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香港中文大学博士,先后学习社会工作、社会学与政治学,现为南京大学社会学系教授、博士生导师,著有专书《中国农村的环保抗争》,学术成果发表在The China Quarterly, The China Journal, Journal of Contemporary China, Journal of Peasant Studies, Modern China, Political Studies 以及《中国社会科学》《社会学研究》《管理世界》等杂志,相关研究曾获得台湾思源博士论文奖、江苏省哲学社会科学优秀研究成果二等奖等。邓燕华兼任南京大学当代中国研究院副院长、《中国研究》(CSSCI集刊)编辑部主任等职,入选南京大学“登峰计划”、中组部“青年拔尖人才计划”,是国家社科基金重大项目的首席专家,曾被遴选为哈佛燕京学社访问学者以及法国南特高等研究院研究员。 Book in Chinese 邓燕华,2016,《中国农村的环保抗争》(专著),北京:中国社会科学出版社。(Deng, Yanhua. 2016. Environmental Protest in Rural China. Beijing: China Social Sciences Press) English-Chinese Translation 杨国斌著,邓燕华译,2013,《连线力——中国网络公民行动》,广西师范大学出版社。 (Translated from Guobin Yang. 2009. The Power of the Internet in China: Citizen Activism Online. New York: Columbia University Press). 荣誉与资助 (selected) 2020年 主持国家社科基金重大招标项目,项目号:20&ZD166 江苏省哲学社会科学研究成果二等奖 2019年 第四批国家“万人计划”青年拔尖人才 2018年 南京大学双一流建设“百层次”科研项目经费资助 2016年 霍英东教育基金会青年教师科研奖助项目,项目号:151092 2012年 主持国家社会科学基金青年项目,项目号:12CSH041 主持教育部人文社会科学研究基金青年项目,项目号:12XJC840006 2011年 主持健康、环境与发展论坛合作资助项目,美国社会科学协会 第一届思源人文社会科学博士论文奖,政大出版社,台湾 学术访问 8/2020-6/2021. Harvard-Yenching Institute 6/2019-7/2019. Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, University of Copenhagen 8/2018-9/2018. Center for the Study of Contemporary China, University of Pennsylvania 2/8/2017-28/8/2017. Department of Sociology, Stanford University 6/2016-7/2016. Department of Chinese Studies, University of Vienna. 5/2016-6/2016. Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies, The University of Melbourne. 8/2015-9/2015. Universities Service Centre for China Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 1/2015-7/2015. Institut d’Etudes Avancées de Nantes, France 7/2014-9/2014. East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore




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黄健、邓燕华,2021,《制度的力量》,《中国社会科学》,第11期。(Huang, Jian and Yanhua Deng. 2021. “The Power of Institution.” Social Sciences in China, 2021 (11).) 邓燕华、王颖异、刘伟,2020,《扶贫新机制: 驻村帮扶工作队的组织、运作与功能》,《社会学研究》,第6期,第44-66页。(Deng, Yanhua, Yingyi Wang and Wei Liu. 2020. “New Mechanism for Poverty Alleviation: Organization,Operation,and Function of Work Teams Stationed in Villages.” Sociological Studies, 2020 (6): 44-66.) 邓燕华、张莉,2020,《“捆绑式政策执行”:失地社保与征地拆迁》,《南京社会科学》,第12期,第79-86页。(Deng, Yanhua and Li Zhang. 2020. “‘Implementation Through Bundling Policy’”: ‘Land for Social Security’ and ‘Land Requisition and Relocation’.” Nanjing Journal of Social Sciences, 2020 (12): 79-86.) 邓燕华,2019,《社会建设视角下社会组织的情境合法性》,《中国社会科学》,第6期,第147-166页。(Deng, Yanhua. 2019. “The Situational Legitimacy of Social Organizations from the Perspective of Social Construction.” Social Sciences in China, 2019 (6): 147-166.) 孙雨、邓燕华,2019,《技术治官下的剩余信息生产权博弈——以环境空气质量监测为例》,《南京社会科学》,第2期,第93-100页。(Sun, Yu and Yanhua Deng. 2019. “Gaming on the Residual Control Right of Information Production during the Age of Disciplining Officials with Technology: A Case Study of Environmental Air Quality Monitoring.” Nanjing Journal of Social Sciences, 2019 (2): 93-100.) 