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南京大学商学院营销与电子商务系教授,博士生导师,MBA教育中心主任。2009年12月毕业于复旦大学管理学院,获管理学博士;2010年2月至今任教于南京大学商学院营销与电子商务系。2008年10月到2009年9月间受国家留学基金委资助赴美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学(Pennsylvania State University)联合培养;2015年8月到2016年8月美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)访问学者;2019年7月参加美国哈佛大学商学院“全球案例教学培训”项目。近年来在国际顶尖期刊MIS Quarterly、Production and Operations Management以及国际主流期刊Decision Support Systems, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Information & Management, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Journal of International Marketing等发表论文30篇。研究工作获得2019年度国家自然科学基金优秀青年项目(优青)的资助。论文曾入选美国管理学会(AOM)最佳论文集(2009),获得信息资源管理国际会议(Conf-IRM)最佳论文(2011),复旦大学优秀博士论文(2011),上海市优秀博士论文(2012),南京大学杜厦奖教金(2014),中国信息经济学会理论贡献奖(2018),中国信息经济学会优秀成果奖(2019、2020)。 教学奖励 1. 宋培建, 2019.9, 南京大学新华报业优秀青年教师奖, 南京大学 2. 宋培建, 2018.12, 商学院MBA教学二等奖, 南京大学商学院 3. 宋培建, 2017.12, 商学院本科教学二等奖, 南京大学商学院 4. 宋培建(指导教师), 2015.11, “挑战杯”全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛决赛二等奖, 共青团中央 5. 宋培建, 2015.11, 南京大学学生科技创新活动优秀指导教师, 南京大学 6. 宋培建, 2014.9, 南京大学杜厦教育奖励基金奖教金, 南京大学 7. 宋培建, 2013.12, 商学院本科教学三等奖, 南京大学商学院 8. 宋培建, 2011.12, 商学院本科教学三等奖, 南京大学商学院 科研奖励 1. 宋培建, 2019.10, 中国信息经济学会优秀成果奖, 中国信息经济学会 2. 宋培建, 2018.11, 中国信息经济学会理论贡献奖, 中国信息经济学会 3. 宋培建, 2018.5,最佳会议论文提名,第十七届武汉电子商务国际会议 4. 宋培建, 2012-2014, 南京大学商学院青年骨干教师, 南京大学商学院 5. 宋培建, 2012, 上海市优秀博士论文, 上海市学位委员会 6. 宋培建, C. Zhang, Z. Qu, 2011.6, Competitive Action in Diffusion of Internet Technology: Implications for Local Vendors Defending Their Turf Against Multinational Incursion, Conf-IRM International Conference最佳会议论文 7. 宋培建, 2011, 复旦大学优秀博士论文, 复旦大学 8. 宋培建, 2010.12, 科研新星奖, 南京大学商学院 科研项目 1. 宋培建(主持), 2020.1-2022.12, 互联网平台治理, 国家自然科学基金优秀青年项目(优青), 编号:71922012, 120万元 2. 宋培建(主持), 2015.1-2018.12, 软件生态系统中核心平台和第三方应用间的互动:基于共生视角的研究, 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 编号:71472083, 56万元,已结题(结题绩效评估获“特优”) 3. 宋培建(主持), 2011.1-2013.12, 互联网产品的整合模式对其品牌延伸影响机制研究, 国家自然科学基金青年项目, 编号:71002029, 17.6万元,已结题


1. 数字化平台管理 2. 电子商务运营 3. 在线消费行为


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. P. Song, Q. Wang, H. Liu, Q. Li, 2020, The Value of Buy-Online-and-Pickup-in-Store in Omni-Channel: Evidence from Customer Usage Data, Production and Operations Management, vol.29, no.4, pp. 995-1010. (商学院Top期刊) 2. C. Zhang, P. Song, Z. Qu, L. Xue, J. Li, 2020, Firm Actions, User Engagement, and Firm Performance: A Mediated Model with Evidence from Internet Service Firms, Information & Management, vol.57, no.7, 103364. 3. 李琪,王全胜,宋培建, 2020, 自营竞争性进入对第三方绩效的影响研究——基于某大型混合零售平台的实证分析, 管理科学学报, 第23期,第74-88页。 4. L. Xue, P. Song, A. Rai, C. Zhang, X. Zhao, 2019, Implications of Application Programming Interfaces for Third-Party New App Development and Copycatting, Production and Operations Management, vol.28, no.8, pp. 1887-1902. (商学院Top期刊, Corresponding Author) 5. Q. Li, Q. Wang, P. Song, 2019, The Effects of Agency Selling on Reselling on Hybrid Retail Platforms, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, vol.23, no.4, pp. 524-556. 