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中国传媒大学传播学本科和硕士,香港中文大学传播学博士,中国人民大学新闻学院博士后,现任南京大学新闻传播学院助理研究员。目前关注“媒介技术与社会文化变迁”和“媒介生产与受众文化批判”两类研究主题,在此基础开展了新媒介技术场景下的移动传播、技术-身体和空间实践、影视受众文化观念、媒介记忆、粉丝文化口述史、社交媒体中的民族主义多模态话语分析等项目。 研究主题: 媒介技术与社会文化变迁 [移动性、移动传播、技术实践、身体-技术、空间与地方] 媒介生产与受众文化批判 [受众社群、集体记忆、文化政治、消费文化、语言和话语] 著作章节 1. 章戈浩、谢卓潇 (即将出版). 媒体人类学.《传播学新趋势》,洪俊浩编,北京:清华大学出版社. 2. Xie, Z. & Witteborn, S. (2019). The Migrant-Mobility Nexus: The Politics of Interface, Labor, and Gender. Smets, K., Leurs, K., Georgiou, M., Witteborn, S., & Gajjala, R. (Ed.). The SAGE Handbook of Migration and Media. Thousand Oaks, United States:SAGE Publications Inc. 453-463. 3. 周亭、谢卓潇 (2014).《赫芬顿邮报》的内容生产与盈利模式. 胡正荣、唐晓芬、李继东编,《新媒体前沿(2014)》,北京:社会科学文献出版社, 43-56. 4. 谢卓潇、张磊 (2014) 基于社交网络的音乐集成传播与盈利模式初探. 胡正荣、唐晓芬、李继东编,《新媒体前沿(2014)》,北京:社会科学文献出版社, 99-109. 5. 谢卓潇、张磊(2013).中国网络视频栏目发展状况. 胡正荣、唐晓芬、李继东编,《新媒体前沿(2013)》,北京:社会科学文献出版社, 38-55. 国际学术会议 1. Yin, Y.& Xie, Z. (2021).Playing Platformized “Language Games”: Social Media Logic and The Mutation of Participatory Cultures in Chinese Online Fandom. International Communication Association (ICA) 71st Annual Conference, Virtual conference. 2. Huang, G. & Xie, Z. (2021). Foreign Television Series as Resources for Political Satire: Discussing House of Cards in China’s Virtual Space. International Communication Association (ICA) 71st Annual Conference, Virtual conference. 3. Xie, Z. (2020). Mobile Communicating Place and Place-Inscribed Communicative Mobilities: An Ethnography of Cross-Border Shopping Practice. International Communication Association (ICA) 70th Annual Conference, Virtual conference. May 24-28 4. Xie, Z. & Zhang L. (2019). The Invention of Media Tradition: When Ritualized Media Practices Meet Festival Traditions in Families’ Memories. International Communication Association (ICA) 69th Annual Conference, Washington D.C., USA, May 24-28, 2019. 5. Witteborn, S. & Xie, Z. (2019). The Mobility-Migration Nexus: The Case of Personal Shoppers from China (Daigou). International Communication Association (ICA) 69th Annual Conference, Washington D.C., USA, May 24-28, 6. Yin, Y. & Xie, Z. (2019). Speech Code as Fan-norm: An Ethnography of Communication of Chinese Idol-fan Community on Social Media. The Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS) Annual Conference, Seattle, Washington, USA, March 13-17, 2019. 7. Xie, Z., Leng, Z., & Zhang L. (2018). The Precarious Politics: A Cultural Discourse Analysis on the Reception of the House of Cards and the Name of People in China, International Communication Association (ICA) 68th Annual Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, May 24-28, 2018. 8. Yin, Y. & Xie, Z. (2018). The Bounded Embodiment of Fandom in China: Connecting Shifting Media Experiences and Fan Participation through Oral History of ACG Lovers, International Communication Association (ICA) 68th Annual Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, May 24-28, 2018. 9. Xie, Z. & Zhou, Y. (2017). Communicating Politics in House of Cards: The Ideas of Personhood in Chinese Context. Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Conference, Korea, Seoul, July 28-30, 2017. 10. Xie, Z. (2017). Im/materializing Cross-Border Mobility: A Study of Mainland China-Hong Kong Daigou (Personal Shopping Services), International Communication Association (ICA) 67th Annual Conference, San Diego, USA, May 25-29, 2017. 11. Yao, Q. Xie, Z. (2017). Testing the Cognitive Mediation Model on Social Media: Interaction between Social Media Use Motivations and Cognitive Determinants. International Communication Association (ICA) 67th Annual Conference, San Diego, USA, May 25-29, 2017.




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Yin, Y.& Xie, ZE*. (forthcoming).Playing Platformized Language Games: Social Media Logic and The Mutation of Participatory Cultures in Chinese Online Fandom. New Media & Society 2. 刘海龙、谢卓潇*、束开荣(2021).网络化身体:病毒与补丁. 新闻大学, 5, 40-55. 3. Huang, G. & Xie, Z*. (2021). Fan Activism as Discursive Action: Poaching Foreign Television Series for Political Satire in China. Discourse, Context & Media, 42, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dcm.2021.100496 4. 谢卓潇(2021). 身体作为移动媒介——跨境代购中的具身传播实践和身体问题, 国际新闻界, 3, 40-57. 5. Xie, Z. (2021).Mobile Communicating Place and Place-Inscribed Communicative Mobilities: Shaping Alternative Consumer Cultures in Mobile Media Communication. Mobile Media & Communication, 9(1), 51-77. 6. 谢卓潇 (2020). 春晚作为记忆实践——媒介记忆的书写、承携和消费.国际新闻界,42(1), 154-176. 7. Xie, Z. (2018). Im/materializing Cross-Border Mobility: A Study of Mainland China-Hong Kong Daigou (Cross-border Shopping Services on Global Consumer Goods). International Journal of Communication, 12, 4052-4065. Available at: http://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/9663 8. Yin, Y. & Xie, Z. (2018). The Bounded Embodiment of Fandom in China: Connecting Shifting Media Experiences and Fan Participation through Oral History of ACG Lovers. International Journal of Communication, 12, 3317-3334. Available at: http://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/9445 9. 张磊、谢卓潇 (2018).社会关系的空间化:旅行真人秀节目中的移动性.中国电视,7,71-75. 10. 张磊、谢卓潇、屈国超、王韶霞(2017). 集体记忆、民族认同与差序传播:对一个水族家族的探索性研究.全球传媒学刊,4(1),70-85.
