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1. 教育背景 2007/09-2011/06,东北大学 工业工程专业,获管理学学士学位 2011/09-2013/07,东北大学 管理科学与工程专业,获管理学硕士学位 2013/09-2017/07,东北大学 管理科学与工程专业,获管理学博士学位 2. 工作经历 2017/09-2019/08,管理工程学院,讲师 2019/09-2019/12,管理工程学院,讲师,硕士研究生导师 2020/01-至 今,管理工程学院,副教授,硕士研究生导师 3. 讲授课程 本科:《人因工程学》、《工程经济学》、《标准化工程》 硕士:《人因与设计》




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[1] Weilin Liu, Yaqin Cao, Robert W. Proctor. How do app icon color and shape influence visual search efficiency and user experience? Evidence from an eye-tracking study. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 2021, 84(July): 103160. (SCI&SSCI) [2] Weilin Liu*, Zhaoshuang He, Mengxin Liu. An Empirical Study of the Influencing Factors on User Experience for Barrage Video Website - A Case Study of Bilibili. In: Duffy V.G. (Eds.): Digital Human Modeling and Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics and Risk Management. AI, Product and Service. HCII 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12778. Springer, Cham. (EI) [3] Weilin Liu*, Xiaoning Liang, Fantao Liu. The effect of webpage complexity and banner animation on banner effectiveness in a free browsing task. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 2019, 35(13): 1192-1202. (SCI&SSCI) [4] Weilin Liu*, Xiaoning Liang, Xueshuang Wang, Fu Guo. The evaluation of emotional experience on webpages: an event-related potential study. Cognition Technology & Work, 2019_x001f__x001f_, 21(2): 317-326. (SCI&SSCI) [5] Weilin Liu, Fu Guo, Guoquan Ye, Xiaoning Liang. How homepage aesthetic design influences users' satisfaction: Evidence from China. Displays, 2016, 42: 25-35. (SCI) [6] Fu Guo, Weilin Liu*, Yaqin Cao, Fantao Liu, Meilin Li. Optimisation design of a webpage based on Kansei Engineering. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, 2016, 26(1): 110-126. (SCI&SSCI) [7] Fu Guo, Weilin Liu*, Fantao Liu, Huan Wang, Tianbo Wang. Emotional design method of product presented in multi-dimensional variables based on Kansei Engineering. Journal of Engineering Design, 2014, 25(4-6): 194-212. (SCI) [8] 郭伏, 刘玮琳*, 王雪霜, 丁一, 刘畅. 网页界面满意度评估的事件相关电位研究. 工业工程与管理, 2016, 21(3): 104-110.(中文核心) [9] 郭伏, 刘玮琳*, 郑中. 文本信息设计形式及搜索目标位置对用户认知效果的影响研究. 情报学报, 2015, 34(11): 1225-1232. (CSSCI)