邓燕华、贾男,2018,《“一肩挑”制度如何影响项目进村》,《社会发展研究》,第3期,第2-21页。(Deng, Yanhua and Nan Jia. 2018. “How does the Institutional Arrangement of Multiple-Job Holding Affect Villages in Obtaining Projects?” Journal of Social Development, 2018 (3): 2-21.) 邓燕华,2018,《社会组织与中国政权的韧性》,《二十一世纪》,总第168期,第101-109页。(Deng, Yanhua. 2018. “Social Organizations and China’s Regime Resilience.” The Twenty-First Century, 168: 101-109.) 邓燕华,2016年,《中国基层政府的关系控制实践》,《学海》,第5期,第31-39页。(Deng, Yanhua. 2016. “The Practices of Relational Control in China’s Grassroots Governance.” Academia Bimestrie, 2016 (5): 31-39.) 邓燕华、黄健,2016,《教育、阶层与社会冲突态度》,《实证社会科学》,第1期,第57-73页。(Deng, Yanhua and Jian Huang. 2016. “Education, Class, and Attitudes towards Social Conflict.” Empirical Social Science Research, 2016 (1): 57-73.) 黄策、邓燕华,2016,《突发性责任事故的信息搜集与披露——基于央地信息沟通的视角》,《公共行政评论》,第1期,第8-25页。(Huang, Ce and Yanhua Deng. 2016. “Information Acquisition and Disclosure of Man-Made Disasters: The Perspective of Information Communication between the Central and Local Governments.” Journal of Public Administration, 2016 (1): 8-25.) 邓燕华,2014,《集体行动中的政治机会感知及运用:以浙江华镇为例》,《香港社会科学学报》,总第47期,第119-137页。(Deng, Yanhua. 2014. “Perception and Use of Political Opportunities in Collective Action.” Hong Kong Journal of Social Sciences, 47: 119-137.) 黄健、邓燕华,2012,《高等教育与社会信任:基于中英调查数据的研究》,《中国社会科学》,第11期,第98-111页。(Huang, Jian and Yanhua Deng. 2012. “Higher Education and Social Trust: A Study Based on Surveys in China and Britain.” Social Sciences in China, 2012 (11): 98-111.) 邓燕华,2012,《村庄合并、村委会选举与农村集体行动》,《管理世界》,第7期,第76-82页。Deng, Yanhua. 2012. “Administrative Restructuring, Village Election and Collective Action in Rural China.” Management World, 2012(7): 76-82.) 邓燕华、阮横俯,2010,《中国坚定积极分子的形成》,《香港社会科学学报》,总第39期,第115-138页。(Deng, Yanhua and Hengfu Ruan. 2010. “The Making of Committed Activists in China.” Hong Kong Journal of Social Sciences, 39: 115-138.) 邓燕华、阮横俯,2008,《银色力量何以可能?——以浙江老年协会为例》,《社会学研究》,第6期,第131-154页。(Deng, Yanhua and Hengfu Ruan. 2008. “The Development of Grey Power in Rural China.” Sociological Studies, 2008 (6): 131-154.) 邓燕华,2006,《地下‘***’在农村社会的运作逻辑:关系与信任的运用——洋村田野研究》,《社会》,第1期,第167-186页。(Deng, Yanhua. 2006. “The Operational Logic of the underground Liuhecai in Rural China.” Society, 2006 (1): 167-186.) Articles Published in English Deng, Yanhua and Min Zhou. 2021. “Why People Don’t Protest: Work Units, Selective Paternalism, and Social Ties in China.” The China Review, forthcoming. Deng, Yanhua, Zhejie Yang and Xiao Ma. 2021. “Riding on the Power of the Masses? How Different Modes of Mass Mobilization Shape Local Elite Bargaining in China.” Journal of Chinese Governance, forthcoming. Deng, Yanhua. 2021. The Politics of People: Protest Cultures in China (book review). Pacific Affairs. 94 (3)594-596. Deng, Yanhua and Kevin J. O’Brien. 2021. “Value Clashes, Power Competition, and Community Trust: Why an NGO’s Earthquake Recovery Program Faltered in Rural China.” Journal of Peasant Studies, 48 (6): 1187-1206. Deng, Yanhua, 2020. “Creating the Intellectual: Chinese Communism and the Rise of a Classification (book review). American Journal of Sociology. 