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教育经历 陈煜波,现任清华大学经济管理学院可口可乐讲席教授、党委书记、互联网发展与治理研究中心主任,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者。美国佛罗里达大学管理学博士,东南大学系统工程硕士、工业管理工程学士。 工作经历 加入清华大学前曾任美国亚利桑那大学艾勒管理学院副教授、终身教职。曾先后主持国家杰出青年科学基金、国家自然科学基金重点项目和重大项目、教育部人文社科重点研究基地重大项目等多项国家级科研项目,在Management Science、Marketing Science、Journal of Marketing、 Journal of Marketing Research、Information Systems Research等管理学国际顶级学术期刊上发表大量学术论文,连续多年入选爱思唯尔(Elsevier)“中国高被引学者榜单”。曾先后主持中央网信办、国家发改委、国家市场监管总局等多个中央和国家部委研究课题,受邀为工信部党组理论学习中心组、贵州省人民政府、国家市场监管总局、国家林草局等部委和地方政府做关于数字经济健康发展与治理的讲座。受邀在《人民日报》和联合国贸发组织网站上发表关于中国数字经济发展的专题论文,出版专著《数字化转型:数字人才与中国数字经济发展》(中国社会科学出版社)。




查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Wu, Shaohui, Yong Tan, Yubo Chen and Liang, Yitian (Sky) (2022), "How Is Mobile User Behavior Different? A Hidden Markov Model of Mobile Application Usage Dynamics", Information Systems Research Chen, Yubo, Mrinal Gosh, Yong Liu and Liang Zhao (2019), "Effects of Media Coverage of Climate Change on Consumer Purchase of Sustainable Products: Evidence from the U.S. Hybrid Vehicle Market", Journal of Marketing Research, 56(6), 995-1011 Chen, Yubo and Liantao (Tarry) Wang (2019), "Commentary: Marketing and the Sharing Economy: Digital Economy and Emerging Market Challenges," Journal of Marketing, 83(5), 28-31. Jurui Zhang, Yong Liu and Yubo Chen (2015), "Social Learning in Networks of Friends versus Strangers," Marketing Science, 37(4), 573-589 Kay Peters, Yubo Chen, Andreas M. Kaplan, Björn Ognibeni, Koen Pauwels (2013), "Social Media Metrics — A Framework and Guidelines for Managing Social Media," Journal of Interactive Marketing, 27 (4), 281-298. ( Emerald Citations of Excellence Award) Chen, Yubo, Yong Liu and Jurui Zhang (2012), "When Do Third-party Product Reviews Affect Firm Value and What Can Firms Do? The Case of Media Critics and Professional Movie Reviews," Journal of Marketing, 76 (2), 116-134. Zhang, Zhu, Xin Li and Yubo Chen (2012), "Deciphering 'Word-'of-Mouth in Social Media: Text-based Metrics of Consumer Reviews," ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, 3(1), 5:1-5:22. Chen, Yubo, Scott Fay and Qi Wang (2011), "The Role of Marketing in Social Media: How Online Consumer Reviews Evolve,” Journal of Interactive Marketing, 25(2), 85-94. (Journal of Interactive Marketing Best Paper Award) Chen, Yubo, Qi Wang and Jinhong Xie (2011), "Online Social Interactions: A Natural Experiment on Word of Mouth versus Observational Learning," Journal of Marketing Research (April), 238-254. (William F. O'Dell Award Finalist) Wang, Qi, Yubo Chen and Jinhong Xie (2010), "Survival in Markets with Network Effects: Product Compatibility and Order-of-Entry Effects," Journal of Marketing, 74(4), 1-14 (Lead Article, MSI/H. Paul Root Best Article Award Finalist). Lusch, Robert, Yong Liu and Yubo Chen (2010), "The Phase Transition of Markets and Organizations: The New Intelligence and Entrepreneurial Frontier," IEEE Intelligent Systems, 25(1), 71-74. Liu, Yong, Yubo Chen, Robert Lusch, Hsinhun Chen, David Zimbra and Shuo Zeng (2010), "User-Generated