2011/11- 至今,广西大学,资源与冶金学院,副教授
2008/3 - 2011/9,广西大学,化学工艺,博士,导师:陈建华
2005/9 - 2008/1,广西大学,采矿工程,其他,导师:陈建华
2001/9 - 2005/7,广西大学,矿物资源工程,学士
1、 国基自然基金面上项目,51974094,基于晶体和电子结构及药剂分子吸附作用的铜硫浮选分离理论研究, 2020/01-2023/12,56万元,在研,主持。
2、 国家自然科学基金地区科学基金,51764002,黄铁矿表面水分子和氧分子交互作用机制研究,2018/01-2021.12,35万元,在研,主持。
3、 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,51304054,含金黄铁矿晶体结构和性质及浮选药剂分子吸附的研究,2014/01-2016/12,25万元,已结题,主持。
4、 广西自然科学基金面上项目,2017GXNSFAA198216,黄铁矿表面氧化机制的密度泛函理论研究,2017/09-2020/09,12万元,在研,主持。
5、 广西有色金属及特色材料加工重点实验室青年基金,GXYSYF1810,黄铜矿-黄铁矿晶体结构及表面性质研究,2018/01-2019/12,9万元,在研,主持。
6、 北京矿冶研究总院矿物加工科学与技术国家重点实验室开放研究基金,BGRIMM-KJSKL-2017-04,硫化矿浮选药剂分子精细电子结构研究,2018/01-2019.12,5万元,已结题,主持。
7、 广西高峰矿业有限责任公司技术服务项目,HX03712017090245,自然pH值硫化矿浮选分离关键技术及应用,2017/06-2019/06,4.8万元,已结题,主持。
(1) 陈建华,李玉琼,魏宗武,穆枭,陈晔,氧硫共生锌矿浮选方法,中国,ZL200710050280.7。
(2) 陈建华,魏宗武,穆枭,陈晔,李玉琼,蓝丽红,一种异极矿与石英的浮选分离方法,中国,ZL201210131704.3。
(1) 氧硫混合型铅锌矿尾款资源化和减量化高效利用技术开发与应用,广西科学技术进步奖,二等奖,2019。
1. 第一作者论文
(1) Yuqiong Li, Yingchao Liu, Jianhua Chen, Cuihua Zhao, Weiyong Cui. Comparison study of crystal and electronic structures for chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) and pyrite (FeS2). Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process., 57(1), 2021, 100-111.
(2) Yuqiong Li, Yingchao Liu, Jianhua Chen, Cuihua Zhao,Structure-activity of chelating collectors for flotation: A DFT study. Minerals Engineering 146 (2020) 106133:1-8.
(3) Yuqiong Li, Jianhua Chen, Ye Chen, Yangge Zhu, Yingchao Liu. DFT Simulation on Interaction of H2O Molecules with ZnS and Cu-Activated Surfaces, J. Phys. Chem. C(Journal of Physical Chemistry C), 2019, 123, 3048−3057.
(4) Yuqiong Li, Jianhua Chen*, Ye Chen, Cuihua Zhao*, Yibing Zhang, Baolin Ke. Interactions of Oxygen and Water Molecules with Pyrite Surface: A New Insight, Langmuir, 2018,34,1941−1952.
(5) Yuqiong Li, Jianhua Chen*, Ye Chen, Cuihua Zhao, Ming-Hsien Lee, Tse-Hsing Lin. DFT+U study on the electronic structures and optical properties of pyrite. Computational Materials Science, 2018, 150: 346-352.
(6) Yuqiong Li, Jianhua Chen*, Cuihua Zhao*, Influence of external electric field on the electronic structure and optical properties of pyrite, RSC Advances, 2017, 7, 56676–56681.
(7) Yuqiong Li, Qian He, Jianhua Chen, Cuihua Zhao. Electronic and chemical structures of pyrite and arsenopyrite, Mineralogical Magazine, 2015, 79(7): 1779-1789
(8) Yuqiong Li, Jianhua Chen, Duan Kang, Jin Guo. Depression of pyrite in alkaline medium and its subsequent activation by copper. Minerals Engineering. 2012, 26: 64-69.
