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Born in Ceva (CN), Italy, 26/04/1979; Areas of specialization: - Logic and Philosophy of Logic; Philosophy of Science; Philosophy of Language. EDUCATION April 2010: Ph.D. In Philosophy of Language and Mind; Department of Philosophy, University of Torino (Italy). Dissertation: Subtle Truths. A formal investigation into Deflationism and Conservativeness (in English). July 2008: ARCHè Summer School in Logic, Language, Epistemology and Metaphysics, second edition, University of St.Andrews (Scotland). September 2008:AILA (Italian Association for Logic and its Applications) Summer School in Mathematical Logic, in Gargnano (Italy), courses on Universal Algebra, Model Theory and Proof theory; 2007: Admission to the PhD program of Philosophy of Language and Mind at the Philosophy Department of the University of Torino (Italy). 1999-2004: Department of Philosophy, University of Torino (Italy) Laurea in Philosophy (the Italian degree equivalent to MA), Degree in Theoretical Philosophy. APPOINTMENTS - Assistant Professorship at the Department of Philosophy at Nanjing University, Nanjing (China). 2018-present - Research Scholarship at Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa (Italy), for the project “Logical and philosophical aspects of alethic pluralism under the project Scope and Aims of Mereology”. Member of the group led by Professor Massimo Mugnai (Chair in History of Logic), (2015-2016) - Research Scholarship at Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa (Italy). Member of the group led by Professor Massimo Mugnai (Chair in History of Logic) and Hykel Hosni (Marie Curie fellow at London School of Economics). The group mainly worked in the Foundation, Philosophy and History of Logic. (2013-2015) - Post-Doctoral scholarship by the Academy of Finland. Member of the research group led by Professor Gabriel Sandu and Professor Jakko Hintikka, University of Helsinki. (2012-2013) - Department of Philosophy, University of Torino, extra-grant for a period in a foreign university (Oxford); (2008-2009). - Doctoral scholarship at the University of Torino (Italy), (1.1.2007-04.2010).


- Epistemology; Metaphysics; Philosophy of Mind.


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

“Metaphysics as Logic”, Rivista di Estetica. (Forthcoming) - “Algebraic semantics and Mixed Validities”, Logique et Analyse. (Forthcoming) - “The force of alethic pluralism. Truth pluralism and the Aim of Belief”, American Philosophical Quarterly (Forthcoming). - “Making formal sense of Deflationism: Conservativity and Interpretability”, contributed paper for a volume on Philosophy of Mathematics (Springer), edited by M.Piazza (Forthcoming). - “Analytic metaphysics should not go”, Philosophical Inquiries, (2017), Vol.5 N.2, pp. 33-53. ISSN (print) 2281-8618-ETS, ISSN (on-line): 2282-0248. - “A Simple Notion of Validity for Alethic Pluralism”, Synthese, (2016), Print ISSN 0039-7857, Online ISSN 1573-0964 - “How simple is the simplicity of truth? Reconciling the Metaphysics and the Mathematics of Truth”, in New Frontiers in Truth, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, (2014). pp.161-175. ISBN-13: 978-1-4438-6806-8; ISBN-10: 1-4438-6806-X. -“Deflationism and the Invisible Power of Truth”, Dialectica Vol. 67, N° 4 (2013), pp. 521–543, Blackwell-Wiley Publishing. ISSN: 1746-8361. - “A case for Satisfaction Classes: Model Theoretic Vs Axiomatic approaches to Arithmetical Truth”, Logical Investigations, 2013, Vol. 19, pag. 246-259. Center for Humanitarian Initiatives (C.G.I.) publishers, Moscow - St.Petersburg (Russia), ISSN 2074-1472. - “Deflazionismo”, Aphex, Vol. 6, 2012, On-line journal, ISSN 2036-9972. The article (in Italian) can be found at: http://www.aphex.it/public/file/Content20120711_APhEx62012TemiStrolloDeflazioismo-2.pdf - Subtle Truths. A formal investigation into Deflationism and Conservativeness. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Torino (Italy), 2010.