Content on Social Media: Predicting New Product Market Success from Online Word-of-Mouth," IEEE Intelligent Systems 25(1), 75-78. Chen, Yubo, Shankar Ganesan and Yong Liu (2009), "Does a Firm's Product Recall Strategy Affect its Financial Value? An Examination of Strategic Alternatives during Product-harm Crises," Journal of Marketing, 73 (6), 214-226. Chen, Yubo and Jinhong Xie (2008), "Online Consumer Review: Word-of-mouth as A New Element of Marketing Communication Mix," Management Science, 54 (3), 477-491. (INFORMS Frank M. Bass Best Paper Award Finalist, listed in ISI Management Science "Most Cited Papers in last 10 years (2008-2017)") Godes, David, Dina Mayzlin, Yubo Chen, Sanjiv Das, Chrysanthos Dellarocas, Bruce Pfeiffer, Barak Libai, Subrata Sen, Mengze Shi and Peeter Verlegh (2005), "The Firm’s Management of Social Interactions," Marketing Letters, 16 (3/4), 415-428. Chen, Yubo and Jinhong Xie (2005), "Third-party Product Review and Firm Marketing Strategy," Marketing Science, 24 (2), 218-24. 期刊论文(国内) 陈煜波, 马晔风 (2018),"数字人才----中国经济数字化转型的核心驱动力," 《清华管理评论》1-2月合刊。 冯芷艳,郭迅华,曾大军,陈煜波,陈国青 (2013),"大数据背景下商务管理研究若干前沿课题," 管理科学学报,16(1):1-9。 沈厚才,陶青,陈煜波 (2000), "供应链管理理论与方法," 中国管理科学, 8(1): 1-9。 专著(书章) 陈煜波, 马晔风著,《数字化转型:数字人才与中国数字经济发展》 中国社会科学出版社. 2020,12 Liu, Yong, Robert F. Lusch, Yubo Chen and Jurui Zhang, "The Emergence of Innovation as a Social Process: Theoretical Exploration and Implications for Entrepreneurship and Innovation", in Open Innovation, Ecosystems and Entrepreneurship: Issues and Perspectives, S. Nambisan ddit, World Scientific Publishing, 2018 Liu, Yong, Yubo Chen, Shankar Ganesan, and Ron Hess, "Product-harm Crisis Management and Firm Value," in Handbook of Marketing and Finance, S. Ganesan edit, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2012. 政策论文、报告与其他论文 陈煜波,"我国数字经济发展前景广阔",《人民日报》(2021年10月15日09版) 陈煜波,"大力发展数字经济",《人民日报》(2021年01月20日 09 版) 陈煜波,“中国数字化转型下一个重点”,《财经》(2021 预测与战略专刊),92-95 Chen, Yubo (2020), "The Development of China Digital Economy: A Study on China's E-commerce Development and Policy Implications", United Nations Conference on Trade and Development BRI Project Research Paper 陈煜波,"用好数据资源 培养数字人才抓住历史机遇发展数字经济",《人民日报》(2018年06月04日 16 版) 陈煜波(2016), "社会化互联网时代的市场变革与商业创新",互联网经济,12,80-83。 主持的清华经管互联网发展与治理研究中心(CIDG)系列研究报告: CIDG (2020), 《全球数字人才发展年度报告》 CIDG (2019),《数字人才驱动下的行业数字化转型研究报告》 CIDG (2019), 《数字经济时代的创新城市和城市群发展研究报告》 CIDG (2019), 《粤港澳大湾区数字经济与人才发展研究报告》 CIDG (2018), 《人才驱动下的区域一体化与数字化转型 ----长三角地区数字经济与人才发展研究报告》 CIDG (2018), 《中国网络安全现状研究报告》 CIDG (2018), 《人工智能驱动的中国经济数字化转型;中国人工智能社会认知与应用需求研究报告》 CIDG (2017), 《中国经济的数字化转型:人才与就业》 部分工作论文 Cui, Xuebin, Ting Zhu and Yubo Chen, "The Value of Mobile Shopping in Emerging Markets: Mitigating the Offline Retail Sparsity" Wu,Banggang, Yubo Chen, Prasad Naik, "Why Online Retailers Offer Own Delivery Service?" Wang, Xia, Xin Li and Yubo Chen, " Search Engine’s Emotional Impact on Social Meida” Wu, Shaohui, Yong Tan, and Yubo Chen, "A Structural Model of Customer Learning on Mobile Payment" Wu, Banggang, Yubo Chen and Alex White, "Mobile Commerce: A Higher-Friction Environment than PC-Based Shopping"