(9) 李玉琼, 陈建华, 蓝丽红, 郭进. 氧分子在黄铁矿和方铅矿表面的吸附. 中国有色金属学报, 2012, 22(4): 1184-1194.
(10) Yuqiong Li, Jianhua Chen, Ye Chen, Jin Guo. Density functional theory study of the influence of impurity on electronic properties and reactivity of pyrite. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2011, 21(8): 1887-1895.
(11) Yuqiong Li, Jianhua Chen, Ye Chen, Jin Guo. DFT study of influences of As, Co and Ni impurities on pyrite (100) surface oxidation by O2 molecule. Chemical Physics Letters, 2011, 511(4-6): 389-392.
(12) 李玉琼, 陈建华, 郭进. 天然杂质对黄铁矿的电子结构及催化活性的影响. 物理学报, 2011, 60(9): 097801-1—097801-8.
(13) 李玉琼, 陈建华, 陈晔, 郭进. 黄铁矿(100)表面性质的密度泛函理论计算及其对浮选的影响. 中国有色金属学报, 2011, 21(4): 919-926.
(14) 李玉琼, 陈建华, 陈晔. 空位缺陷黄铁矿的电子结构及其浮选行为. 物理化学学报, 2010, 26(5): 1435-1441.
(15) 李玉琼, 陈建华, 陈晔, 龙秋容. 西藏某氧化锌矿浮选试验研究. 矿冶工程, 2009, 29(4): 28-32.
(16) 李玉琼, 陈建华, 穆枭, 魏宗武. 云南普洱某难处理氧化锌矿的选矿试验研究. 金属矿山, 2009, 1: 81-84.
2. 通讯作者论文
(1) Jianhua Chen, Xi Yang, Yuqiong Li, Yingchao Liu. Influences of electronic spin structures on the magnetic properties of Fe, Coand Ni ions and the adsorption of collectors. Minerals Engineering 154 (2020) 106405: 1-8.
(2) Jian-hua Chen, Jiong Liu, Yu-qiong Li. Flotation separation of pyrite from arsenopyrite in the presence of oxidants, Separation Science and Technology, 2019,54(17): 2933-2942,2018.12.20 online
(3) Cuihua Zhao, baishi Li, Junli Du, Jianhua Chen, Yuqiong Li. Microstructure and optical absorption property of Au nanoparticles and Au, Ag bimetal nanoparticles separately dispersed Al2O3 composite films. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 691: 772–777.
(4) Baolin Ke, Yuqiong Li, Jianhua Chen, Cuihua Zhao, Ye Chen, DFT study on the galvanic interaction between pyrite (100) and galena (100) surfaces, Applied Surface Science, 2016, 367: 270–276.
(5) Jianhua Chen, Yuqiong Li, Lihong Lan, Jin Guo. Interactions of xanthate with pyrite and galena surfaces in the presence and absence of oxygen, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2014, 20(1): 268–273.
(6) Jianhua Chen, Yuqiong Li, Cuihua Zhao. First principles study of the occurrence of gold in pyrite. Computational Materials Science. 2014, 88: 1-6.
(7) Jianhua Chen, Yuqiong Li, Shuiping Zhong, Jin Guo. DFT simulation of the occurrences and correlation of gold and arsenic in pyrite. American Mineralogist, 2013, 98(10): 1765–1771.
(8) 陈建华, 李玉琼, 衷水平, 郭进. 含空位缺陷黄铁矿(100)表面吸附氢氧根和羟基钙的量子化学研究. 中国有色金属学报. 2013, 23(3): 859-865.
(9) Jianhua Chen, Yuqiong Li, Qiurong Long. Molecular structures and activity of organic depressants for marmatite, jamesonite and pyrite flotation. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2010, 20(10): 1993–1999.