Waste Import and Air Pollution: Evidence from China's Waste Import Ban (Xinzheng Shi, Ming'ang Zhang, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2023, Vol. 120, 102837)
Export tax refund and the misreporting by Chinese exporters (Xinzheng Shi, Zhufeng Xu, Canadian Journal of Economics,forthcoming)
How does improvement in commuting affect employees? Evidence from a natural experiment (Yao Lu, Xinzheng Shi, Jagadeesh Sivadasan, Zhufeng Xu, Review of Economics and Statistics, forthcoming)
How does stock liquidity affect corporate tax noncompliance? Evidence fom China (E. Han Kim, Yao Lu, Xinzheng Shi, Dengjin Zheng, Journal of Comparative Economics, 2022, Vol. 50, No 3, 688-712)
The Effect of Education on Health and Health Behaviors: Evidence from the College Enrollment Expansion in China(Hongqiao Fu, Run Ge, Jialin Huang, Xinzheng Shi, China Economic Review, 2022, Vol. 72, 101768)
Are spousal labor supplies substitutes? Evidence from the workweek reduction policy in China (Yueyuan Ma and Xinzheng Shi, Journal of Development Economics, 2020, Vol. 145, 102472)
How does historical trauma affect political participation? Evidence from the send-down movement in China (Xinzheng Shi, and Ming’ang Zhang, Economics of Transition and Institutional Change, 2020, Vol 28, 3-43)
Trade liberalization and corporate income tax avoidance (Wenjing Gao, Yao Lu, and Xinzheng Shi, Economic Inquiry, 2019, Vol. 57, No 9, 1963-1980)
How does intergenerational investment respond to changes in the marriage market? Evidence from China (Li Han, and Xinzheng Shi, Journal of Development Economics, 2019,Vol. 139, 109-121)
Competitive experience and gender difference in risk preference, trust preference and academic performance: Evidence from Gaokao in China (Yi Lu, Xinzheng Shi, and Songfa Zhong, Journal of Comparative Economics, 2018, 46, 1388-1410)
Environmental regulation and firm exports: Evidence from the Eleventh Five-Year Plan in China (Xinzheng Shi, and Zhufeng Xu, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2018, 89, 187-200)
Skill complementarities and returns to higher education: Evidence from college enrollment expansion in China (Hongbin Li, Yueyuan Ma, Lingsheng Meng, Xue Qiao, and Xinzheng Shi, China Economic Review, 2017, 46, 10-26)
The retirement consumption puzzle revisited: Evidence from the mandatory retirement policy in China (Hongbin Li, Xinzheng Shi, and Binzhen Wu; Journal of Comparative Economics, 2016, 44, 623-637)
The impact of educational fee reduction reform on school enrolment in rural China (Sole Author, Journal of Development Studies, 2016, vol., 52, No. 12, 1791-1809)
Magnet high schools and academic performance in China: A regression discontinuity design (Albert Park, Xinzheng Shi, Chang-tai Hsieh, and Xuehui An; Journal of Comparative Economics, 2015, 43(4), 825-843, Lead Article)
The retirement consumption puzzle in China (Hongbin Li, Xinzheng Shi, and Binzhen Wu; American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 2015, 105(5), 437-441)