126 (1): 188-190. Deng, Yanhua, Kevin J. O’Brien, and Li Zhang. 2020. “How Grassroots Cadres Broker Land Taking in Urbanizing China.” Journal of Peasant Studies, 47 (6): 1233-1250. Yang, Jin, Jian Huang, Yanhua Deng and Massimo Bordignon. 2020. “The rise of red private entrepreneurs in China: Policy shift, institutional settings and political connection.” China Economic Review, 61 (June 2020): 1-18. Deng, Yanhua, Kevin J. O’Brien, and Jiajian Chen. 2018. “Enthusiastic Policy Implementation in China: Explaining the Sudden Expansion of the Microfinance for Women Program.” The China Quarterly, 234: 506-526. Huang, Jian and Yanhua Deng. 2017 “Jurisdiction Size and External Political Efficacy: Evidence from China.” Political Studies, 65(4): 966-982. Deng, Yanhua. 2017. “Autonomous Redevelopment: Moving the Masses to Remove Nail Households.” Modern China, 43 (5): 494-522. O’Brien, Kevin J. and Yanhua Deng. 2017. “Preventing Protest One Person at a Time: Psychological Coercion and Relational Repression in China.” The China Review, 17 (2): 179-202. Deng, Yanhua and Jonathan Benney. 2017. “Selective Use of Political Opportunity: A Case of Environmental Protest in Rural China.” Journal of Chinese Governance, 2 (1): 91-105. O’Brien, Kevin J. and Yanhua Deng. 2015. “The Reach of the State: Work Units, Family Ties and “Harmonious Demolition.” The China Journal, 74: 1-17. O’Brien, Kevin J. and Yanhua Deng. 2015. “Repression Backfires: Tactical Radicalization and Protest Spectacle in Rural China.” Journal of Contemporary China, 93: 457-470. Deng, Yanhua and Kevin J. O’Brien. 2014. “Societies of Senior Citizens and Popular Protest in Rural Zhejiang.” The China Journal, 71: 172-188. Deng, Yanhua and Kevin J. O’Brien. 2013. “Relational Repression in China: Using Social Ties to Demobilize Protesters.” The China Quarterly, 215: 533-552. Deng, Yanhua and Guobin Yang. 2013. “Pollution and Protest: Rural Environmental Mobilization in Context.” The China Quarterly, 214: 321-336.


审稿服务 In English British Journal of Political Science, China: An International Journal,China Journal, China Review, China Quarterly, Chinese Sociological Review, Cities, Comparative Politics, Environmental Politic, Governance, Housing Studies, International Journal of Communication, International Review of Administrative Sciences, Journal of Chinese Affairs, Journal of Contemporary Asia, Journal of East Asian Studies,Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, Journal of Peasant Studies, Journal of Political Science Review, Journal of Vietnamese Studies, Modern China, Political Geography In Chinese 《中国社会科学》(Social Sciences in China); 《社会学研究》(Sociological Studies); 《社会》(Society);《管理世界》(Management World);《公共行政评论》(Journal of Public Administration Review); 《公共管理评论》(Public Administration Review)、《学海》(Academia Bimestrie); 《社会发展研究》(Journal of Development Studies)、《社会学评论》(Sociological Review)
