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南京大学商学院教授、博士生导师,案例中心主任。南京大学数学学士(1999)、经济学硕士(2002),香港中文大学系统工程博士(2006)。曾任职香港中文大学博士后研究员,澳大利亚新南威尔士大学任兼职研究员。2012年入选哈佛大学“全球案例教学培训”项目、2014年参加第六期“全国归国留学人员代表人士高研班”培训。现为国家自然科学基金和香港RGC通讯评议专家、中国管理现代化研究会管理案例研究专业委员会副秘书长、中国自动化学会经济与管理系统分会委员、中国系统工程学会青年工作委员会委员、中国运筹学会金融工程与风险管理分会理事、江苏省侨界专家委员会人文社科类专家委员。在国际知名期刊Production and Operations Management、European Journal of Operational Research等发表论文多篇,并担任Operations Research等国际期刊的审稿人。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目3项、青年项目1项,南京大学青年人文团队项目1项。开发多个MBA案例,其中关于“冷链”的案例研究入选全国“百篇优秀管理案例”。 教学方向 1.供应链管理 2.生产运营管理 教学奖励 1. 徐小林, 2015, Operations Management, 南京大学第一批国际化课程群建设项目 2. 徐小林, 2012, 杜厦教育奖励基金奖教金, 南京大学 3. 徐小林, 2011, 问题导向的研究型教学模式及其实践研究, “985工程”三期本科创新人才培养项目 4. 徐小林, 2010, 商学院本科教学奖三等奖, 南京大学商学院 5. 杨东涛,刘春林,郑称德,徐志坚,徐小林, 2007, 运营管理,国家精品课程, 教育部 科研奖励 1. 徐小林, 2019, 江苏省青蓝工程中青年学科带头人 2. 徐小林, 2011-2013, 第五批“南京大学青年骨干教师培养计划”, 南京大学 3. 徐小林, 2011, 南京大学人文社会科学研究优秀成果一等奖, 南京大学 4. 徐小林, 2011, 科研新星奖, 商学院 5. 徐小林, 2009-2011, 南京大学商学院青年骨干教师第三批, 商学院 科研项目 1. 徐小林,2019-2022,全渠道背景下的线上线下库存联合优化和合作机制研究,国家自然科学基金委,编号:71871114,49万元 2. 徐小林, 2015-2018, 基于供应链视角的环境治理:策略选择与协同机制, 国家自然科学基金委, 编号: 71471085, 58万元 3. 徐小林,潘茂林,张莲民, 2015, 大数据与供应链管理, 南京大学文科青年基金团队, 10万元 4. 徐小林, 2012-2015, 可分割产品的供应链优化与协调机制, 国家自然科学基金委, 编号: 71171105, 42万元 5. 徐小林, 2009-2011, 新鲜产品采购风险、模式与最优策略研究, 国家自然科学基金委, 编号: 70801035, 17万元 6. 徐小林, 2008-2009, 考虑运输风险的时鲜产品供应链协调, 南京大学商学院, 编号: 2007-6, 1万元 出版专著 1. J. Zhuang, X.L. Xu, G.S. Cai, 2014, Discrete Dynamic Gaming Models in Supply Chain Management and Project Management, Hindawi Publishing Coporationhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/960239 2. 徐小林, 2013, 案例研究:“冷链不冷”-Y公司肉食品供应链管理研究, MBA案例库 3. X.Q. Cai, J. Chen, Y.B. Xiao, X.L. Xu, G. Yu, 2012, Optimal Decisions of the Manufacturer and Distributor in a Fresh Product Supply Chain Involving Long-Distance Transportation, In Choi, T.M. (Ed.), Handbook of Newsvendor Problems: Models, Extensions and Applications (Chapter 14, pp. 315-340) , Springer, International Series in Operations Research and Management Science 4. 徐小林, 2011, 案例研究:医疗改革背景下的N医药公司供应链重构, MBA案例库


1. 库存管理 2. 供应链管理


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. L. Guan, Y.X. Mu, X.L. Xu, L.M. Zhang, J. Zhuang, 2019, Keep it or give back? Optimal Pricing Strategy of Reward-Based Crowdfunding with a Hybrid Mechanism in the Sharing Economy, International Journal of Production Research, DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2019.1685711. 2. Y.Y. Peng, X.L. Xu, W.L. Xue, X. Liang, 2018, Mismatch Risk Allocation in a Coproduct Supply Chain, Annals of Operations Research, DOI: 10.1007/s10479-018-3049-y. 3. W.L. Xue, J.J. Zuo, X.L. Xu, 2017, Analysis of Market Competition and Information Asymmetry on Selling Strategies, Annals of Operations Research, 257(1): 395-421 SCI 4. Z Song, Z Zhang, X.L. Xu, C Liu, 2015, An agent-based model to study the market dynamics of perpetual and subscription licensing, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 66:845-857 SSCI/SCI, 三区 5. L. Xu, Y.J. Li, K. Govidan, X.L. Xu, 2015, Consumer returns policies with endogenous deadline and supply chain coordination, European Journal of Operational Research, 242:88-99 SCI 6. W.L. Xue, X.L. Xu, L.J. Ma, 2014, Options Procurement Policy for Option