1. 人力资源管理
2. 管理学研究方法
3. 组织行为学
1. 毛伊娜,2015,杜厦奖教金,南京大学
2. 毛伊娜,2014,本科教学奖三等奖,南京大学商学院
1、南京大学商学院 科研新星奖 2013
2、南京大学商学院 青年骨干教师培养计划 2013
1. 主持 自然科学基金青年项目 (2015.01-2017.12) 项目批准号:71402069 项目名称:职场排斥产生原因及其对员工行为影响机制的研究
1. Mao, Y., Kwan, H. K.,Chiu, R. K., & Zhang, X. 2016. The impact of mentorship quality on mentors’personal learning and work-to-family interface. Asia Pacific Journal ofHuman Resources, 79(10):78-9. Print on 54:79-97.
2. Mao, Y., Wang, C-W., & Wong, C. S. 2016.Towards a Model of the Right-hand Person. Leadership and OrganizationDevelopment Journal, 37(4):520-539.
3. Mao, Y., Wong, C. S.,& Peng, K. Z. 2013. Breaking institutionalized corruption: Is theexperience of the Hong Kong Independent Commission Against Corruptiongeneralizable? Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 30(4),1115-1124.
4. Mao, Y., Peng, K. Z.,& Wong, C. S. 2012.Indigenous research on Asia: In search of the emiccomponents of guanxi. Asia Pacific Journal of Management,29:1143-1168.
5. Kwan, H. K., Mao, Y.*, & Zhang, H. 2010. The Impact of Role Modeling on Protégés‘Personal Learning and Work-to-Family Enrichment. Journal of VocationalBehavior, 77(2): 313-322.
6. Liu, J., Kwan. H. K., Fu, P. P., & Mao,Y. 2013. Ethical leadership and job performance in China: The roles ofworkplace friendships and traditionality. Journal of Occupational andOrganizational Psychology. 86(4), 564-584.
7. Liu, J., Kwan, H. K., &Mao, Y. 2012. Mentorship quality and protégés’work-to-family positive spillover, career satisfaction, and voice behavior inChina. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 23:4110-4128.
8. Wong, C.S., Peng, K.Z., Shi, J., & Mao,Y. 2011. Differences between odd number and even number response formats:Evidence from mainland Chinese respondents. Asia Pacific Journal ofManagement, 28: 379-399.
9. Loi, R., Mao, Y., & Ngo, H. Y. 2009.Linking leader-memberexchange and employee work outcomes: The mediating role of organizationalsocial and economic exchange. Management and Organization Review,5(3): 401-422.