Magnet classes and educational performance: Evidence from China (Mingming Ma, and Xinzheng Shi; Economic Development and Cultural Change, 2014, vol. 62, No. 3, pp. 537-566)
How do investors respond to Green Company Awards in China? (Thomas Lyon, Yao Lu, Xinzheng Shi, and Qie Yin; Ecological Economics, 2013, Vol. 94, 1-8, Lead Article)
Impact of household educational expenditures on the test scores of children. (Sole Author, Economics Bulletin, 2013, Vol. 33, No2, pp 1177-1184)
Poverty in China's colleges and the targeting of financial aid (Hongbin Li, Lingsheng Meng, Xinzheng Shi, and Binzhen Wu; The China Quarterly, 2013, 216, December, 970-992)
Corporate governance reform and state ownership: Evidence from China (Yao Lu, and Xinzheng Shi, Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies, 2012, 41(6), 665-685, Lead Article)
Does having a cadre-parent pay? Evidence from the first job offers of Chinese college graduates (Hongbin Li, Lingsheng Meng, Xinzheng Shi, and Binzhen Wu; Journal of Development Economics, 2012, November, vol. 99, issue 2: 513-520)
Does an intra-household flypaper effect exist? Evidence from the educational fee reduction reform in rural China (Sole Author, Journal of Development Economics, 2012, November, vol. 99, issue 2: 459-473)
Does attending elite colleges pay in China? (Hongbin Li, Lingsheng Meng, Xinzheng Shi, and Binzhen Wu, Journal of Comparative Economics, 2012, 40, 78-88)
Famine, fertility, and fortune in China (Sole Author, China Economic Review, 2011, 22, 244-259)
Exporting and firm performance: Chinese exporters and the Asian financial crisis (Albert Park, Dean Yang, Xinzheng Shi, and Yuan Jiang. Review of Economics and Statistics November 2010, Vol. 92, No. 4: 822–842)
全面二孩政策如何影响家庭生育决策?(葛润,施新政,经济学(季刊), 2023年第四期)
失业保险与公司财务杠杆 (彭章,陆瑶,施新政,王浩,金融研究,2021年第八期)
劳动力流动与企业创新 (戴蕙阳,施新政,陆瑶,经济学报,2021年第一期)
兼并收购可以促进劳动力结构优化升级吗?(赵烁,施新政,陆瑶,刘心悦,金融研究, 2020年第十期)
资本市场配置效率与劳动收入份额—来自股权分置改革的证据 (施新政,高文静,陆瑶,李蒙蒙,经济研究,2019年第十二期)
员工持股计划与财务信息质量 (陈大鹏,施新政,陆瑶,李卓,南开管理评论,2019年第一期)
出口信号对企业融资约束的影响—来自民营企业的证据 (翁旸晴,施新政,国际贸易问题,2018年第四期)
沪港通实施、资本流动与A-H股溢价 (陆瑶,施新政,杨博涵,张叶青,经济学报,2018年第一期)
出口与企业避税 (王瑞,陆瑶,施新政,清华大学学报(自然科学版),2017年第六期)
劳动力保护与盈余管理-基于最低工资政策变动的实证分析 (陆瑶,施新政,刘璐瑶,管理世界,2017年第三期)
公司治理改革、产品市场竞争与公司价值 (陆瑶,施新政,宏观质量研究,2016年第四期)
中国居民退休前后的消费行为研究 (2014年10月,经济学(季刊),李宏彬,施新政,吴斌珍)
国有企业的工资溢价及其原因 (2014年9月,经济学报,王瑞,施新政,李宏彬)
中国“两税合一”改革的长期影响分析 (2012年8月,清华大学学报(自然科学版),陆瑶,施新政,朱世武)
父母的政治资本如何影响大学生在劳动力市场中的表现?——基于中国高校应届毕业生就业调查的经验研究 (2012年4月,经济学(季刊),李宏彬,孟岭生,施新政,吴斌珍)
大学生贫困及奖助学金的政策效果 (2011年12月,金融研究,吴斌珍,李宏彬,孟岭生,施新政)
Do firms benefit from public information service: Evidence from a tax hotline program in China (Wenjing Gao, Jie Mao, and Xinzheng Shi, Revision Requested, China Economic Review)
Can Investment Incentives Crowd Out Innovation? Evidence from China(Shaowei Ke, Yao Lu, Xinzheng Shi, and Yeqing Zhang, Revision Requested, Economic Development and Cultural Change)
Does matching uncertainty reduce marital payoff: Evidence from China (Li Han, Xinzheng Shi, and Ming'ang Zhang, Reject & Resubmit, Economic Journal)
External Financing, Technological Changes, and Employees (E. Han Kim, Yuan Li, Yao Lu, Xinzheng Shi, Conditionally Accepted, Review of Finance)