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粮食工程系系主任。 教育经历 2007.9-2012.6,浙江大学生物系统工程与食品科学学院,获工学博士学位; 2003.9-2007.6,中国农业大学水利与土木工程学院,获工学学士学位。 工作经历 2016.9-至今 南京财经大学食品科学与工程学院,副教授 2012.07-2016.08 南京财经大学食品科学与工程学院,讲师 2017.12-2018.12,美国华盛顿州立大学 唐炬明教授(Prof. Juming Tang)课题组国家公派访问学者 2013.04-2014.07,科技部中国农村技术开发中心农业攻关处,挂职 教学工作 主讲研究生课程《工程伦理》,本科生课程《仪器分析》、《食品安全控制与质量管理》和《食品营养学》等。主持(完成)校级教学改革项目3项,发表教研论文5篇。 科研项目 1. 2022/01-2025/12, 国家自然科学基金面上项目(32172306) 2. 2018/01-2021/12, 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31772061) 3. 2013/01-2016/12, 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(31301482) 4. 2020/06-2023/05, 国家战略性国际合作专项子课题(2020YFE0200200) 5. 2016/08-2020/12, “十三五”国家重点研发计划子课题(2017YFD0400401) 6. 2020/12-2022/12, 江苏省现代农机装备与技术示范推广项目(NJ2020-20) 7. 2021/07-2024/06, 江苏省自然科学基金面上项目(BK20211291) 8. 2019/07-2022/06, 江苏省农业科技自主创新资金项目子课题(CX(19)2005) 9. 2018/01-2020/12, 浙江省重点研发计划子课题(2018C02050) 10. 2012/10-2016/07, 江苏省自然科学基金青年基金项目(BK20131007) 11. 2012/10-2015/09, 江苏省高校自然科学研究基金( 13KJB550009) 12. 2021/04-2022/03, 企业委托横向项目 授权发明专利 1. 沈飞, 黄怡, 方勇, 李彭, 裴斐, 邢常瑞, 袁建, 鞠兴荣. 基于光谱和图像信息融合的霉变玉米在线检测方法. 授权日期:2021-1-26, ZL201810458679.7. 2. 沈飞, 吴启芳. 基于衰减全反射傅里叶变换红外光谱技术的糙米中黄曲霉毒素含量的快速检测方法, 授权日期:2018-8-21, ZL201510447345.6. 3. 方勇. 张盈月. 裴斐. 李彭. 沈飞. 胡秋辉. 一种同时检测小麦中多种真菌毒素的方法, 授权日期:2020-4-10, ZL201710826406.9. 4. 都立辉, 刘凌平, 和肖营, 沈飞, 袁建, 鞠兴荣. 一种粮食真菌污染情况的快速检测方法及其应用, 授权日期:2018-4-27, ZL201511010212.9. 奖项荣誉 1. 江苏省“青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师(2021年) 2. 南京财经大学优秀毕业论文(设计)指导教师(2021年) 3. 南京财经大学第七届互联网+大学生创新创业大赛一等奖指导教师(2021年) 4. 中国粮油学报年度优秀论文(2017年) 5. 南京财经大学“青年学者支持计划”(2014年) 6. 浙江省优秀毕业生(2012年)


1. 食品品质与安全检测技术及装备 2. 食品物理加工技术及装备(低温等离子体、射频等)