6. Y. Zhao, P. Song, F. Feng, 2019, What are Revenue Implications of Mobile Channel Visits? Evidence from the Online Travel Agency Industry, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, vol.36, 100865. 7. P. Song, L. Xue, A. Rai, C. Zhang, 2018, The Ecosystem of Software Platform: A Study of Asymmetric Cross-side Network Effects and Platform Governance, MIS Quarterly, vol.42, no.1, pp. 121-142. (商学院Top期刊) 8. P. Song, C. Zheng, C. Zhang, X. Yu, 2018, Data Analytics and Firm Performance: An Empirical Study in an Online B2C Platform, Information & Management, vol.55, no.5, pp. 633-642. 9. G. Zhou, P. Song, 2018, Third-Party Apps (TPAs) and Software Platform Performance: The Moderating Role of Competitive Entry, Information & Management, vol.55, no.7, pp. 901-911. 10. G. Zhou, P. Song, Q.Wang, 2018, Survival of Fittest: Understanding the Effectiveness of Update Speed in the Ecosystem of Software Platform, Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, vol.28, no.3, pp. 234-251. 11. P. Song, C.W. Phang, 2016, Promoting Continuance through Shaping Members' Social Identity in Knowledge-based Versus Support/Advocacy Virtual Communities, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management , vol.63, no.1, pp. 16-26. 12. 闫梦颖,宋培建,周耿, 2015, 产品开发中用户反馈的价值创造机制研究, 南大商学评论, 第31期,第164-177页。 13. Q. Wang, P. Song, 2015, Is Positive Always Positive? The Effects of Precrisis Media Coverage on Rumor Refutation Effectiveness in Social Media, Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, vol.25, no.1, pp. 98-116. 14. Q.Wang, X.Yang, P.Song, C.L.Sia, 2014, Consumer Segmentation Analysis of Multichannel and Multistage Consumption: A Latent Class MNL Approach, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, vol.15, no.4, pp. 339-358. 15. 李莉,王全胜,宋培建, 2014, 企业危机沟通策略的影响机制研究:基于利益相关者理论的视角, 情报杂志, 第33期,第82-85页。 16. P. Song, C. Zhang, P. Zhang, 2013, Online Information Product Design: The Influence of Product Integration on Brand Extension, Decision Support Systems, vol.54, no.2, pp. 826-837. 17. Q. Wang, P. Song, X. Yang, 2013, Understanding the Substitution Effect Between Online and Traditional Channels: Evidence from Product Attributes Perspective, Electronic Markets, vol.23, no.3, pp. 227-239. 18. 王婧,宋培建,周耿,王全胜, 2013, 搜索引擎营销中关键词广告研究综述:基于用户行为视角, 南大商学评论, 第4期,第121-140页。 19. P. Song, C. Zhang, H. Xu, 2012, How to Exploit the User Base for Online Products: A Product Integration Perspective, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, vol.13, no.4, pp. 356-372. 20. C. Zhang, P. Song, Z. Qu, 2011, Competitive Action in the Diffusion of Internet Technology Products in Emerging Markets: Implications for Global Marketing Managers, Journal of International Marketing, vol.19, no.4, pp. 40-60. 21. P. Song, H. Xu, T. Angsana, C. Zhang, 2011, The Influence of Product Integration on Online Advertising Effectiveness, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, vol.10, no.3, pp.288-303. 22. P. Song, C. Zhang, Y. Xu, L. Xue, K. Wang, C.H. Zhang, 2011, Asymmetric Interaction in Competitive Internet Technology Diffusion: Implications for the Competition between Local and Multinational Online Vendors, Journal of Global Information Management, vol.19, no.3, pp.45-64. 