Refereed Journal Articles
Yang, Yongheng, Yilin Hou, and Youqiang Wang, On the Development of Public-Private Partnerships in Transitional Economies – An Explanatory Framework, Public Administration Review, 2013, 73(2):301-310 (封面文章)
Yang, Yongheng, Adjusting for Perception Bias in Citizens’ Subjective Evaluations: From a Production Function Perspective, Public Performance & Management Review, 2010, 34(1):38-55 (封面文章)
Yang, Yongheng, Hui, Y. V., Leung, Lawrence C. & Chen, G, An Analytic Network Process Approach to the Selection of Logistics Service Providers for Air Cargo,Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2010, 61(9):1365-1376
Yang, Yongheng & Angang Hu. Investigating Regional Disparities of China’s Human Development with Cluster Analysis: A Historical Perceptive, Social Indicators Research, 2008, 86(3), 417-432
Wang, Y.G., Lo, H.P. & Yang, Y.H., The Constituents of Core Competencies and Firm Performance: Evidence from High-technology Firm in China, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 2004, 21(4):249-280
Wang, Y.G., Lo, H.P.& Yang, Y.H., An Integrated Framework for Service Quality, Customer Value, Satisfaction: Evidence from China’s Telecommunication Industry, Information Systems Frontiers, 2004, 6(4):325-340
Wang, Yonggui, Lo, H.P., Chi, R.Y. & Yongheng Yang, An Integrated Framework for Customer Value and Customer-relationship Management Performance: A Customer-based Perspective from China, Managing Service Quality, 2004, 14(2-3):169- 182 (2005 Highly Commended Award by Emerald Literati Club)
Book Chapters
Yang, Yongheng & Wankuan Zhang, The future of PPPs in China: A preliminary assessment, in Paolo Urio (eds.), Public Private Partnerships: Success and Failure Factors for In- Transition Countries, University Press of America , 2010, pp280-311
Conference Papers
Yang, Yongheng and Kaifeng Yang (2014), Personal Experience, Individual Traits and attitude Formation: Evidence from China’s Health Service, 2014 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August 3-5, in Philadelphia, USA
Yang, Yongheng and Yilin Hou (2013), Is Transparency a Double-edged Sword in Citizen Satisfaction with Public Service? Evidence from China’s Healthcare Service, The Third International Conference on Government Performance Management and Leadership, September 22-24, in Tokyo, Japan
Yang, Yongheng, Yilin Hou, Youqiang Wang, and Wankuan Zhang (2010), Exploratory Factor Analysis of Critical PPP Factors in Transition Countries, 2010 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August 6-8, in Montreal, Canada.
Yang, Yongheng (2009), Adjusting for Perception Bias in Citizens’ Subjective Evaluations: From a Production Function Perspective, 2009 International Conference on Science and Technology Performance Management and Research Methods, August 15-16, in Xi’an, China
Yang, Yongheng, Youqiang Wang, and Lei Wang (2007), The Dimensions of Public Service Quality Evaluation: Cross-comparison between Citizen and Government Officials, 2007 International Conference on Performance Measurement and Government Innovation, July 10-11, in Hangzhou, China
Yang, Yongheng (2007), Differences in Cost, Quality, Transparency, Satisfaction between Public and Non-public Healthcare Providers in China. WEAI 2007 Pacific Rim Conference, January 11-14, in Beijing, China
Yang, Yongheng and Yervan Hui (2002), Service Quality Management Information System: Improving Service Quality by Managing Information, The sixteenth triennial conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS 2002), July 8-12, in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
杨永恒,完善我国发展规划编制体制的建议,《行政管理改革》,2014年第1期, 27-31页
杨永恒,胡鞍钢,张宁,中国人类发展的地区差距和不协调,《经济学(季刊)》,2006年第5卷第3期,803-816页 (封面文章)