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Xueming He, Yue Zhang, Xiaoyun Yang, Min Chen, Yanyan Pang, Fei Shen*, Yong Fang, Qin Liu, Qiuhui Hu. Estimating bulk optical properties of AFB1 contaminated edible oils in 300-900 nm by combining double integrating spheres technique with laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy. Food Chemistry, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2021.131666. 2. Xueming He, Tianxia Zhao, Fei Shen*, Qin Liu, Yong Fang, & Qiuhui Hu. Online detection of naturally DON contaminated wheat grains from China using Vis-NIR spectroscopy and computer vision. Biosystems Engineering, 2021, 201, 1-10. 3. Bin Zhang, Xuesong Jiang, Fei Shen*, Xueming He, Yong Fang, & Qiuhui Hu. Rapid screening of DON contamination in whole wheat meals by VisNIR spectroscopy and computer vision coupling technology. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2021, 56, 2588–2595. 4. Min Chen, Xueming He*, Yanyan Pang, Fei Shen*, Yong Fang, & Qiuhui Hu. Laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy for detection of aflatoxin B1 contamination in peanut oil. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 2021, 15, 2231–2239. 5. Fei Shen, Yi Huang, Xuesong Jiang, Yong Fang*, Peng Li, Qin Liu, Qiuhui Hu, & Xingquan Liu. On-line prediction of hazardous fungal contamination in stored maize by integrating Vis NIR spectroscopy and computer vision. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy. 2020, 229, 118012. 6. Tianxia Zhao, Min Chen, Xuesong Jiang, Fei Shen*, Xueming He, Yong Fang, Qin Liu, & Qiuhui Hu. Integration of spectra and image features of Vis/NIR hyperspectral imaging for prediction of deoxynivalenol contamination in whole wheat flour. Infrared Physics and Technology, 2020, 109, 103426 7. Fei Shen, Tianxia Zhao, Xuesong Jiang, Xiao Liu, Yong Fang*, Qing Liu, Qiuhui Hu, & Xingquan Liu. On-line detection of toxigenic fungal infection in wheat by visible near infrared spectroscopy. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2019, 109, 219-224. 8, Fei Shen*, Qifang Wu, Peng Liu, Xuesong Jiang, Yong Fang, Chongjiang Cao. Detection of Aspergillus spp. contamination levels in peanuts by near infrared spectroscopy and electronic nose. Food Control, 2018, 93, 1-8. 9. Fei Shen*, Bin Zhang, Chongjiang Cao, & Xuesong Jiang. On-line discrimination of storage shelf-life and prediction of post-harvest quality for strawberry fruit by visible and near infrared spectroscopy. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 2018, 41, e12866. 10. Fei Shen*, Qifang Wu, Xiaolong Shao, & Qiang Zhang. Non-destructive and rapid evaluation of aflatoxins in brown rice by using near-infrared and mid-infrared spectroscopic techniques. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2018, 55:1175-1184. 11. Fei Shen*, Qifang Wu, Yingqi Wei, Xiao Liu, & Peian Tang. Evaluation of near-infrared and mid-infrared spectroscopy for the determination of routine parameters in Chinese rice wine. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 2017, 41, e12952. 12. Fei Shen*, Qifang Wu, Anxiang Su, Peian Tang, Xiaolong Shao, & Bing Liu. Detection of adulteration in freshly squeezed orange juice by electronic nose and infrared spectroscopy. Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 2016, 34(3):224-232. 13. Fei Shen, Jian Wu, Yibin Ying*, Bobin Li, & Tao Jiang. Differentiation of Chinese rice wines from different wineries based on mineral elemental fingerprinting. Food Chemistry, 2013, 141(4), 4026-4030. 14. Fei Shen, Yibin Ying*, Bobin Li, Yunfeng Zheng, & Xingquan Liu. Discrimination of blended Chinese rice wine ages based on near-infrared spectroscopy. International Journal of Food Properties, 2012, 15(6):1262-1275. 15. Fei Shen, Fangzhou Li, Dongli Liu, Huirong Xu*, Yibin Ying, & Bobin Li. Ageing status characterization of Chinese rice wines using chemical descriptors combined with multivariate data analysis. Food Control, 2012, 25(2), 458-463. 16. Fei Shen, Danting Yang, Yibin Ying*, Bobin Li, Yunfeng Zheng, & Tao Jiang. Discrimination between Shaoxing wines and other Chinese rice wines by near-infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2012, 5(2), 786-792. 17. Fei Shen, Yibin Ying*, Bobin Li, Yunfeng Zheng, & Qing Zhuge. Multivariate classification of rice wines according to ageing time and brand based on amino acid profiles. Food Chemistry, 2011, 129(2), 565-569. 18. Fei Shen, Yibin Ying*, Huirong Xu, & Bobin Li. Identification of aging status of Chinese rice wine using Fourier transform near-infrared spectroscopy. Transactions of the ASABE, 2011, 54(5), 1857-1862. 19. Fei Shen, Yibin Ying*, Bobin Li, Yunfeng Zheng, & Jiangang Hu. Prediction of sugars and acids in Chinese rice wine by mid-infrared spectroscopy. Food Research International, 2011, 44(5), 1521-1527. 20. Fei Shen, Xiaoying Niu, Danting Yang, Yibin Ying*, Bobin Li, Geqing Zhu, & Jian Wu. Determination of amino acids in Chinese rice wine by Fourier transform near-infrared spectroscopy. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2010, 58(17), 9809-9816.


中国农业机械学会设施园艺与果蔬机械分会委员 南京市食品中级职称评审委员会委员