23. P. Song, C. Zhang, 2011, Understanding the Role of Intrinsic Motivations in Information Technology Usage Habit: Evidence from Instant Messenger and Search Engine, International Journal of Organizational Design and Engineering, vol.1, no.3, pp.163-184. 24. P. Song, C. Zhang, Y. Xu, L.Huang, 2010, Brand Extension of Online Technology Products: Evidence from Search Engine to Virtual Communities and Online News, Decision Support Systems, vol.49, no.1, pp.91-99. 25. 陈文波 曾庆丰 宋培建 黄丽华, 2010, 基于知识视角的组织信息技术吸收研究, 科学学与科学技术管理, 第5期,第81-86页。 26. P. Song, C. Zhang, W. Chen, L.Huang, 2009, Understanding Usage Transfer Behavior between Non-Substitutable Technologies: Evidence from Instant Messenger and Portal, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, vol.56, no.3, pp.412-424. 27. C. Zhang, P. Song, Y. Xu, L. Xue, 2009, Understanding Dynamic Competitive Technology Diffusion in Electronic Markets, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, vol.22, pp.14-24. 28. 宋培建 张宏斌, 2008, 网络外部性、采购商策略与供应商采用RFID技术的决策, 管理工程学报, 第1期, 第49-55页。 29. 宋培建 陈文波 曾庆丰 黄丽华, 2007, 基于目标导向行为视角的信息技术使用习惯形成研究, 软科学, 第8期,第9-13页。 30. 宋培建 张宏斌 张谷民, 2006, RFID:配送中心的新引擎, 中国物流与采购, 第12期,第60-62页。 会议与工作论文 1. P. Song, C. Zhang, Z. Qu, 2011, Competitive Action in Diffusion of Internet Technology: Implications for Local Vendors Defending Their Turf Against Multinational Incursion, Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Information Resources Management Seoul, Korea Best Paper Award,最佳会议论文 2. H. Xu, C. Zhang, P. Shi, P. Song, 2009, Exploring the Role of Overt vs. Covert Personalization Strategy in Privacy Calculus, Proceedings of 69th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management Chicago, Illinois Best Paper Proceedings,最佳论文集 3. P. Song, C. Zhang, H. Xu, L.Huang, 2009, Product Integration Formats and Consumers' Evaluations of the Online Extended Product: A Product Presentation Perspective, Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Electronic Business Macau, 2009, pp. 325-334. 4. P. Song, L.Huang, 2007, Innovative Use of Information Technology: A Role Identity Perspective, Proceedings of the First China Summer Workshop on Information Management Shanghai, China 5. Q. Yang, L. Huang, P. Song, 2007, The Role of Reference Trustee in Online Trust Building, Proceedings of the Sixth Wuhan International Conference on E-Business Wuhan, China 6. P. Song, W. Chen, C. Zhang, L. Huang, 2007, Determinants of Information Technology Usage Habit, Proceedings of the 11th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems Auckland, New Zealand 7. P. Song, C. Zhang, W. Chen, L.Huang, 2007, Post-Adoption Transferring between Non-Substitutable Technologies: The Case of Instant Messenger and Portal, Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Information Systems Montreal, Canada


担任国际期刊Electronic Commerce Research and Applications副编辑(Associate Editor),Journal of Global Information Management评审委员会成员(Editorial Review Board),担任MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research等十余本国际国内期刊审稿人