Contracts with Supply and Spot Market Uncertainty, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Science, 2014:1-7 SCI/SSCI 7. Jun Zhuang X.L. Xu Gangshu Cai, 2014, Discrete Dynamic Gaming Models in Supply Chain Management and Project Management, (SCI) Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 8. Y.H. Zhou, G. Mayhew, Z.B. Sun, X.L. Xu, F. Zou, F. A. Wright, 2013, Space–time Clustering and the Permutation Moments of Quadratic Forms, Stat, 2(1):292-302 9. M.H. Xu, X.L. Xu, Y.H. Zhou, 2013, Stochastic Comparisons in a Price-Quantity Setting Firm with Uncertainty Demand and Emergency Procurement, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, 22(4): 401-420 SCI 10. X.Q. Cai, J. Chen, Y.B. Xiao, X.L. Xu, G. Yu, 2013, Fresh-Product Supply Chain Management with Logistics Outsourcing, Omega, The International Journal of Management Science, 41:752-765 SSCI/SCI (Top 5 Highly Downloaded Articles in 2013) 11. W.L. Xue, X.L. Xu, R.X. Wang, 2013, Combined Sales-effort and Inventory Control under Demand Uncertainty, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2013:1-8 (Article ID: 984513) SSCI/SCI 12. X.L. Xu, Y.J. Li, X.Q. Cai, 2012, Optimal Policies in Hybrid Manufacturing /Remanufacturing Systems with Random Price-sensitive Returns, International Journal of Production Research, 50 (23): 6978-6998 SCI 13. X.L. Xu, X.Q. Cai, Y.H. Chen, 2011, Unimodality of Price-setting Newsvendor's Objective Function and Its Applications, International Journal of Production Economics, 133:653-661 SSCI/SCI 14. M.H. Xu, Y.H. Chen, X.L. Xu, 2010, The Effect of Demand Uncertainty in a Price-setting Newsvendor Model, European Journal of Operational Research, 207 (2): 946-957 SCI 15. X.Q. Cai, J. Chen, Y.B. Xiao, X.L. Xu, 2010, Optimization and Coordination of Fresh Product Supply Chains with Freshness Keeping Effort, Production and Operations Management , 19 (3): 261-278 SSCI/SCI 16. X.Q. Cai, J. Chen, Y.B. Xiao, X.L. Xu, 2008, Product Selection, Machine Time Allocation and Scheduling Decisions for Manufacturing Perishable Products Subject to a Deadline, Computers and Operations Research, 35 (5): 1671-1683. SCI 17. X.L. Xu, X.Q. Cai, 2008, Price and Delivery-time Competition of Perishable Products, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization., 4: 843-859 SCI 18. 肖永波,陈剑,徐小林, 2008, 到岸价格机制下涉及远距离运输的时鲜产品供应链协调, 系统工程理论与实践, 第2期 19. X.L. Xu, X.Q. Cai, C.L. Liu, C.K. To, 2007, Optimal Commodity Distribution for a Vehicle with Fixed Capacity under Vendor Managed Inventory, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4614: 329-339 会议与工作论文 1. Minghui Xu, Xiaolin Xu, 2011, Stochastic Comparisons in a Price-dependent Newsvendor Problem with Emergency Procurement , 8th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management 2011 10.1109/ICSSSM.2011.5959519 2. X.L. Xu, X.Q. Cai, 2008, Optimal Purchasing Policies of Fresh Product with Random Delivery Times, To be submitted 工作论文 3. X.L. Xu, X.Q. Cai, 2004, Purchasing Policies of Fresh Product with Random Arrivals, Proceedings of International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management 4. X.Q. Cai, X.L. Xu, X. Zhou, 2004, Optimal Production Decisions under an Uncertain Deadline, IEEE SMC’2004 Conference Proceedings p. 6009-6014
