Prior to taking up her post as Professor of Gerontology in the School of Health Sciences and Social Care, Mary Gilhooly, a psychologist by training, was Head of Gerontology Research for HealthQWest, a research consortium based at Glasgow Caledonian University. She has held posts at the Universities of Plymouth, Paisley, Glasgow Medical School, Southern California, and Aberdeen, as well as with the MRC Medical Sociology Unit.
Prof Gilhooly's research concerns issues surrounding ageing and older adults, and has covered topics as varied as petitioning the House of Lords on the subject of 'living wills' to research on the effects of playing chess and doing crosswords on cognitive ability in old age. Prof Gilhooly conducted one of the first studies in the UK on family care of people with dementia. Research funded by the ESRC includes studies on (a) transport and ageing, and (b) quality of life and real life cognitive functioning. More recently Professor Gilhooly has turned her attention to whether or not alcoholic consumption amongst baby boomers will be a threat to Ageing Studies.
Her many years of experience of research in the fields of dementia, health psychology and medical sociology, and medical law and ethics led to her heading up a number of Britain's leading centres in the field, including Co-Directorship of the Institute of Law and Ethics in Medicine at the University of Glasgow. Prof Gilhooly established Scotland's first centre of social gerontology at the University of Paisley in 1994.
Davies, ML. , Gilhooly, MLM. , Gilhooly, KJ. , Harries, PA. and Cairns, D. (2013) 'Factors influencing decision-making by social care and health sector professionals in cases of elder financial abuse'. European Journal of Ageing, 10 (4). pp. 313 - 323. doi: 10.1007/s10433-013-0279-3 Download publication
Orrell, A. , McKee, K. , Dahlberg, L. , Gilhooly, M. and Parker, S. (2013) 'Improving continence services for older people from the service-providers' perspective: a qualitative interview study'. BMJ Open, 3 (7). pp. 1 - 10. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2013-002926 Download publication
Gilbert, A. , Stanley, D. , Penhale, B. and Gilhooly, M. (2013) 'Elder abuse in England: a policy analysis perspective related to social care and banking'. Journal of Adult Protection, 15 (3). pp. 153 - 163. doi: 10.1108/JAP-11-2012-0026 Download publication
Davies, M. , Harries, P. , Gilhooly, K. , Gilhooly, MLM. and Cairns, D. (2013) 'Detection and prevention of financial abuse against elders'. Journal of Financial Crime, 20 (4).
Gilhooly, M. , Cairns, D. , Davies, M. , Harries, P. , et al. (2013) 'Framing the detection of elder financial abuse as bystander intervention: Decision cuse, pathways to detection and barriers to action'. The Journal of Adult Protection, 15 (2). pp. 54 - 68. doi: 10.1108/14668201311313578 Download publication
Bichard, J-A. , Van den Heuvel, EA. , Jowitt, F. , Gilhooly, M. , et al. (2012) 'Tackling ageing continence through theory, tools & technology (TACT3)'. The International Journal of Aging and Society, 1 (2). pp. 83 - 96. Download publication
Davies, M. , Harries, P. , Cairns, D. , Stanley, D. , et al. (2011) 'Factors used in the detection of elder financial abuse: A judgement and decision-making study of social workers and their managers'. International Social Work, 54 (3). pp. 404 - 420. doi: 10.1177/0020872810396256 Download publication