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南京大学海外资深名师,教授 教育背景: 1975,耶鲁大学,政治学博士; 1960,加州大学伯克利分校,政治学硕士; 1956,玛卡莱斯特学院,政治学和哲学学士; 路易斯 K·康福特是匹兹堡大学公共与国际事务学院的教授兼灾害管理中心主任。她拥有玛卡莱斯特学院的政治学和哲学学士学位、加州大学伯克利分校的政治学硕士学位以及耶鲁大学的政治学博士学位。她是美国国家公共行政学院的院士,也是六本书的作者或合著者,包括:《设计抗逆力:为极端事件做准备》,匹兹堡大学出版社,2010;《巨灾:了解灾难性事件的前景、性质、特征及影响》,查尔斯C·托马斯,2012。她的主要研究兴趣是在不确定的和快速变化的条件下的决策,以及紧急情境中为管理者提供决策支持系统的信息技术应用。开设的课程主要有组织理论与设计、系统思考以及公共政策等。她发表了有关信息政策、组织学习以及社会技术系统的论文,并且担任《安全科学(Safety Science)》的编辑以及《比较政策分析(Comparative Policy Analysis)》期刊的书评编辑。她曾在十四个国家的十九次地震灾害中从事田野调查,其中包括2009年9月30日印度尼西亚巴东地震的EERI(地震工程研究学会)侦察研究、2010年1月12日海地地震的NSF快速响应研究以及2011年3月11日日本东北地震的恢复研究。 教学及研究领域: 组织理论、创新和行为、复杂适应系统、政策分析设计、项目实施、信息技术政策与管理、灾害响应管理。 咨询、公共服务及荣誉: 匹兹堡大学教务卓越奖,2008 美国国家公共行政学院院士,2006 阿根廷Fulbright资深学者,2006; 美国紧急信息董事会主席; 哥伦比亚波哥大市的城市顾问,2005; 基础设施合作伙伴,2002-2005; 美洲开发银行顾问,2003;


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

The Dynamics of Risk: Changing Technologies and Collective Action in Seismic Events. Princeton University Press. 2019. "Emergency Management Research and Practice in Public Administration: Emergence, Evolution, Expansion, and Future directions." Journal of Risk, Disaster & Crisis Research (2016). Editor of special issue of Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis on “Designing Disaster Resilience and Public Policy,” Vol. 14, Issue 2-3, 2012. “Emergency Management Research and Practice in Public Administration: Emergence, Evolution, Expansion, and Future Directions,” Public Administration Review, 30 APR 2012, (with W.L Waugh, Jr. and B.A Cigler). Designing Resilience: Preparing for Extreme Events. Lead editor with Arjen Boin and Chris C. Demchak. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press. 2010. "A Bad Time for Disaster: Economic Stress and Disaster Resilience." Administration & Society, 2011 (with D.E.A. Johnson and R.L. Skertich). "Crisis Management in Hindsight: Cognition, Communication, Coordination, and Control." Public Administration Review. 2007. “Vulnerability Assessment for Flooding in the Pittsburgh Metropolitan Region,” funded by The Pittsburgh Foundation and The Buhl Foundation, 2006­2007 “Asymmetric Information Processes in Extreme Events: The 26 December 2004 Sumatran Earthquake and Tsunami,” Communicable Crises: Prevention, Response and Recovery in the Global Arena. Information Age Publishing, 2007. “Communication, Coherence, and Collective Action: The Impact of Hurricane Katrina on Communications Infrastructure,” Public Works Management and Policy 11 no. 1 (2006): 1­16. “Cities at Risk: Hurricane Katrina and the Drowning of New Orleans,” Urban Affairs Review 41 no. 4 (2006): 501­516. “Inter­organizational Coordination in Extreme Events: The World Trade Center Attacks, September 11, 2001,” Natural Hazards Vol. 39 (2006): 309­327. "RISK, SECURITY, AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT." Annual Review of Political Science 15075608.8(2005):335-356. Comfort, Louise K. , et al. "Coordination in complex systems: increasing efficiency in disaster mitigation and response." International Journal of Emergency Management 2.1/2(2004):62. "Coordination in Rapidly Evolving Disaster Response Systems: The Role of Information." American Behavioral Scientist 48.3(2004):295-313. "Rethinking Security: Organizational Fragility in Extreme Events." Public Administration Review 62(2002). "Managing Intergovernmental Responses to Terrorism and Other Extreme Events." Publius: The Journal of Federalism 32(2002). Co­edited with U. Rosenthal and A. Boin. Managing Crises: Threats, Dilemmas and Opportunities. Charles C. Thomas, 2001. "Complex Systems in Crisis: Anticipation and Resilience in Dynamic Environments." Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management 9.3(2001):144-158. Shared Risk: Complex Systems in Seismic Response. New York: Pergamon Press. 1999. "Reframing disaster policy: the global evolution of vulnerable communities." Environmental Hazards 1.1(1999):39-44. "Self-Organization in Complex Systems." Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory: J-PART 4.3(1994):393-410. "Risk and Resilience: Inter-Organizational Learning Following the Northridge Earthquake of 17 January 1994." Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management 2.3(1994):157-170. "Turning Conflict into Cooperation: Organizational Designs for Community Response in Disaster." International Journal of Mental Health 19.1(1990):89-108. Managing disaster: Strategies and policy perspectives. Duke University Press. 1988.


匹兹堡大学公共和国际事务学院——灾害管理中心主任; 匹兹堡大学公共和国际事务学院——公共和城市事务司司长; 日本神户大学——城市安全与防护研究中心访问学者,1999-2000。
