics NI Tian-hua, WEI You-zhang, DIAO Wei-ping, Relation between Neody- mium and Calcium in Rape under Ca-Deficiency.《Journal of Rare Earths》, 2004,22(2):301-305.(SCI) NI Tian-hua, WEI You-zhang. Subcelluar distribution of Cadmium in mining ecotype Sedum alfredii. 《Acta Botanica Sinica》. 2003,45(8):925-928.(SCI) 倪天华,徐建刚等.基于水环境容量的城市人口规模预测方法研究——以福建省长汀县为例. 大连国际规划大会暨2008中国城市规划年会,2008.9.19-22. 倪天华等. 基于生态城市建设的资源可持续利用研究—以常州市为例.《长江流域资源与环境》2007,(1):13-16. 倪天华,左玉辉.基于生态市建设的生态可持续发展研究—以常州市为例,城市环境与城市生态,2006,(1):25-29. 倪天华,左玉辉. 塑造特质的城市空间形态.《城市问题》,2006,3:22-26. 倪天华,左玉辉. 生态城市规划的核心—结构和功能的生态化. 《规划师》2005,21(7):83-86. 杜娟,倪天华,刁维萍,左玉辉. 区域尾水调度处理研究综述.水资源保护,2006,22(6):12-17. 马道明,倪天华,左玉辉. 南京市石化工业生态化建设研究.《生态经济》2005,8:82-84. 马道明,倪天华,左玉辉.常州市制造业循环经济研究,生态经济,2005,12:26-29. 刁维萍,倪吾钟,倪天华,杨肖娥.水环境重金属污染的现状及其评价.《广东微量元素科学》,2004,11(3):1-5. 刁维萍,倪吾钟,倪天华,杨肖娥.水体重金属污染的生态效应与防治对策.《广东微量元素科学》,2003,10(3):1-5. 倪天华魏幼璋钙依赖型蛋白激酶(CDPKs)在植物中的生理功能《西北农林科技大学学报》,2002,30(6):241-246. 《环境多样性原理》,科学出版社,2010年2月1日出版,封面署名第2; 《环境学原理》(修改版),科学出版社,2010年2月1日出版,参编。


2020.8-2021.6,江苏省人民政府《关于全面加强生态环境保护坚决打好污染防治攻坚战的实施意见》落实情况第三方评估专家组副组长 2019年6月开始,任生态环境部长江经济带(襄阳市)驻点研究专家组成员 2018年5月开始,任《J. of Atmosphere and Oceanography Environment》杂志编辑部成员 2015年3月开始,任《中国环境科学》、《水资源保护》、《长江流域资源与环境》等杂志审稿专家
