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1989年生于山东省寿光市。2016年获香港中文大学社会福利哲学博士学位。2016年8月起在南京大学社会学院工作,现为南京大学社会工作与社会政策系副教授,为本科生与研究生开设《循证社会工作》、《社会工作理论》、《社会工作量化研究》等课程。曾赴美国华盛顿大学圣路易斯分校社会工作学院访学。近年来,在《北京社会科学》、《中国青年研究》以及Journal of Affective Disorders、Children and Youth Services Review等中英文期刊发表学术论文多篇,主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、江苏省社科基金青年项目等国家级、省部级科研课题5项。




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Li, C.K.*, Jiang, S., Zhang, X.W. (2019). Intergenerational relationship, family social support and depression of the Chinese elderly: a structural equation modeling analysis. Journal of affective disorders, 248, 73-80. 2. Li, C.K.*,Wu, Q.B., Liang, Z.R. (2019). Effect of poverty on mental health of children in rural China: the mediating role of social capital. Applied research in quality of life, 14(1), 131-153. 3. Li, C.K.*, Zhang, Q.N., Li, N. (2018). Does social capital benefit resilience for left-behind children? An evidence from Mainland China. Children and youth services review,93, 255-262. 4. Li, C.K.*, Jiang, S., Yin, X.C. (2018). Understanding the relationship between poverty and children's mental health in poverty-stricken area of China: social causation or social selection? Journal of child and family studies, 27(4), 1186-1192. 5. Li, C.K.*, Jiang, S., Li, N., Zhang, Q. (2018). Influence of social participation on life satisfaction and depression among Chinese elderly: social support as a mediator. Journal of community psychology, 46(3), 345-355. 6. Li, C.K.*, Jiang, S. (2018). Social exclusion, sense of school belonging and mental health of migrant children in China:a structural equation modeling analysis. Children and youth services review, 89, 6-12. 7. Li, C.K.*, Liang, Z.R., Yin, X.C., Zhang, Q.N. (2018) Family social capital mediates the impact of poverty on children’s anxiety and depression. Journal of community psychology, 46(8), 983-995. 8. Jiang, S. Li, C.K.*, Fang, X. (2018). Socioeconomic status and children’s mental health: understanding the mediating effect of social relations in Mainland China. Journal of community psychology, 46(2), 213-223. 9. 李春凯,彭华民. (2018). 贫困与留守儿童心理健康关系研究. 浙江工商大学学报, 32(1), 107-118. 10. 李春凯, 吴炜. (2017). 民族身份、城乡分割与高等教育不平等. 北京社会科学, 9, 42-49. 11. 李春凯, 徐从德. (2015). 矛盾的回旋式适应——内地在港研究生跨文化适应研究. 中国青年研究, 3, 93-99. 12. 李春凯, 欧颖. (2015). 智残人士生活质量与社会支持相关性研究——以南京市分析为例.云南民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2, 62-67.
