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教育背景 Education: 2010.9-2015.6 阿姆斯特丹大学博士 政治学系 阿姆斯特丹社会科学研究院 Doctorate, Department of Political Science, University of Amsterdam 2009.9-2010.9 荷兰莱顿大学博士生 公共管理系 PhD candidate, Department of Public Administration, Leiden University 2006.9-2009.3 华东理工大学 硕士 公共管理系 Master, Department of Public Administration, East China University of Science and Technology 工作经历 Working experiences: 2017.12 至今 南京大学政府管理学院行政管理系 副研究员 School of Government, Nanjing University 2016.1-2017.12 中山大学 政治与公共事务管理学院 廉政与治理研究中心 副研究员 School of Government, Sun Yat-sen University 主讲课程 Teaching: 行政伦理学 Ethics of Public Administration 公共行政学史 The history of Public Administrtaion 行政伦理学(公共管理专业硕士MPA) Ethics of Public Administration (MPA) 主持和参与课题(部分)Projects: 国家自然科学基金,公共治理"棘手问题"应对策略的选择及其动机:基于公务员价值偏好和情境认知的实证研究,主持,2021.1-2023.12 教育部人文社科基金,基于公众参与悖论的执法效能三维评价机制研究,主持,2020.1-2022.12 江苏省社会科学基金项目,基于公共价值的警务效能评价机制研究,主持,2018.9-2020.9 国家社科基金重大项目,大数据驱动的城乡社区服务体系精准化构建研究新时代诚信建设制度化的深化与创新研究,参与,2021 国家社科基金重大项目,推进廉政治理体系和治理能力现代化的战略、路径与对策研究,参与,2020, 国家社科专项基金,新时代诚信建设制度化的深化与创新研究,参与,2017.12-2019.12 江苏省义务教育领域基层政务公开第三方测评及相关研究,江苏省教育厅,负责人,2020.10-2021.9 公安执法公信力评价指标体系及指标模型构建,南京市公安局,负责人,2018.7-2018.12 作风建设内涵和外延研究,南京市机关工委,负责人,2018.5-2018.10 主办会议 The Public Values Consortium 6th Biennial Workshop 2018, School of Government, Nanjing University, June 6-8, 2018 国际会议与受邀讲座 International conferences and lectures: 2018.6 The Public Values Consortium 6th Biennial Workshop, Nanjing ("Public security: what public values are advocated and how to identify?") 2017.6 Third International Conference on Public Policy, Singapore (“How far behind? A review of Public Values Research in China”) 2016.9 IIAS-IAISA Joint Conference, Chengdu, China ("The nature of loyalty in the public sphere: An attempt to understand loyalty or 忠 (zhong) as a public value") 2014.11 The International Conference on “Next Steps for Public Administration in Theory and Practice: Looking Backward and Moving Forward”, Guangzhou, China 2014.06 4th Biennial Workshop of Public Values Research Consortium, Singapore (“Worlds Apart? Worlds Aligned? The meaning of values interpreted by civil servants from China and the Netherlands”) 2013.10 AISSR, Transnational Configurations, Conflict and Governance Programme Group Seminar, Amsterdam. 2013.09 Public Lecture “Traditional Flavors or Global Convergence? Value preferences of civil servants in China and the Netherlands”, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China 2013.03 The American Society for Public Administration's 74th Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA. (“The Value Preference of Civil Servants in China and the Netherlands: Rule of Morality or Rule of Law?”) 2012.05 Urban China Research Seminar: Context and Methodology, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. (“Survey in Chinese Civil Service-Practical experience”) 2011.10 The 7th International Conference on Public Administration, Chengdu, China. 2011.10 Symposium on Ethical Leadership: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities, Chengdu, China. (“Rule of Morality vs. Rule of Law: Establishing a set of values to compare the civil service ethos in China and the Netherlands”) 2011.07 Leiden University China Discussion Group, the 15th Europe-China Forum, Leiden. (“Rule of Morality and Rule of Law in the Civil Service:Differences and similarities of most important moral values for a good civil servant between Shanghai and Amsterdam”) 2010.06 The Public Value Consortium Biennial Workshop 2010, Leiden, the Netherlands.




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杨黎婧.从单数公共价值到复数公共价值:“乌卡”时代的治理视角转换[J].中国行政管理,2021(02):107-115. 杨黎婧,高睿,张海波.中国语境下的公共安全价值体系——基于《人民日报》(1949—2020年)的分析[J].甘肃行政学院学报,2020(06):4-11+124. 杨黎婧,徐丹.警务注意力分布及价值变迁:基于1950年以来南京公安绩效考核文本的分析[J].风险灾害危机研究,2020(02):134-154. 杨黎婧,宋雅言. 基于主体与效能双重契合的执法公信力指标体系构建——立足南京公安的实证研究. 江苏行政学院学报,2020(01): 111-118. 杨黎婧.公众参与政府效能评价的悖论、困境与出路:一个基于三维机制的整合性框架[J].南京社会科学,2019(09):71-78+102. 杨黎婧.关于中国和荷兰公务员价值偏好的探索性实证研究[J].公共管理与政策评论,2019,8(03):33-51. 张书维,顾琼,杨黎婧.对党忠诚与建言行为:公职人员的“忠谏”之路[J].公共行政评论,2019(06):38-62. Yang, L. (2020). The “Good Official” as a Confucian Sage: The Focus on Morality in Traditional Chinese Admonitions and Its Contemporary Relevance. Administrative Theory & Praxis, 42(1):27-43. Rutgers, M. R., & Yang, L. (2019). Virtue or Vice: The Nature of Loyalty. Public Integrity, 21(4), 394-405. Yang, L. & Rutgers, M.R. (2017). Against the Rule of Man: The Confucian and Western Traditions of Good Administration. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 83(4), 789-805. Yang, L. (2016). Worlds Apart? Worlds Aligned? The perception and prioritization of civil servant values for civil servants from China and the Netherlands. International Journal of Public Administration, 39 (1), 74-86. Van der Wal, Z. & Yang, L. (2015). Confucius meets Weber or “Managerialism takes all”? Comparing Civil Servant Values in China and the Netherlands. International Public Management Journal, 18 (3), 411-436. Yang, L. & Van der Wal, Z. (2014). Rule of Morality vs. Rule of Law? An Exploratory Study of Civil Servant Values in China and the Netherlands. Public Integrity, 16 (2), 187-206. 杨黎婧. 2010. 寻找政府的核心价值-欧洲关于公共价值研究成果综述.中国行政管理学会年会暨政府管理创新研讨会论文集.
