O. Nicoletti, F. de la Pe?a, R.K. Leary, D.J. Holland, C. Ducati & P.A. Midgley, "Three-dimensional imaging of localized surface plasmon resonances of metal nanoparticles", Nature 502 80–84 (2013) .
R. Leary, Z. Saghi, P.A. Midgley & D.J. Holland, "Compressed sensing electron tomography", Ultramicroscopy 13170-91 (2013) .
R. Leary, F. de la Pe?a, J.S. Barnard, Y. Luo, M. Armbrüster, J.M. Thomas & P.A. Midgley, "Revealing the atomic structure of intermetallic GaPd2 nanocatalysts by using aberration- corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy", ChemCatChem 5(9) 2599-2609 (2013).
R. Leary, P.A. Midgley & J.M. Thomas, "Recent advances in the application of electron tomography to materials chemistry", Accounts of Chemical Research 45(10) 1782-1791 (2012) .
R. Leary, & A. Westwood, "Carbonaceous nanomaterials for the enhancement of TiO2 photocatalysis", Carbon 49(3) 741-772 (2011).